What scientific field is the equivalent of a gender studies degree?
What scientific field is the equivalent of a gender studies degree?
Gender studies
You aren't wrong
>scientific field
Pretty much any social science
Sociology, they're basically the same thing.
sociology/psychology/psychiatry are basically just fucking undergrad. gender studies/womens studies/nigger studies/deconstructivism/marxism studies are the post-grad courses where they reveal what they were getting at all along.
Sociology/Political Science/Economics/Medicine
Some subfields of psychology as well, though most have some people in them who are very rigorous.
Pure Mathematics
probably some field of engineering
exercise science is the new gender studies
Shit. This is a good one I forgot about. Add nutrition to this.
They seem to have the most openly liberal opinions.
Chem at my uni is full of conservative mudshits and libertarians.
"Computer" "science"
comp sci degree holders are cute.
especially when they learn their new boss in the network admin shop is just some college drop out that did a few years in the army and got a CCNA cert.
Weird that is opposite in my uni. Well chemists are not really liberal, but they are reddit meme loving faggots.
And physicists are mostly libertarian/autistic and conservative.
So, a field in which people claim to be experts on a very specific area of a larger field, resulting in their field being pointless by itself. I'd go for equestrian science.
Armchair science, taught in the school of Veeky Forums at the university of Veeky Forums.
bachelor of education
historic science