Veeky Forums, disprove this

Veeky Forums, disprove this.

Protip: You can't.

W+O=O implies W=0 already.

Its an arbitrary rule that
[math] W + O = O [\math]

But if you are talking about the white race being cucked out of existence then you would be correct

>What is genetics.

>gets BTFO in the abo subspecies thread
>makes a new one

can't you use some facts instead of feelings

what is O, what other race is going to remove W

there's 5 races
aboriginal (RIP)
african (X)
caucasian (that's white)
asian (X)
native american (RIP)

the X is 'unlikely'
RIP is rest in pieces

obviously this is assuming what you think is W is any time become a minority, but EVEN THEN you are wrong

also another assumption

Opie, you're applying the "one drop of ink" rule to non-whites, but not whites.
Almost all African-Americans have some European ancestors, but they still count as black, but not white.
Obama is just as white as he is black, but you still see him as black, but not white.
If you applied the rule to all people, you'd see there will always be descendants of Europeans.

let me repost this because it apparently rustled some jimmies

>posts african albino
>race isn't just skin deep guys sjw btfo

it works both ways


what? i don't understand
this is a Veeky Forumsence board
of course, of course
caucasians are on every continent and in significant numbers

as you can see from this caucasians vary in skin color, but generally have the same skull shape, face structure, hair, skeletons

Why are the scientific names for the races so funny?

First of all you have "mongoloid" which means retard.

Then you have "negroid" which is a hilarious combination of "negro" which is considered a racist word, and the suffix "-oid" which makes it sound scientific. Like, what if we called asians "chinkoids"

Then you have "caucasoid" which sounds like "cockazoid"