Veeky Forums, disprove this.
Protip: You can't.
Veeky Forums, disprove this.
Protip: You can't.
W+O=O implies W=0 already.
Its an arbitrary rule that
[math] W + O = O [\math]
But if you are talking about the white race being cucked out of existence then you would be correct
>What is genetics.
>gets BTFO in the abo subspecies thread
>makes a new one
can't you use some facts instead of feelings
what is O, what other race is going to remove W
there's 5 races
aboriginal (RIP)
african (X)
caucasian (that's white)
asian (X)
native american (RIP)
the X is 'unlikely'
RIP is rest in pieces
obviously this is assuming what you think is W is any time become a minority, but EVEN THEN you are wrong
also another assumption
Opie, you're applying the "one drop of ink" rule to non-whites, but not whites.
Almost all African-Americans have some European ancestors, but they still count as black, but not white.
Obama is just as white as he is black, but you still see him as black, but not white.
If you applied the rule to all people, you'd see there will always be descendants of Europeans.
let me repost this because it apparently rustled some jimmies
>posts african albino
>race isn't just skin deep guys sjw btfo
it works both ways
what? i don't understand
this is a Veeky Forumsence board
of course, of course
caucasians are on every continent and in significant numbers
as you can see from this caucasians vary in skin color, but generally have the same skull shape, face structure, hair, skeletons
Why are the scientific names for the races so funny?
First of all you have "mongoloid" which means retard.
Then you have "negroid" which is a hilarious combination of "negro" which is considered a racist word, and the suffix "-oid" which makes it sound scientific. Like, what if we called asians "chinkoids"
Then you have "caucasoid" which sounds like "cockazoid"
those terms are old and retarded as are most of the '-id' terms
modern day terms are there
Are you fucking retarded?
Eventually pure white will be 0 because there are only so many white people to go around and many of them (even if not most yet) go with non-whites, therefore the white race is eventually going to end.
But then this is a bit weird because the other races will also die. Asians and blacks will die too because we keep mixing.
The only reason we focus on white is because white people are the only retards who take their "white identity" seriously, so you are the only ones who care if the white race ends. If I have a child with a white person that child, to me, is still a PoC. So I'm good to go. I can mix all I want and the end result will be a PoC.
Whites are the only ultra autism race that care about their skin purity. You are a dead race, pal. Thanks for taking us into the first world, but we don't need you anymore.
Come on, you may as well use a limit at that point.
He's missing one requirement: That there is no homogeneous white nation protecting its genetic integrity.
>You are a dead race, pal
>literally exists on all continents
>has displaced 2 of the 5 races
there's billions of caucasians and there will always be very large pockets, even if you take the most /pol/ friendly estimates of birth rates
if you completely mix all the blacks in america with all the whites you will get a population that's white looking and you will only be able to tell blacks every existed by taking dna samples
the same goes for minorities in europe
people just like to think they are victims, and especially like to think they are being victims of 'a genocide'
he's also a polfag, spreading memes, as you can tell by his twitter handle
come on now
That image is pretty much /v/
Maybe if you guys made another new thread then you'd be able to win the argument then?
Yes, I know. Another common version is:
mlpol getting spanked ITT
>there's billions of caucasians and there will always be very large pockets, even if you take the most /pol/ friendly estimates of birth rates
By dead race I mean that no one wants you here anymore. You aren't literally dead, obviously, but we all wish you were.
>if you completely mix all the blacks in america with all the whites you will get a population that's white looking and you will only be able to tell blacks every existed by taking dna samples
Have you ever fucking seen a white/black mix? They look completely fucking different from a white person. And sure, they also look completely different from a black person but black people don't care about that. You are the one losing numbers because those mixed babies are still PoC.
Get rek'd whitey.
This is a misrepresentation of reality.
Here is a better representation. Take as a universe the set of all living people.
Define as a predicate W(x) which evaluates to true for x if x has white ancestry. Define as a predicate O(x) which evaluates to true if x has non-white ancestry.
Define a function reproduce(x,y) which produces a new person z for which predicate evaluation is conserved, meaning W(z) iff W(x) or W(y) and O(z) iff O(x) or O(y).
In the given scenario, more mixed reproduction occurs than heterogeneous reproduction, the number of people x such that W(x) and not O(x) decreases to 0, but by no means does the number of people such that W(x) is true decrease.
Going back to the real world, the concern conveyed by the image is that the number of people with strictly white heritage will go to 0. When we consider that a person having O(x) and W(x) may still maintain and preserve white culture, we see that such a fear is not motivated by any respect for what white people have done or produced but rather by the misconception that white is better than anything else, thus that it is better for a person to be strictly white.
This is, by definition, bigotry, and not a respect or hope for all white people (including those who have non-white ancestry but otherwise participate in and further white culture); it's a way to look down on those who do not look exactly like you, and it's the lowest form of reasoning and opinion formulation.
homogeneous reproduction**
W+O=M (mixed 50/50, grouped with the group it looks like most)
M- is more white M+ is more other
M---+W=W, M+++ +O=O
Crackers btfo'd in one sentance
W+W=W implies W=0 already.
>be 1964
>"the new immigration bill wont change the demographics of the country"
>be 2017
>minorities literally shitposting about how they are de facto taking over
i really dont like the future because its so underhanded compared to the past
i mean at least when the turks took over the eastern peninsula and constantinope they did it with an army
at least when the arabs conquered most of the iberian peninsula they did it with an army and declared war and shit
in 2017 we just have the same thing except we let them in willingly and they just outbreed everybody
its insanity and luckily im jewish and can move to israel or id kill myself
irl W+O!=O
my two cousins are mixed, one's white and one's brown, same parents
Mixing of races result in none of the original races surviving. The hybrid population is a new race. If races interbreed, which they do, the result will be the death of all races.
In other words, since it is not politically correct to protect the white race, we can then claim that by segregation we are protecting the black race, because its snowflakyness is acceptable whereas the snowflakyness of the white race is not.
The equations imply race is non-existent. It's all a social construct, guy- er- famalams!
W+W implies W is 0(otherwise it would be 2W)
O+O implies O is 0(otherwise it would 2O)
If both are equal to 0, then W+O = W and W+O = O are both valid answers
I lol'd out loud
Brainlet go back to /b/
>Then you have "caucasoid" which sounds like "cockazoid"
I'd be pretty thrilled if we started spelling it that way to be honest.
>my neat categorisation of people as 'black' and 'white' breaks down
>somehow this is genocide
>if you completely mix all the blacks in america with all the whites you will get a population that's white looking
You have an example?
Then doesn't O+O=O imply O=0 already? What the fuck?
mfw whites naturally better at business
WTF? This is a myth, my brother had a son with a black woman, and the guy is the whittest thing I ever saw.
By death I meant there would be no way to distinguish between people of a single race. You need to have better reading comprehension.
You mean the son or the brother? If the former, then he is probably albino, or has autism.
My brother is white as hell, and his son is white and have yellow hair, he doesn't look like an albino
I really don't understand genetics, but I'm sure that I slready saw a lot of black mothers with white children
He has autism. You should get that checked out asap.