What is the average chemical composition of a fart? Can farts be toxic?

What is the average chemical composition of a fart? Can farts be toxic?

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she probably just let out quite the stinker by the look on my face

No such thing as toxic substances, only toxic dosages. Ingesting too much water can kill you

this is just plain asking for braaaap posting. also this isn't Veeky Forums related go somewhere else


>blowfish poison

small amounts of methane, hydrogen sulfide and some other sulfurous gasses

all of which could kill you if you breath in a lot of it

same with oxygen if you never let it out

ill bet you learned something new today, no worries its good to feel a little humbled every now and then

I always smell my farts

median lethal dose of ricin = 22 micrograms
median lethal dose of wter = 6 liters
both are toxic at some dosage

Would he die due to lack of oxygen or from their effects?

Look that pussy. I have a erection.

I hope you like the smell of rotten egg farts

>about to immediately filter the thread
>suddenly find myself curious as to the actual science behind it


This only makes me harder

breathing in 1000ppm of hydrogen sulfide will kill you outright

so what you are saying is we can only be sure of the toxicity of a specified fart IF we know the amount of eggs consumed i suggest the following equation (raw^2+boiled+fried/2) and you take the result and plot it on a 1-10 scale

lol you're right

>both are toxic at some point

No. Ricin actually fucks with the nervous system. Too much water and you osmotically flood your lungs.

Drowning in water doesnt mean water is "toxic."

Could this theoretically kill someone?

Maybe? I don't want to be legally liable.

5 seconds on google can often save you from looking like an idiot, user. try it more often

Top fucking kek

Has there been a recorded incident where someone died due to inhaling too much farts?

quite pungent indeed

god damn do i love pussy
