Will we ever be able to download food?
Will we ever be able to download food?
Yes but the "food" will be endocrine disruptors rendering you a shitty, bloody mess.
You can order food.
How else would you want to download it?
Invent a 3d printer that prints with dead fetuses, download the food you want and print it.
he means he wants to be able to steal food for free over the internet
you know like you get a regular delivery of '3d food ink' and download recipes and a machine makes it
Whit a cable that put inside you foods, similar in hospital, while other cable in mouth or in head, get you the taste, everything automatically in a cozy chair machine
>OP wants pic related
I just love the fact that it's a fucking punch card for flying pizza
Sure. Food, like everything, is simply a combination / arrangement / pattern / set of matter. Assign 0s and 1s / patterns of electrical pulses to each unique constitute of the pattern and you'll be able to download food by sending information.
>tfw you will pirate Trump Steaks in your lifetime
but what about nutrition
but what about nutrition
but what about nutrition
I mean if you can recreate the proteins, lipids, etc., in the correct order it should have the exact same nutrition
Phisically you mean like each protein, ecc, in his electron flow to the brain
You wouldn't download a hamburger?
magic mushroom via sms
>tfw will probably live just long enough to download and print legal opiate and THC infused BK whopper with cheese
fucking white people
Food is made of atoms which are available everywhere. Soon you will be able to 3D print at the atomic level so it's not impossible to print food.
That being said, I think most companies will keep the atomic structure of food proprietary and add backdoors in 3D printers to prevent food from being pirated.
There are government machines which can place atoms at the atomic level.
For example you can make a letter using 30 atoms of Silver wide and so forth.
How does the Government's ability to do it help the common man? They're just gonna charge the same amount of money and will deny that they printed it.
OP's question is about food, which implies it has to be done at home.
Imagine Murica with that technology. 100% of population with morbid obesity.
>family dinner
>father is still present
Is that really so upsetting nigger?
first, McDonald's will be like Netflix
Sure, why not. You can analyze and mix up something tasting similar to coke if you have the resources, but if you want their brand, you need to buy it. If we come to a point where food and beverage can be recreated microscopically, I see no reason why the exact ratio can't be sent over a DRM/encrypted channel to your printer so you can eat a QP with fresh coke at home.
Obviously, "food piracy" is "just like stealing food at the store!" etc etc. The whole debaucle will return, some will take the fall and the cycle continues.
>thinks you can 3D print food
Do you have any idea how tiny molecules are compared to everyday objects?
Did I say molecules, bitch?
i couldnt help myself, the autism took over
what is 3d printer? though you have to have the material on hand. probably cheaper to just buy it natural than buying many different flavors in bulk.
If we ever develop quantum teleportation in a very microcosmic way, then yes.
^macro not micro
With the technology of the future we could convert light and energy into matter, with the right tweaks it could be food or exact copies of other forms of matter for teleportation
Could such a machine even make... Tea??