Just read about Nikodem Poplawski and his "in every black hole is a universe and universes are nested in each other through black holes" thesis. This shit is so cash, honestly. It feels like taking drugs the more you read stuff from him and you more you think about it. It feels like reality is like a wonder world, a world created with the phantasy of a child where magic can happen. And he even things one can transmit information into the universes in the black holes, meaning theoretically, if there was intelligent life in our parent universe, they could have sent us messages or could even currently be sending messages. Of course the probability for this is very low but the theoretical possibility is there if he is right. Just remember his name and give him a few more years to work on it. At some point he will be regarded as the new Einstein.
Bump. Is anyone else following this hole "universe in a black hole" topic?
I think there is no one profoundly challenging theory at the moment, but he only really published related stuff from 2009/2010 onward
Cameron Gomez
Is there any reason at all to assume this is true besides >hurr durr we don't know what's in a black hole?
Leo Morales
mathematical realism exposed by normie numales
Joshua Ross
How to spot a crackpot popscientist 101: >Compares himself to Einstein.
Ryan Robinson
I thought of this when I was like 15, where's my nobel?
Justin Ward
Open the second link. Assuming we are the creation of a black hole would help explain a lot of things currently, like dark energy and the way our universe expands. And of course he hasn't published storybooks with crayon drawings of his imagination. Instead, he has put out quite a number of profound papers (with a lot of math and reasoning), open the 3rd link for his most resent one.
Kevin Sanders
Jaxon Long
Camden James
Ryan Price
Sebastian Parker
the cup of the wrath of my fury
Colton Reed
Matthew Collins
Logan Evans
>science related get this sci-fi bullshit out of here, the Bogdanovs were better than this
Luis Anderson
Wow, a crackpot with delusions of grandeur, angry at a more accomplished crackpot. It's crackpots all the way down. Veeky Forums's schizos never cease to amaze me.
Jeremiah Lee
wow an anonymous coward talking out of his ass
Mason Hughes
Go see a psychiatrist, your paranoid schizophrenia is flaring up big time buddy.
Dominic Miller
I see you went with snarky quip #7497 there. Good one. So original.
Benjamin Allen
Not quipping, giving you medical advice. Do it, you'll feel much better.
Easton Green
I feel much better standing on the graves of millions of you
Carter Jenkins
Anger issues too. Bad combo. Don't go shooting up any physics departments now.
Gabriel Diaz
Nuclear weapons don't get shot, they get detonated.
Liam Robinson
Not what I was implying. Autism too?
Caleb Jackson
What are you saying there? Your autism prevents you from writing in complete sentences? I can't understand you.
Blake Wood
For a while I thought OP was being facetious but he's actually serious lmao
Thomas Roberts
So why is he so obviously wrong in your opinion?
Nathaniel Bailey
What is this even? It's written like a scientific paper with footnotes and shit but it uses street language. And is there a link to this?
Bentley Ward
He's one of these schizos who mass emails physics departments. I've seen his shit before. In addition to thinking everyone is stealing his crackpot numerology pseudoscience, he also thinks he's the messiah, a time traveler, and the target of several intelligence operations suppressing him via Twitter.
It's actually pretty sad seeing someone so delusional who sounds somewhat intelligent under all the bipolar gibberish.
Wyatt Wright
I will post the link when the book is finished, but those are the only few pages like that.
Holy shit I sent like 5 mass-mailed emails over a period of about 3 years, clearly I am insane. Nice logic fuck head. I will find you and I will kill you.
Julian Collins
>he also thinks he's the messiah
Like every good Jew, I beleive whomever accomplished the mission of the messiah is the messiah and I have never claimed to be a time traveler. I have claimed that I will track you down later though, and I will.
Jackson Wilson
Yes clearly I was calling you insane for mass emailing people and not for all the insane conspiracy theories and gibberish. Great job parsing the argument.
There must be a shred of rationality in your mind that realizes there is something wrong with you when literally everyone rejects your "research" and calls you insane. Coincidence, conspiracy, or you're just plain crazy. Which one is the most probable answer?
Camden Morris
What insane conspiracy theory you fucking feeb? You didn't hear one from me.
What gibberish? I didn't write any gibberish.
> literally everyone rejects you
The people who tested my theory and reported that the principles I discovered to correctly describe the natural world didn't reject it.
And on your question, the most probably answer is that I if I ever have an opportunity teach fear of the Lord, people will say, "Damn he just rounded up those random people and their families and killed them in cold blood." Then I will say, "No it wasn't random and my blood was fucking hot when I did it."
Keep on not believing though, that makes it easier for me.