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If bill nye is standing on top of the world then why are their clouds behind him? scientists btfo with their dumb theories about a spherical earth yet again.

I am stand on top of the world every day and there are often clouds behind me. Where do you stand? Mars?

I don't have children myself but with a title like that he needs an ego reduction fast. A short sharp slap upside the head might work.

that's probably not even a real photograph of him standing on the earth

This,frankly. What reason do we have to believe that Nye has EVER stood on the Earth.

but he also is stand on clouds.
i will believe bill nye exist when i see him. no proofs

Why are there clouds in space?

and why is the earth in space? shouldn't it be on earth?

He literally causes earthquakes, tsunamis, and mass devastation if he takes a single step.
How much food does that frost giant need in order to survive It's probably more sustainable to kill him, but where are we going to put a rotting corpse who has the sam height as the diameter of the earth?
How is his coat blowing like that?
Where does Mr. Bill "Galactus" Nye shit?

Totally fucking unrealistic. Tell Nye to tie a rope to saturn and make him pull himself the way there.

Not to mention that his voice would deafen a lot of people once he starts talking.

Is there even an atmosphere for his speech to travel through? Or will the vibrations from his vocal chords be strong enough to resonate at the bottoms of his feet?

He would squat and then talk face down towards the earth, the vibrations from his local chords would be strong enough to cause devastating earthquakes that would bring catastrophic consequences both in life casualties and costs. This giant brute must be taken down

Can't wait to watch him science the shit of things with his hip celebrity and racially diverse friends

Hold on, why is Bill Nye alive standing on top of the earth? Wouldn't he die from lacking oxygen in space?

If he is killed, he will fall down and crush the entirety of Eurasia and parts of Africa. Societies will be wiped out of history. No more chinese cartoons. No more German scat. Nothing. All gone. Forever. We can't risk him breaking the earth; his fall would cause tectonic plates to just be demolished. He would cause volcanic eruptions, effectively making a new ice age (climate changists BTFO) happen.
Do we just let hi wreak havoc, or will we accept a human extinction in order to get rid of him?

This cuck is walking on water and yet promotes atheism? Fuggin hypoctire. REEEEEEEEEEE

He has crushed two small nations with his feet already, user. This is the beginning of the end.

[Queue that James Bond intro song]
This isn't the beginning. We were already doomed.
It's funny, really, how I never had time to... expreiment... if you know what I'm talking about.
How about you and I, user, have a bit of fun before our impending death? Just you and I. It doesn't have to mean anything. What do you say?

>Are you going to tune in Veeky Forums?
Another savior, coming to save us.
His super powers consist of ego, arrogance and a "better than a god" attitude.

And if his body dies his corpse will drift away hitting other planets and bringing more destruction than what he already is bringing. Way to save the world, Bill Nye.

The really ironic thing is that this fool keeps trying to warn us about global warming when clearly the earth is in much greater peril due to his giant feet destroying entire cities when he walks. Fucking liberals man

Bill Nye is blocking the sun and the moon and probably destroyed the ISS. How is he saving the world?