"smart" drugs like modafinil, ritalin and other energy boosting drugs can help. As for actual intelligence amplification, there are no known ways to improve intelligence significantly. Personally, I am looking for more research
Hudson Adams
I don't think fully developed adults can be effectively (certainly not cheaply or efficiently) "improved" in any meaningful way. It's best to try to make improvements before birth. Sorry, OP but you would have to be reborn.
Nicholas Thomas
>that feel when you are so smart that you know intelligence drugs are a scam to trick brainlets into giving you their money.
In fact, intelligence drugs aren't even placebo. They are socal engineering.
Consider how they are sold: Take a pill and then start studying and you will LEARN everything!
Here the placebo effect may be at play but it is not even the strongest factor.
Think about the usual brainlet. They are fucking retarded. They don't even study. So by marketing these pills by saying "take them, and then study" the brainlets will get higher grades than normal, simply because now they fucking studied for once in their retarded, miserable life.
It is amazing. That brainlets are this retarded. They study for a test and then attribute their achievement to the tic tac they swallowed. top kek.
Jaxon Bennett
lock your self in your room, turn off all electronics and study maths/physics for 4-6 hours a day. Anything less is for brainlets
Matthew Clark
you can train yourself to think
ramon y cajal (basically invented neuroscience) and charles darwin (basically invented evolutionary theory) were not elite intelligences
quoted for truth
Luke Sullivan
I agree for Nootropics and all that bullshit, but ritalin? It's not a placebo, it's an actual ADHD med and literally does improve concentration. Modafinil does the same thing to a lesser degree. I'm not saying it's recommended to destroy your dopamine baseline with methylphenidate but the main selling point is that they give you the motivation to study, not that the drugs will "make you smarter".
Joshua Reyes
>the main selling point is that they give you the motivation to study
And that's the point.
Is like me saying that I am selling muscle enhancement pills.
Just take two and then go to the gym!
But if you really think about it, you could just go to the gym and you would improve regardless.
Similarly, instead of taking pills and then studying you could just study. But you know, Big Pharma execs have to pay for the expensive prostitutes and cocaine addiction in some way or another.
Luke Collins
Your problem is motivation and organization. What do you want to do, and what steps are required to do it?
Benjamin Morales
>what is neuroplasticity
>you can train yourself to think this
but brainlets have no idea what it takes, the huge amount of effort, the amount of background knowledge etc it takes to accomplish a "feat of genius"