Veeky Forums cringe thread

what do you think would happen if you asked him to derive the quadratic formula from the general form of a quadratic equation

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He's a model, you daft faggot.

That's not an answer, retard

He'd laugh at you for mumbling like a sperg and then go have a productive, fulfilling social life

No, he's an engineer. Look at his shirt. You daft faggot.

If YOU asked him? You'd probably make a fool of yourself.

He'd forget how to complete the square.

FINALLY someone answers correctly.


yeah my dude pretty ironic

Satan, calm your autism bro.

The first time I saw the quadratic derived was like seeing the sun for the first time.

>what do you think would happen if you asked him to derive the quadratic formula from the general form of a quadratic equation
You think that smart people are ugly and fat like you? Guys like you are called "Nerds", bunch of unhygienic autists that will never manage to get a degree higher than Bachelors.

Your first mistake was thinking this had anything to do with what he looks like. Don't bother replying, BTW, you have already outed yourself as a simpleton.

Nice projection, by the way.

You think you're slick, huh?

>user sees attractive normie walking around with this shirt on
>hehe... so... you're good at math, huh? Well... uh... why don't you *snort* derive the quadratic formula from the... er... general form of a quadratic equation?
>Try as he might he just can't seem to do it
>he bursts into tears defeated by your superior intellect
>your vastly superior mind swells with mathematical prowess
>He removes his shirt and prostrates himself before you ashamed of his own hubris
>Now realizing his engineering degree is no better than toilet paper
>He leaves in shame
>Distraught by the realization that his life is a lie
>Finally he goes home and fucks your crush while she consoles him.
>But you both know who the real alpha is.




probs gonna forget it's more elegant to start multiplying both sides by 4a

>Im an a faggot

why are you sperging out m88?

That is unfortunately true. I'm an engineer and do maths as a hobby/to prepare for an entrance exam to a big uni but most of my peers really don't like it, and just use plug'and'chug calculus theorems without really understanding them.

Also, we are unfortunately not all gays. I need more cocks.

I'd rather get inside you, mate.

>>hehe... so... you're good at math, huh? Well... uh... why don't you *snort* derive the quadratic formula from the... er... general form of a quadratic equation?

daily reminder attractive people are also generally more intelligent too

enjoy being ugly forever

>still thinks this thread has ANYTHING to do with looks

Go away, brainlet.

> what is the halo effect

Probably the same exact thing that would happen if you asked a mathematics major that.

>derive the quadratic formula from the general form of a quadratic equation
This is basic precalc. Engineers are bad at math but not that bad.

>This is basic precalc

yeah no
most people don't learn how to complete the square until freshman year of college

I learned it high school then I forgot then I relearned in college so yeah

>american education



>Also, we are unfortunately not all gays. I need more cocks.
I feel you, man. I'd definitely have majored in engineering if it actually was full of fags and cuteboys to dominate and fuck desu, but unfortunately it's only got really straight guys who (rightly) feel cheated out of the romantic relationships that are supposed to be standard for all human beings, but are unwilling to turn prisongay for me. So, it's take it or leave it, I guess. Not like I'm gonna use my skills in organic synthesis to make a benzo and rape a bunch of you. But I'm not using my therapist skills either, unless you pay me, like, eighty bucks a session.

No life is like an rpg, you cannot be attractive and smart.

Which general form?
You just mean the FTA?

I think he means given some quadratic of the form ax^2 + bx = C, derive the commonly taught quadratic formula.

It's not that hard if you just work your way backward from the quadratic formula. Than just following your steps the way gives you your derivation.
Although that doesn't explain why each individual step is convenient. Even if they are mathematically correct, there's tons of manipulation you could do that would be "correct" but lead you nowhere close to a useful quadratic formula.

Sounds like half-bullshit. Their average intelligence may be higher, but if you go above a certain intelligence threshold the average looks will probably go back down.

I think he's onto something, i'm ugly as shit and my IQ is exactly 100

Engineer here. I would do it in reverse and then draw an upwards arrow.

this post is the real cringe
fuck it tastes sour just reading it

>what do you think would happen if you asked him to derive the quadratic formula from the general form of a quadratic equation

He'd probably tell you to fuck off

lmao I'm more interested in what would happen if this was a question on an exam for applied math and statistics students

You'd be surprised

Dumbass engineer detected.

nah i'm a mathfag
stay cringe though

Sure you are, engineer.

Not the user you're talking to but, friendly reminder that it's this "memeboi" attitude that will get you nowhere in life. Keep that in mind as you fail miserably at everything and derive your validation from anonymous board culture.

Nice projection, engineer.

stop trying so hard, faggot

>t. engineer

>daily reminder attractive people are also generally more intelligent too
Or are they just *perceived* as being more attractive because of their looks


this just shows people can't be trusted to rate something fairly

what would happen if you asked her for the basic difference between respiration and fermentation.

I am a second year math student and I have never seen it derived. I am scared to try on my own and fail.

>I'm an I'm good at math
It was a problem with the original shirt

>I am a second year math student and I have never seen it derived. I am scared to try on my own and fail.

If you fail your math potential will be forever crippled and you won't ever be able to derive anything correctly ever again.

life crisis averted

yeah no
I went to a shitty public high school in the south and completing the square was something we did in algebra II

then you're an outlier
everyone I know didn't learn how to complete the square until college

>life crisis averted
It shouldn't be. You're a math student yet do not understand how to use [math]\displaystyle \LaTeX[/math]

Respiration is with Oxygen, fermentation is without. I fucking love Science. Xdddddd

Gonick has a cartoon guide that explains it in details, both analytically and with babylonian mathematics.

>Precalc problem

The "Xdddddd" means you're joking, right?

Got any analysis of intelligence compared to general facial features to back that up?

She would calmly explain that respiration is how aerobic lifeforms carry out the process of energy production in the presence of oxygen by the complete oxidative breakdown of glucose, and that fermentation is also the breakdown of glucose but without the presence of O2 the NADH produced by it is reduced to NAD+ and the respiration cycle doesn't continue.


Respiration doesn't need to rely on oxygen though. There are (anaerobic) bacteria that use iron, nitrate, fumarate, sulfate or some other electron acceptor for respiration.

jesus christ
pls be bait

I learned it in high school in year 12 (grade 11 for ameritards), but actually deriving the quadratic formula I don't think is taught in high school (I dropped out).

Yeah, there is a bit more of a difference than one is aerobic and the other anaerobic.

geeeezz, even if he could, it would not prove his mathskills

You are memeing, right? I completed the square in 10th grade in the US.