Every day on Veeky Forums:

Every day on Veeky Forums:
>"I'm a smart individual, I study hard things"
>"You're an idiot"
>"No, you're the idiot"
Why do I even come here?

Because you're an idiot

Veeky Forums is less about science and more about "MUH IQ". Sad.

Veeky Forums is 90% garbage. Because of the lack of an upvote/downvote system, like Reddit, every comment, from the best to the worst, is displayed for everyone to see.

It's a very rules-free website, but that's not necessarily a good thing.

I come to do puzzles, to talk about ayy lmaos and to laugh at dumb people that think they're smart.

>Why do I even come here?

Veeky Forums is one of the best // of Veeky Forums, but it's sometime slow.

no, you're the idiot

The real idiot test is to ask whether you are an idiot or not.

Maybe reddit is the place for you. please return.

Veeky Forums is infinitely better than reddit in every way. Because there is no voting system, there is no group control over what gets said. On reddit the things that a certain group likes (mostly pictures of dogs doing stupid things and muh fundamentalists) go to the top and in turn attracts more people like them to the site. Veeky Forums attracts edgy people simply because no system is in place.

>not necessarily a good thing
You really should leave if you don't understand why that is so awesome.

Even though 90% of the site is shitposts, traps, and gore, some of the content is amazing. I know some of the things here have helped me understand the people around me. When you read a board you can start to see a pattern in the type of users that post there. Once you figure that out you can start typing up certain messages to them to get them to respond in different ways. Based on that response you can usually tell when they are trolling or not. Boards with Anonymous' and no IDs are my preference as they can have more interesting discussion as a result of this.

The person you argue with can have an opinion that they change halfway through their argument. Then you will have to be able to defend against the same person (unless of course you realize they are samefagging).

I or anyone else could have previously typed up entire threads talking to myself, but how would anyone else know? Besides themselves of course. What if this thread is just me typing to another user? Veeky Forums is great because it can be very humorous mathematically speaking. Some of the answers will obviously be trolling, but other users either fall for it or play along. This results in entertainment.

Where else can you truly speak your mind about absolutely anything? Race, religion, sex, death, etc.

I've wanted to leave for the longest time though and I don't even know why. Has anyone else wondered about this? I've been here for 11 years (obviously with breaks here and there), but I usually always come back here when things get rough.

I love it when you occasionally and unexpectedly stumble upon a thread where there is someone who knows what they are talking about. I've learned some very interesting and autistic things here that I wouldn't dare say in my non-Veeky Forums life

I know what you mean. Been here since 2012, quit in 2015 but now im back cuz ppl irl censor themselves

The censoring is what gets to me. It's like some friends are just scared of discussing certain topics because they are scared of what society will think. It's a curious person's nightmare. If anyone knows any literature that revolves around this please share.

That's why you have to bait people to express their opinions

Usually people are just scared of disagreeing with others, because it's easier to avoid conflict


People like you are the reason I can't quit after all these years.

nobody on here is actually an established person, all the /sqt/ threads are 5% legit questions about calc 2 and rest are rehashing wikipedia article information about indian/chinese level topology

Veeky Forums really helped me come out of my shell when arguing other people. This thread is really starting to bring out the feels for me

>Veeky Forums is filled with redditors
Makes me think

Why do I even come here?

Using Veeky Forums prepared me to troll other people in real life and spew autistic memes which no one understood. Nowadays I'm more composed

Beautiful. This is what i come here for. Despite all the autism you find a gold nugget that is as clear as day.

The argument thing is 100% true and it's what keeps pulling me coming back. Also the authoritative and smug way in which everyone expresses their opinions here challenges me to refute them and I end up reading, learning and arguing while increasing my knowledge of hundreds of topics immensely.

Well, that and the memes. This is the only place that can make me laugh nowadays because of all the dumb absurdity that gets to be viewed thanks to the anonymous system.

The reasoning behind your frequent presence on this board can be attributed to your low intelligence

On the contrary, it is you yourself who is the individual of subpar cognition.

go to /r/science and /r/math, wow people here are actually talking about science and math. Go to Veeky Forums, MUH IQ, EXPLAIN THIS IQ MAP, MUH RACE REALISM. Reddit is much better than Veeky Forums for serious discussion.

Why don't you go back there if its so serious? (Even though its a place where pretentious smart people gather)
>600years ago IQ was lower than it was today in western society
>He is still pushing his IQ agenda even though its proven for decades that its directly linked to education.

then why are you here, you retarded faggot?

It has a lot to do with how the ego works.

Every thread (and post) created here is in a way an ego projection. The point is to project it onto a distant and safe surface where your real world reputation isn't challenged, have it spread its colorful feathers (by typing what you consider to be smart) and potentially gain approval. That's why the entire board is filled with insults directed at intelligence (see: brainlet), because successfully insulting someone else's ego projection should mean that yours is above it (i.e you know "more" about the topic). A man who doesn't care for his ego would never engage in insulting or disproving someone, he'd just skip the post, like a mathematician wouldn't bother disproving kids with bad math knowledge because he doesn't see them as competition to his ego.

The bad part is that it's so addictive that even after you're fully aware of this, you just can't stop. Even this post fits the above description in a way, yet I typed it. It's quite depressing how limited we all actually are, like we have zero conscious control over both our body and minds and that it's just a delusion erected by your own ego to defend itself against itself.

no U dummy

Half the articles that get upvoted to the front page of /r/science are uninteresting pieces that are just there to reinforce their stupid progressive redditthink

- Children born to older mothers experience fewer behavioural, social and emotional difficulties, a new study has suggested.
> hurr durr have kids when you're 45

- Ancient Romans depicted Huns as barbarians. Their bones tell a different story. While the Roman and Hunnic elites were at war, regular people living on the margins of these two empires were able to coexist, even cooperate.
> hurr durr we're all the same

- Substandard vaccination coverage likely played a role in the August 2016 mumps outbreak in Arkansas: The vaccination rate in affected communities was only between 70-89%, well below the ideal rate of 96%.
> hurr durr stupid anti-vaxxers (on Reddit, anti-vaxxer is always a proxy for Trump supporter)

- Conformity is not a universal indicator of intelligence in children, study says. Because innovation is part of the American culture, adults in the United States may be less likely to associate children’s conformity with intelligence than adults from other populations.
> hurr durr be ur self everyone's a snowflake

- Contraceptive pill protects women against cancer for many years after stopping taking it, major study suggests
> hurr durr go fuck a new guy every night it prevents against cancer

But yeah, you're right about the shitposts. I wish that the mods would ACTUALLY ENFORCE THE RULES THAT ARE STICKIED ON PAGE ONE

>Veeky Forums is 90% garbage. Because of the lack of an upvote/downvote system
Veeky Forums is gold because of the lack of an upvote/downvote system

>implying talking about reddit means you are a redditor.
Stop assuming things or leave Veeky Forums

i mean 100% of the threads on Veeky Forums is about ironic shitposting

>unpopular opinions should be forcibly removed and censored

maybe reddit is the place for you, buckaroo

> Reddit is much better than Veeky Forums for serious discussion.
It hurts but it is true.

fucking this

>The bad part is that it's so addictive that even after you're fully aware of this, you just can't stop. Even this post fits the above description in a way, yet I typed it. It's quite depressing how limited we all actually are, like we have zero conscious control over both our body and minds and that it's just a delusion erected by your own ego to defend itself against itself.

This is why I come here. No one I have ever met in real life is this aware. It's all sports/TV/politics. Mindless drivel. It's mostly like that here as well, but every once in a while you stumble across a post worth reading.

Cheers you glorious faggot.

Everywhere else willfully embraces idiocy

Thank you! After I left, I thought, I was never really at home here. But now, coming back and trying to ignore the cancer, I see why I chose this website.

I really am free here, equal among equals. Thank you all.

>muh serious discussion

>conscious control over both our body
The body you inhabit is physical. You are consciousness, unlimited.
Your body may or may not die, but you never will.
But rebirth is a b.

This guy is right, smart people dont have to study because their brains are already good, if you study then you are just a brainlet.

Not that guy, but this is the science and maths board, and so you would think there would some degree of intelligent rational discourse.

No one would say anything though f it was some shitty cesspool for degenerates like /r9k/,/pol/,/b/ etc.