Mental Health Thread

Are there any psych people here? Let's have a mental health thread!

I myself have recenty been diagnosed schizo... :/

What can you tell me about schizophrenia? Is it possible to give yourself schizophrenia? Either through drugs or occultism? Is it possible to be cured without medicine? Is it possible that schizophrenics perceive things that others are not aware of, perceive too much?

Once you've developed schizophrenia you are not longer Veeky Forums. Please move on to /x/ and have fun on your journey, friend.

Mental health is science

If you are genetically predisposed to so, you can develop schizophrenia by taking drugs.

How old are you and how severe are you symptoms?

Does Veeky Forums ever consider being a hero?
The more i grow educationally as a person the more i notice all the stupid people around me.

People aren't stupid, they are just ignorant.

Severe repeated head trauma during teens, genetic predisposition, lots of drug use during teens, certain environmental triggers related to detachment and abuse, low IQ, an aggressive personality..all of those things together will give you schizo. Without all of those things, the closest you will ever get is OCD.

>false information - the post

> (OP)
>Severe repeated head trauma during teens, genetic predisposition, lots of drug use during teens, certain environmental triggers related to detachment and abuse, low IQ, an aggressive personality..all of those things together will give you schizo. Without all of those things, the closest you will ever get is OCD.
Also no, schizo is due to brain damage. It is due to your brain frying itself in several important areas from too much dopamine, and this is why the faster you are treated, the significantly better your outcome. If you're a full blown schizo and aren't treated within 5 or so years, you're basically for all intents and purposes a lost cause. Your brain will have been disfunctioning for so long that it has basically atrophied to a point of no return.

There is a correlation between drug abuse and schizophrenia.

What are your symptoms OP? How did you get diagnosed ? Got any aspirations in life ?

I recently realized how narcissistic i have been my entire life. People say narcissism cant exist in a vaccum but with enough paranoia thats completely false.

Thank god this website is anonymous. I had a little break down the other day thinking about these extrordinarily deep rooted feelings of shame i have had for as long as i can remember. I'm in my mid 20's now. Anyway i called my mom about it and told her and fuck me i've had nothing but regrets. I KNOW, i cant trust this woman with my feelings. I cant trust the people i'm surrounded by and the ones i know i can trust i push away because i am so petrified of rejection of the real me. Even the ones who showed me about 10 years ago, that life could be embraced dispite what i keep telling myself. That you could find some sort of peace.

Whatever. I'm trying my hardest to push away these feelings of embarassment. I feel a little better but deep down i know if i really opened myself up, even just to myself i would feel like i'm on a tightrope over a chasm of pure soul squelching rejection. I'm only hoping i can find a way to face that.

Thinking about all this doesnt help, it just feels like im going in circles or backward.

Looking forward: I like leigon, it's a fun show.

Just keep moving forward, user. If you need to talk to people about feelings /adv/, /r9k/, and even /x/ are amazing places to go to. Having an anonymous website like this is one of the greatest things that the internet has to offer to average people.

Bipolar or schizo here (they haven't figured it out yet, all that is known is psychosis). Will my brain shrink no matter what or are it those damn meds.

Changing my meds by the way because they make my panties wet. With urine.

What are your symptoms?

You mean when psychotic? Irritability, racing thoughts, delusions of grandeur, paranoia, thinking messages are directed to me, a few visual hallucinations, less sleep and difficulty getting in sleep. One thing that sets me apart is that I don't hear voices.

When I am not psychotic I am fine, besides depression.

>Mental health is science
Pseudoscience, mostly. Or "cargo cult science" if you prefer.

Psychiatry lacks the objectivity and rigour of a real science. It's a profession of hucksters trying to agree with each other enough to keep up the appearance of competence.

that sounds like depression and anxiety

Until brain scans can understand every minutiae, all we can do is be honest and compassionate. Every brain is different. As is its owner and childhood.

Why does that makes you wanna kill yourself. It doesn't have anything to do with you

>that sounds like depression and anxiety
I don't understand what you are getting at, I am already diagnosed you know? There's no turning back, have to take meds

i see, sorry

how is it? do you ever notice that some things are wrong? do you think you're being logical and rational when you have one of those episodes?

Yea, I do, second time I was able to turn of radio and tv because I couldn't handle it.
I am not at all logical and rational in psychosis but I try to think it away and feel I am getting better at it

that's great man, good luck to you, if you see that some things are not right or normal then there's still a chance for improvement

Thanks, you free from any mental problems?

I think a good diet helps a bunch, depression hasn't been that bad ever since and I think the diet switch made that partly possible

no, i had anxiety that was so bad it somehow made me do meth once, i used to be stuck in almost permanent panic attacks, for months, but i'm okay now

same as you, changed my diet, started going to the gym (this helped a lot), tried to do everything that helped reduce stress, also stopped drinking alcohol, even beer, coffee too (since it creates anxiety)

shit sucked but in the end improving yourself and going forward is always better than complaining internally about it, even though this logical decision is sometimes clouded by mental problems

Good to hear, I suppose exercise is something I could pick up, but I prefer the casual taking a walk

I used to do running but it bores me

try getting a gym membership, exhausting yourself and getting a high from an intense workout really helps clear your mind of shitty, irrational thoughts

it's also better, as far as I know, that walking or running since those can be bad for joints

either this or swimming

also, as far as I know alcohol, coffee and other psychoactive substances can have really bad effects on people who are genetically predisposed to mental illnesses, I avoid them like the plague

I mean, this is despite what most people say about alcohol and weed

they can ruin your mental health even in small doses if your brain structure is really fragile in some way (prone to anxiety attacks and etc)

drinking alcohol is like going inside your head and beating the shit out of random neurons and killing them as if they don't matter

Pretending psychiatry is scientific, reliable, and effective isn't helping anyone but psychiatrists and drug companies. It sure as fuck ain't helping the patients.

agree, every case is special, every brain is unique and its problems have a multitude of different causes

I cured my extremely severe anxiety disorder by internalizing the fact that free will doesn't exist and all humans are moving along in harmony to an unknown yet predetermined future probably involving the singularity around 2050.

This way I am happy because I'm not trapped inside my mind imagining all the possible permutations of every moment of my life since what happens is what happens and other outcomes are just illusions that never really existed. When something unpleasant occurs I just forget it immediately instead of torturing myself turning it over and over in my mind.

I am now highly academically successful and have functional social relationships. I heartily recommend this technique.

you're right but how can you stop thinking like this, if it;s logical?

so what I'm trying to do is view every decision as a function whose graph is displayed to me in real time, i have multiple decisions that are available to me at all times, each and every one of them is a function that takes time as an argument and returns some points, a value that is positive or negative and represents the impact the decision will have on long term happiness from now on

i defined long term happiness as being the state in which you are fulfilled, you are pleased with your life, progress in goals and accomplishments, the opposite state of depression, the feeling of accomplishment

I consider that a truly intelligent person prioritizes long term happiness over short term and that patience and care is important as well as attention to detail when choosing what decision to make at any given moment in time

because some decisions fluctuate in their impact to long term happiness

for example, when you're with a girl in bed the most important decision, the decision that will have the most important positive impact on long term happiness and short term is fucking, but the same decision if made during exams will cause you to receive negative points to your future long term happiness because you wasted time that could be otherwise invested into studying

these decisions, these graphs vary in their impact and importance because of environmental factors and age and other things, context, etc

let's say, investing time into having a good career, the the you invest in your early 20s will have bigger impacts on your career than if you were to invest time in improving your career in your 40s, these decisions have different returns for time investment even though they're the same function, context and age and other factors cause them to vary in their impact

I mean, how can you not think about these decisions, set of decisions and their graphs in your day to day life?

I had OCD since childhood, didn't know it was OCD though, I would get horrible ideas and had to do some kind of ritual, when I was 14-15 years old I tried to stop doing the rituals and had success, I stopped to do almost all rituals ( I guess my OCD isn't that severe ).
The worst thing was that I knew that it makes no sense and that doing sometimes 10 times won't prevent a horrible thought from coming true yet I still couldn't stop with the rituals...

I still do have lots of anxiety in my life which I'm trying to overcome.

>tfw used to wash hands a few dozen times a day because of my OCD making me scared of leaving grease marks on my keyboard and phone
had skin problems because of this, my hands were ashier than a prostitute's knees

Decisions are a neurological delusion they don't actually exist. Humans beings are not capable of decisions as we are creatures beholden to the laws of the physical universe.

If you spent less time in your head imagining things and actually improved an aspect of yourself instead you would be happier.

that's true, but then when do planning and strategy become viable things to do?

At one point I started to wash my hands quite often too. My skin got really dry but nothing serious.

It's like suddenly OCD had new fears for me to scare me with.
As for now I'm sometimes getting horrible feelings of anxiety and that sparks the idea that something is wrong and I get even more anxious, like a never ending cycle of worries that I'm losing touch with reality but that might be because I've been socially isolated for a while now

If you think that long term planning is beneficial to your existence (it is), then you will gravitate towards that at some point.

Personally I have a plan for the broad arc of my life, i.e. which country I want to be in, what career I would like but I couldn't care less about the details.

it's just an autistic loop, break free of it forcibly

surround yourself with normalfags and try to treat socializing as medicine

i guess you're right, this method of overthinking it is like trying to turn off your autopilot, your brain's means of automatically adapting to the environment and feeling overwhelmed because of how many problems you're trying to deconstruct and over-analyze instead of just treating them as tasks that need to be done because they feel like rational decisions

Can bipolar people have hallucinations?

>What can you tell me about schizophrenia? Is it possible to give yourself schizophrenia? Either through drugs or occultism? Is it possible to be cured without medicine? Is it possible that schizophrenics perceive things that others are not aware of, perceive too much?

Very possible. Schizophrenia is simply psychosis, in other words shell shock or losing touch with reality. A bad fever could do it or some lsd. The only cure is anti-psychotics, usually 50% of patients make a full recovery after taking anti-psychotics for 6 months.

It actually happened to me, but I caught it early and took my meds, thankfully it wasn't permanent. Best of luck op.

The psychatrists and psychologists suggest so, at least psychosis is possible in more than schizophrenia alone it can also happen with unipolar depression
They haven't said anything specific about hallucinations however, all I know is that psychosis may include hallucinations

My official diagnosis is schizophrenia but according to the psychiatrists it could possible be bipolar or schizoaffective instead

Like I said just take your meds for a couple months. Then go off and see if you are better.

Probably just got a bit of the crazy because of stress or something. I used to see crazy fucking shit and hear people whispering / crying all the time. Yikes.


People who take cod liver oil have a reduced incidence of it. Though this may be corrolation not causation fallacy.

Either way, start chuggin cod.

Once you develop schizophrenia you become even more Veeky Forums

I disagree. Fuckwad poster calling psychiatry a pseudoscience.

Neuroscientific research is catching up hugely in research concerning the cause and more importantly: The mechanism and neural pathways in which mental disorders proliferate. Especiallly for disorders that have a clearer biological cause, such as schizophrenia.
Implying psychiatry and psychiatric medicine is a facade is an incredibly harmful and retarded stance to have, and it shows you have no idea what you are talking about.

Weird, schizophrenia should be much more distinct than other disorders usually. Do you have any family members with mental disorders?

Every now and then. Sometimes I feel like that every day, sometimes it's a few times in a month. Even more often I just want to die. It can be triggered by anything.

Nothing is anonymous. Everything you do and say on the internet is in a file with your name on it bud, welcome to surveillance planet.

I have some severe anxiety right now. I think it's just a side effect of college stress though, not anything that will seriously impact me in the long term. It's really embarrassing because I can't travel unless I'm driving out of fear of dying.

I have a schizoaffective/bipolar mother too.
I know it has a genetic component so am I doomed to eventually have psychosis or some kind of schizoaffective mania?

I feel like going through such a shitty experience in our home with her will keep me from going off the deep end like that. I had some light drug use towards the end of high school too so I figure if I would have lost it, it would have already happened by now.

Don't get so hung up on a diagnosis, a few studies have been done showing that many psychiatrists disagree on who they diagnose as schizophrenic (it can even differ based on where you live).
Obviously that doesn't mean you shouldn't take your mental distress seriously.

perhaps manic depressive but then again maybe not. you know how in movies where a group of survivors find some loner starving kid or person and they take that person into their group and feed them, and then the loner starving person eats food like they're possessed, shoveling food into their face with their hands as fast as their throat will allow? depression is like that starvation, and if you've been depressed for a long time, whenever you get out of it, you act like that starving loner trying to devour the happiness as fast as you can. so maybe it's natural.

lmao, this

>Are there any psych people here?

Self-diagnosed myself with ASPD. Can't be arsed to get an official diagnosis.

That's why you don't become attached to other people, but merely play with them for the sake of your enjoyment. Especially fun are stupid and emotionally vulnerable people. I personally have any empathy only for a couple of my professors at university.

Kill yourself.

>Neuroscientific research is catching up hugely in research concerning the cause and more importantly: The mechanism and neural pathways in which mental disorders proliferate. Especiallly for disorders that have a clearer biological cause, such as schizophrenia.
>Implying psychiatry and psychiatric medicine is a facade is an incredibly harmful and retarded stance to have, and it shows you have no idea what you are talking about.
So a century of bullshitting about it and uselessly harming patients, while assuring families and authorities that this is effective and necessary treatment, is real science because it seems like they might make some progress for the first time in the near future by entirely different methods than those used to reach the current position?

There was no need for psychiatry to exist for this to happen. Indeed, psychiatry has been a major obstacle to progress in identifying any brain diseases which they've labelled as "mental illness", as any false pose of knowledge is an obstacle to curing ignorance.

Brainlets, get off my fucking board.

>Psychiatry lacks the objectivity and rigour of a real science

Someone didn't get into med school

My doctor diagnosed me as severely depressed and prescribed me prozac after like a 10 min appointment

just fuck my shit up senpai

You sound like you want attention, not a schizophrenic. Worked with actual schizophrenics for years and they were not coherent enough to post on Veeky Forums let alone know what schizophrenia was or that they had it. If they were coherent enough to use the internet they were using it for job applications.

Also, this thread belongs in

Human behavior is fickle

The Doctor is in.

Take N-acetylcysteine (NAC) for your frontal lobe, go robotripping to grow your NMDA, and drink Oolong tea to block glutamate. Now here's the part where you have to do something: Play an interesting video game or paint something for long hours to shrink your ventricles.

goodbye Schizophrenia.

Why you americans likes having tags? "shcizo, aspie, OCD", and that shit that doesn't do anything else that making you think, that you aren't "normal"... but, normal by this wicked society?.. don't be paranoid.
Live your life inproving yourself, read, work hard and try to inspire others.

(Soy argentino che, disculpá si escribí muy mal)
