I need to learn all of trigonometry in one weekend

I need to learn all of trigonometry in one weekend.

I can do calculus, and I'm really good in algebra, but I am the world's worst at trig. I don't understand it. Can someone give me a rundown, or at least a book I can read?

Tried Lang Basic Mathematics. It was good for algebra, but I don't understand the trig sections.

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...how can do you calculus without knowing trigonometry...?


mechanically wrote memorization, and i guess i have a vague notion of the sine and cosine functions, but that's it

By doing problems that don't require trig?

pg 159

In this book is written many trigonometric formulas with instructions on how to prove them. Go through the trigonometry section, prove the formulas, and I promise you that you will be by far the best person you know in trigonometry for years to come.

The entirety of calculus is built up to the point of doing trig integrals though

this, just know this,t the definition of tan, the derivative of sin(ax) (and cos(bx)) and pythagoras theorem and you can use your brain for literally everything else.

Spivack is a meme.

user you literally have no idea what you're talking about. I would blow you out of the water when it comes to trigonometry calculations and it's all because of that book I linked. Trust me, there's a lot of formulas in trigonometry that are immensely useful to memorize.

Take more time and relax, drink some coffee and get ready.


If I would just play with a compas and straight-edge for a whole year. Should I be able to discover the same things that are written in the book you linked?


t. guy who plays with a compass and straightedge

Best advice I can give you is:

Spend 1 full day with only drawing things with compass and straightedge.

The next day look up everything that has to do with trigonometry. You will recognize a lot of stuff you have been doing the 1st day. By the end of the second day you will understand every purpose of trigionometry.

Last day should be spend on doing exercises.

that is how I would do it

Then you should know that trisecting any angle is possible, right?

No, there's no way.


There is trust me, try drawing from a 'different perspective'

There's more than 1 years worth of research in those few pages. If you could derive all of it in a year you would be a super genius.

Godam, I'm on my way to get a PhD and it's the first time I saw tan(x) like that. Lel.

it's so obvious now, it's the tangent to the circle

>the point of doing trig integrals tho
very useful book

Well look, you can say that about a lot of things in math. Part of math is practicality, but I don't think that's why most people do it. We do it because it's interesting.

Who gives a shit, sounds like you wasted your time loser

4 hours later
It's not possible to do in a finite number of steps
I checked
Now fuck off