If money wasn't an issue what would your life look like? What would you do?
If money wasn't an issue what would your life look like? What would you do?
I would build a mol bio med lab and do lots of caribean holidays
Build a giant temporal computer and use it to synthesize porn.
Sit around and relax. I don't really have a passion for anything, or any close friends or family, but I do enjoy good weather and nice food.
Really? Why would you want a lab? Is that really what you enjoy doing the most?
Thanks for the reply
SEE! That where I am at. Now wait, I want to ask you something. What do you actually do with your life right now? Why arent you sitting around and relaxing all day? How do you stay happy? Never tried finding a passion for anything? Please share
I would probably be a writer and/or study mathematics.
throw my physics master degree in the bin, where it belongs, and study math instead
I wouldn't be studying engineering, but would probably still attend university.
>If money wasn't an issue what would your life look like? What would you do?
i'd have a small farm and a workshop and just make/grow things all day.
land is expensive.
Two chicks at the same time, man
Really you would still study? I dont know, Im interested in science but studying is just so much effort and way more detail than I need to satisfy my curiousity. I am definitely unhappy with uni. If I could just visit random lectures without any pressure and listen that would be enough. But no degree for that eh? Guess I wouldnt need a degree if money wasnt an objective....but what would I do then?
Okay well unfortunately you cant buy other peoples affection. Or would you like to bang hookers and drink all day? Would that be fullfilling? If a threesome is just a fantasy it really doenst count, I mean, what would the rest of your life look like?
I like to meditate everyday, it keeps me clear and from attaching to bullshit that would normally shake me, 'The Mind Illuminated' is an excellent book and goes through the process,which has proven benefits, very thoroughly
Anyway, I do just sit around and relax but obviously real life gets in the way and I have to study some useless shit so I can make money and survive.
I don't really attach to 'good' emotions nor try to depend on any external situation. I take inspiration from the ancient Stoic philosopher Epictetus and his brazen attitude to adversity and his belief that we should regard the things we can't control as 'externals', and that the only thing we do control as our reactions to events.
Meditation? I've actually sort of attempted but never had the patience. I do believe it has its benefits though. Theres so much stuff running through my mind at any given minute, if medation gave me a break from that it would be so amazing to see how it feels.
So you're making money to survive even though you would like to do something else. If you think what you study is useless how do you get through it? Have you ever considered there might be something that you just actively really want to do and at the same time earn money?
I see what you mean. And I do like that kind of decision making. Poker actually taught me in a way. Play your odds right, make the correct decision based on the information that you have, outcomes are not something to judge your decision by.
that was a joke
quit being so autistic
I think I would probably study mathematics and or poetry.
Well, yeah. I got that part. And then I ignored your attempt to troll and actually pushed you into answering the question? Can you though? Can you answer?
pic related
I'd be scuba diving everyday looking at all the wonders of the sea
I also would work myself as a postdoc in my own mol bio med institute incognito just to make sure everyone is treated fair
coffee and chocolate snacks would be free for all workers
>Have you ever considered there might be something that you just actively really want to do and at the same time earn money?
Perhaps psychology/neuroscience but I'm unsure of job opportunities in the field.
I'd rather have a well-paying easy-to-get job that sucks, than a low paying hard-to-get job that I enjoy.
I would build a museum that's entirely dedicated to penises and phallic objects. It would contain over 10,000 examples of penises from all different kinds of species. I would also have an art exhibit that displays an enormous array of phallic paintings, sculptures and wood carvings. The museum would also feature ancient penile artifacts, as well as Rasputin's legendary 13 inch dong. My greatest dream is to have the worlds biggest penis exhibit, then I will truly die a happy man.
Would have studied physics, get out more than i do now, most definitly i would be more confident to.
Honestly, math major, I would spend entire days just locked in a room to study math, that's what I always dreamed of. Unfortunately I am a poorfag in a fifth world shithole so I do the same thing just in EE instead.
Why the fuck is this shitty thread on Veeky Forums?
I would go somewhere with nice weather. Maybe do something intellectually stimulating on the side and try to start caring for myself.
There's a museum like that in Reykjavik.
Indulge myself.
If you are so passionate about that why dont you just go and do it? Pack your bags, go somewhere nice and be a diving instructor. I think youre lucky to have something to be passionate (I dont...yet)
Dont you believe that if you went after what you are passionate about you could excel at it in a way that you would easily get the job you want with it?
Are you sure though? Im studying physics and all the maths that I need to study Im already sick of.
Exactly. You would just chill the fuck out in a nice place. So why arent we? There's places with beautiful weather that have such low cost of living you couldnt probably sell all you got at the moment and be fine for the rest of your life.
Because this is the audience I would like to ask. If its so irrelevant to the people browsing this board this thread wouldve probably disappeared if you didnt reply
well being a scuba instructor isn't an easy or cheap process, I already have my open water but you need to do a lot more costly training to be an instructor, one day I will though I already live in florida so I'm one step ahead of the game
>you can't buy others affection
are you 12?
yea, I'm sure, I love math, maybe next life though, also maybe Dota 2 proffesional player if not math, but prehaps that will be for the third life
Man that wasn't even me, I'm the guy who posted the office space reference. It wasn't an attempt to troll actually it was a little light hearted humor, humor makes life a bit less tedious you know.
To answer your question seriously no I wouldn't want to spend my life banging hookers. Actually I would probably spend all my free time learning languages and teaching myself math until I can tackle legitimate physics problems. I'd probably continue studying medicine though as my main career.
I am a neet, i dont think i could sell enough stuff to actually chill out at a place where its awesome.
But riddle me this if there are so many people that like nices places why do they turn other places to shit ?
Host the greatest meme repository on Earth.
Play jazz all day, tour with a band and have fun.
It would look a lot like pic related
Science all day every day, possibly for eternity if death wasn't an issue either
dedicate myself to music and start a progressive rock band
Study mathematics
I'd own land with a house on it, build guitars, play video games, and vacation with my wife frequently.
But since money is an issue for you, the best thing you came up with is to be an autist on Veeky Forums all day every day, right? You mentally impaired mongoloid.
I'd go innawoods on long hiking trips around the world.
id play video games all god damn day boiii
I would have majored in math instead of engineering
more seriously though,
I'd probably move to korea (lived there for a bit and loved it) and open a math & english academy
That's me. This is what my life looks like.
Reminder: Veeky Forums is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.
If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.
If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests.
I'd do what I'm doing still but I'd tell my coworkers to go fuck themselves more often