What is the superior engineering degree and why is it electrical?
What is the superior engineering degree and why is it electrical?
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sauce on the pic?
a qt christian girl that Veeky Forums bullied off youtube called Carli Claire
electrical engineer here, this is pretty autistic
>so user, are you like an electrician or something?
Electromechanical is the god tier.
Which branch of engineering would best pair with molecular biology?
very much regret taking mechanical because all i really give a shit about it computers and electronics
>electrical engineer
These aren't really engineers
So engineering a robot isn't engineering? Engineering a drone isn't engineering? I think you need to check yourself, before you rekt yourself.
Depends where. In my country electricity is nationalized and is mainly based on building dams for hydroelectricity. Electrical engineers have like a 98% rate of employment before even finishing their degree, mainly for the government and are probably the best paid engineers here.
What country do you live in?
Canada, province of Quebec. Look for Hydro Quebec they're literally cucking every citizen since they have the monopole on electricity and even provide some of the electricity for neighboring Ontario.
I'd move their for the employability, but Trudeau, even without the /pol/istic hype puts me off.
Any man who shies away from and denies the effectiveness of armed response should not, under any circumstances, be elected to office.
What is your country? Trudeau isn't that bad despite the memes. He has less powers than say the American president. He's also a liar, he says he is against war yet has a hyge military budget, bigger than Harper
I would say biotechnology
L O L that's not how you spell NE
That is an embarrassing question to ask. Did you even think about it?
>I don't like books with poor miserable people
maximum plab, youldn't teach calculus
(Would make baby with, tho)
I'm shocked, I always liked Canada before, I guess I shouldn't let the memes sway me.
Certainly when it comes to career opportunities and maple syrup, some of the most glorious things in life.
The erroneous hyped terror around Fukushima is killing that field off, sadly.
What is Thorium for 400
Do you know how anti-nuclear the Japanese are now (alone, without considering the rest of the world), because of aforementioned hyped terror? I doubt they'd get passed.
probably some math faggot dont listen this troll
>computational biology