Redpill me on transhumanism

Redpill me on transhumanism

50-100 years. Depends if computers are able to progress as fast as people want still.

it's technically possible

It's gonna happen, advances in quantum computing will only guarantee it will happen quicker than you realize.
Ever wondered how it would feel to have a brain to machine interface connected to the net?

like sheeeeiiiittt

scifi garbage peddled by delusional technoutopians

Transhumanism is just like anime girls, but they're really real, 'cause they're shot into your brains with computers and shit.

>being this naive

Although it's possible, people will probably always be far too squeamish for it to actually catch on.

Lad, that's bait.

m8 it's the truth
our future isn't star trek, it's mad max

I could say potential future, but the world is very stable and technology is still progressing. So we'll have perhaps less exponential growth but maybe more or less the same.

Star Trek is bad sci fi.

>but the world is very stable and technology is still progressing
the world is way less stable than it was just 10 years ago and technology doesn't prevent societal collapse.

The world isn't that unstable.

Dude we're totally gonna get biological immortality in [insert a number inferior to my life expectancy]

Not yet, but it's getting there

Honestly I'd say a hundred years as a conservative guess.

>Redpill me on transhumanism
It's irrelevant long-term.

You were born too early for it.

Just 20 years™ away.

>You're somewhere between the ages of 14-19

Heh, nothing personal kid, but you will grow out of this phase in time and realise this world has no interest in ending civilization.

You achieved transhumanism



Imagine the sexual revolution that would occur because of this. Would people with access to the actual girl of their dreams even have sex? Would we have to start an agency for artificial insemination?

AHAHA cant wait

>this world has no interest in ending civilization.
and i have no interest in dying but i'm not retarded enough to believe that I won't

t. people who have no idea what transhumanism is

"Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international and intellectual movement that aims to transform the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as the ethics of using such technologies. The most common transhumanist thesis is that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into different beings with abilities so greatly expanded from the natural condition as to merit the label of posthuman beings."

It's not something you attain, it's something you progressively improve on and work towards. To eventually shed biology and limiting archaic and/or humanistic ethics/culture/societies/etc. We have already done this in a number of ways.

>Transhumanist thinkers
lol good one

possible but would probably develop very slowly since alot of people are against the idea of becoming something beyond humans

Transhumanism won't happen because the Economic Event Horizon will happen first:

In the next 20 years, Artificial Intelligence will eliminate 90% of all jobs. The companies that control the machines will become so powerful that there will be nothing that can stop them. Machines that can drive, stock shelves, and recognize faces will have no problem repressing angry mobs. Even now politicians can't say no to big business, they will be falling all over themselves to be the best budy of the last employed human.

Since no one will be able to buy anything, it will be up to the whim of the corporatist to decide what to do with everyone. Kill them, put them in a slum until they die out, keep a few as pets. It won't matter. Humanity has about 20 years to live.