who else is also ENTJ masterrace?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmfao, I've taken the test on 16personalities multiple times. ENTJ is my most common result but I've also gotten INTJ INTP ISTP and ENTP. I think the theory is seen as garbage by the scientific community of psychology.

Took this test three times, always the best result : INTJ

Not just by psychologists, the US Army did a massive survey of MBTI and found it completely lacking in any validity whatsoever.

ENTJ and INTJ are the two most similar ones
Think of ENTJ as INTJs outgoing brother.

yeah and IQ is just an abstract number that really only measures your ability to take IQ tests but you dont see low IQ brainlets like you posting in intellectually rigorous threads that are suited for higher IQ people

INTP master race
3.5% of the population here. Super rare specimen

first of all INTP is 3.3%
where as ENTJ is 1.8%

you came to the wrong neighborhood boy

I feel the estimations for the amount for each personality group is wrong and made up because most people seem to get INTP

most people seem to get INTP because all the INTPs are gathered on this site

Took this shitty test when I was probably 14 and got INTP. Just did it again out of curiosity and got INTP again. NTP types seems to collect on Veeky Forums like water on a leaf.

Also, there's this:

>forgot to change the language to english
Well, not like it matters.

shouldn't spergs be ISTJs?

Clever asocial fuckwits congregating on a website while avoiding responsibilities?

> also intp

Must I Tolerate Bullshit? MBTI, ypu fuckwit

And it's bs

no it's not

Why is MBTI more popular than Big Five on this site?

Looks like your personality type is DICK. I can post in any thread I please. And BTW I recently graduated with my certificate in airplane engineering so you might want to reconsider using the brainlet diss on me.


>can't even manage basic grammar
>thinks MBTI is legit

Hahaha, way to prove the stereotype of MBTI-tards being stupid, retard!

Who else capricorn master race here?
>tfw responsible, ambitious, patient and reslurceful

Must Bullshit Tolerate I? MITB, ypu fuckwit

And it's not bs


ISTP Master race

just search MITB
first thing

oops typo, its mbti


Is this okay?

go back to 9gag


Shit's a horoscope for pseudointellectuals

Literally another sekrit club. Only a brainlet would fall for this horoscope bullshit.

Not really...........
Entj's dominant function is Extroverted thinking.....

Intj's dominant function is Introverted Intuition......

Entj's are about power & control over others and being Extroverted they are a bunch of narcissistic needy fuckkers that get people to follow them.

INTJ's are solitary, totally independent individualists - not needy at all and give afuk what people do or think. INTJ's like most healthy species just want Humanity to leave them the fuck alone.


What about the situation like op image were you get approximately 53% introverted and 47% extroverted?

Yeah, completely different. [spoiler]Covert narcissism :^)[/spoiler]