These brainlet """study methods""" trigger me
>only read the notes provided by the lecturer because reading the textbook is way harder.
>memorize only the final equation without understanding how it is derived
>memorizing the steps in the derivation through rote learning (when the lecturer tells them there are going to be derivation questions)
>memorizing the answers in past year question hoping the question is going to be same but with just values changed
What is the things that brainlets do that triggers (You)
>What is the things that brainlets do that triggers (You)
make threads about brainlets
>copying assignments meant to be discussed in class to improve understanding so the lecturer doesn't get mad
They never try to understand why things are and they always memorise and accept what they are told like in maths they will just remember the method to solve certain problems but never ask why or attempt to understand why this solves it which inhibits their ability to actually get good at it
Actually descent advice once you get on a certain level.
what are things normies say which trigger you are autism?
>i can't do maths when there are letters involved
>how do i solve this
everything you said, plus complaining about how they are "disadvantaged" but really they are just lazy fucks or shouldn't even be in uni in the first place
yup I know I girl in my physics class that
>joins dance competitions (which is fucking stupid because you can't put that shit on a resume)
>even joins competitions meant for juniors just because she "wants to contribute"
>get terrible grades way below 3.00 GPA
>complains that she is too busy to study because she's on so many competitions
>skipped a whole week of class just to go to practice
>uses this excuse for her terrible grades
why do brainlets do this to themselves. Jesus... She's buttfuck ugly and has a horrible figure too, so I don't see her having a dance career.
this is the reason maths is hated in school and even in higher education. You can't really have an appreciation for maths if all you do is remember the steps to solve a problem without even the slightest understanding on why and how it works.
>Analysis is ugly and algebra is beautiful
I thought only engineering brainlets did that kind of shit
>memorizing 20+ lines of assembly code, cold, to brain dump on the test
>putting an entire program into one monstrous 1000-line function "just to keep things simple"
>memorizing the answers in past year question hoping the question is going to be same but with just values changed
This is actually patrician tier, it can yield enormous profit with a minimal time investment.
And you should be doing other years exams anyways, its always good to "measure" the professors.
lel. I witnessed the same situation last semester when I was taking basic programming in C. Brainlets:
>fucking memorized the entire code on the textbook on how to make a for loop to make matrices.
>doesn't even understand what the for loop inside the for loop does
These people are hopeless.
yeah but answering questions should be the last minute preparation after weeks of regular studying.
Last minute preparation is worthless, its not preparation.
It may give you info on how fucked/not-fucked you are, but you wont learn anything past a couple extra details.
Answering questions is a vital part of the study itself, how do you know you know enough (to pass) without testing yourself?
when did I say last minute preparation is worthless? I think I triggered you somehow.
>using \mathbb
I didnt say you said last minute preparation is worthless.
I said that doing previous exams shouldnt be left for the last minute because that is worthless.
And I got some nice digits in the process.
>using abascus
>not use multipying bones
I know a person just like this, but instead of dance it's all kinds of science outreach volunteer stuff.
I constantly tell her she should drop some of that stuff but she never does.
Most people don't care enough to bother with understanding things anyway, so the education system is naturally geared around giving the students some pre-processed formula to follow. Considering the amount of time devoted to math in any study program that isn't math, and the amount of material that is theoretically supposed to be covered, it's not surprising. I remember when we took diffy Qs in 2nd semester - it was literally 4 lectures and then a test. Everyone was just shown a few methods to solve certain tasks. The uni thinks the class now understands differential equations.
>corrects professor on some minor detail of what they said that wasn't even relevant to the point they were making with a smug shitface like they're the class brainiac
>science outreach volunteer stuff
At least that would look good on a resume.
>"actually its pronounced oi-ler"
I took Differential Equation too. Wished I had more time to fully understand it. Pops up literally everywhere.
But user, that's actually what the course is supposed to be about; how to solve differential equations. It's a recipe course, always has been, and always will be.
>The uni thinks the class now understands differential equations.
It's like you think math professors are retarded.
meant for fucking missed quints by 1 post
>>memorizing the answers in past year question hoping the question is going to be same but with just values changed
I do this. If the professor was the same, you can confidently assume that he is too lazy to come up with entirely new questions. Some things will definitely change, but the questions should overall be very similar.