Decreasing fertility

I've been approached by a phD student from my local hospital that wants me to participate in a study about male fertility.
They'll pay me 73 USD to go to the hospital and fap and piss to give them samples.
They say that fertility is decreasing because more people are finding it hard to have kids and they think it might be because the quality of semen is worse in men compared to two generations ago.
What do you think could be the cause of this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Chemicals/hormones in our food plus people waiting until they're older to have kids.

women on the birth control pill polluting the water with tons of xenoestrogens

Feminism and Cultural Marxism

I'm not quite sure I understand. What are the measures for the construct of fertility? Is it conception or birth?

Assuming offspring are simply conceived, then I feel the only explanation for their alternative hypothesis would be that the potency of male semen is reduced but the causation can be muddled by fear, anxiety, depression, and a multitude of other reasons. There's been numerous studies that strongly correlate mood to fertility in men.

Assuming fertility leads to a live infant,
Then the alternative hypothesis leaves the hands of the independent variables that the researcher sets. Fertile sperm will produce offspring with at at least the full 23 chromosomes and the ova will provide the other half. Genetic disease, for either half, and prenatal termination would skew the results of the experimentation. I'm not sure how you would find anything tangible from the study if fertility is measured by a child's health.

Constructual analysis from previous generations:
Well if the change was indeed relevant from two generations ago, then we would see a drastic rate drop in fertility numbers. I'm still confused about how large of a change would be necessary for their observation to be accurate. Also, a generation could mean one single passing of genes to fertile offspring OR it could be a cultural generation which is about every 20 years. That would propose that a change could exist within the past 60 years, compared to roughly 40 years or so. Relativity, I suppose.

Causation for hypothetical results:
Depression, anxiety, lack of intimacy, stress, and/or bad luck could all play a role in how blank your shooting is.


>What do you think could be the cause of this?

Estrogenic polutants.

You dont know about this?

>73 USD to go to the hospital and fap and piss to give them samples.
Make sure you do those in separate cups

Naw. People just don't want to have kids because they are poorer and surrounded by diversity. Why invest in a future when it is so expensive and you don't give a fuck about the community as a whole?

So how does polluting waste water expose humans to it?

Its not all down to birth control pills. (which, as most of our water is filtered and recycled presents a problem because as of yet no one has invented a filter that removes actual molecules by type.)

Virtually ALL commercial plastics, pesticides, detergents are xenoestrogens. Bascially estrogen-like molecules.

Added to that the quality of male sperm is about 50% less than it was in 1950. My conclusion is, if your testosterone is constantly being outcompeted by estrogen, you dont produce as much sperm.

I also believe that the rise in estrogens is atleast part of the cause of gays as well as female cancers. The gays would be males with an estrogen sensitivity and the more they are exposed, the more of their body starts fighting with them. But thats just a theory, there's also a big psychological component.

Gay estrogen sensitivity is not without scientific basis. I remember reading one paper from the 80s that tested gay males reaction to a hormone, i cant remember what one, they found that the gay sample reacted significantly more than the male sample. Of course this kind of research was mothballed due to the growing political power of the gays and their permissivism movement.

I was looking for an old video on the estrogen in the water done by BBC panorama. But it seems it was taken down off youtube. Shame.


I'm not gonna do it because I'm not white and my demographics fertility is high.

If you get your drinking water from a surface source (most places) you're drinking recycled waste water.


>Hey, nurse?
>I don't know how to give a semen sample
>can you show me?

It's socio-economic. As living standards rise along with education people have less children, this goes back a few centuries now.


or fuck yourself like a girl.

Lol, people masturbating, eating shit, and sitting too much.

All water is recycled waste water :^)


it's much more about demographic density and housing cost than "education" and "high living standards" (living in a fucking cubicle and driving a tiny box, lmao nice high living standards)

>your drinking water
My what?

More fapping maybe?

Can't wait for sex robots to be the doom of the human race.

nah we will be kept alive by sentience-bots either in man-zoos or pre-awakening preserves