Life originated in the sea

>life originated in the sea
>then there are sea animals, which stayed in the sea, and ground animals, who came out of the sea, and amphibians who are weirdos anyway

But how the fuck do you explain flying animals like most birds? How do you "evolve" to that? You jump a lot until your great-great-great-great-grandson ends up flying?

> land animal
> can flap arms a bit to control fall or swim
> get a bit better at flapping arms
> get a bit lighter each generation
> flying animal

Truly inconceivable

Consider that sharks are older than trees

Also there's evidence of transitionary fossils, evidence of dead ends, amd of course the fact that multiple types of animals independently evolved flight many times. indeed there are "inbetween" animals like flying squirrels that are land animals that can glide long distances, to give you an idea of how a transition might occur. Or we can look at flightless birds that evolved from flying animals - they adapted to not need to fly anymore, just like some animals adapted to fly in the first place.

Just because you can't wrap your head around large time scales doesn't mean you're correct to assume its impossible.

>things grow out of the ground
>they are rigid because the added height allows them to compete better for sunlight
>suddenly vantage points all over the place
>suddenly beasts can pounce on prey from above, or climb to safety, or jump away
>suddenly there are a million reasons and opportunities to become better at gliding

Not a big jump from there. All these steps follow from one another and foster a gene pool that is already close to "can fly on its own power".

Lmao do you cucks actually believe that?

It's a simple and consistent pathway toward flight. There are others.

>No fossil record to support extraordinary claim
Brainlet detected. Why do atheists get to abandon the scientific method when its convenient?

>calls someone a brainlet
>thinks that a full and complete fossil record for every supposition or inference is even possible


eagles are not fucking squirrels that just glide, that isnt flying, isnt even close to fly, dont compare them you fallacious fag. BIRDS CAN ACTUALLY MOVE UP THE AIR, that needs a very complex set of features, coupled with the musculature needed to do that, the bones, and the very feathers. no change of environment/predators can make an animal fly.

You ever seen it happen, cuck?

>extraordinary claim
>zero evidence required
nice fossil record you got there schlomo. My God do millennials even understand what the scientific method is?

>10 / 0 / 5 / 1

Gee, I wonder what's going on here.

It is possible that complex wings were developed from simple gliding extensions. Some theists use this or "the complexity of the human eye" as a proof of intelligent design. But evolution works like that, killing bad designs and priorizing the better ones. This, repeated over the course of millions of generations, leads to complex designs.

>Gee, I wonder what's going on here.
you getting BTFO, perhaps?

This. Natural Selection doesnt happen this way. All evidence points to a designer.

You are boring.

Nice fossil record evidence. Mind Blown.

Modern evolution theory is completely retarded.

>Some theists
why when someone doubts the silly "evolution dunnit, dont ask" umbrella theory you people assume its a "theist"?

Yep, the same sort of fascist mentality that the scientific method was developed to combat. This is how religions are formed. We are heritics for pointing out the gaping holes of the theory and asking for supporting evidence.

bump for science discussion.