Physics vs chemistry vs biology

Physics vs chemistry vs biology

Which one and why?

Nice joke

>Do you want to be employed
>Do you want to be a meme
>Are you a particularly slutty woman

Physics is top tier, chemistry is meh tier, biology is shit tier.

math is the father of physics, physics is the father of chemistry, and chemistry is the father of biology.

> chemistry
> employable
I know 3 chemists with PhDs and 30+ years of work experience each that'd disagree with you.

>Muh purist form

>30+ years of work experience each

Sound as if they've been well employed.

biology, because it will yield the best applications

everything else is shit-tier

Physics -> chemistry ->biology

philosophy is the father of math


i Kek'd

Howabout all of the above?

I learn physics to understand more chemistry so I can apply it to biology to help cure diseases so we can live longer and study physics and understand the universe

You can't explain chemistry and biology without physics so physics desu.

I'm doing both physics and chemistry so I can apply them in engineering

I worked as a technician for the Navy. Then I picked up a study on psychology. Guess what. It's not that different. The body kinda works like most ships I worked on. Really funny.

> comes in thinking you'll do funny stuff *boom* *pshhh*
> ends up doing the most ugly math working for some oil business company

> comes in thinking you'll pet wild animals and explore virgin lands
> ends up testing cosmetics on cage rats

> comes in thinking you'll be diving at the heart of the matter and envision the vastness of the universe
> ends up handling the way trumps wants his shit handled, by having to manage the plumbing of the trump tower

Only CS majors are living the dream.

Not in the last decade lol.

bio is far more employable than chem

if you live in the right area chemical engineering gets you headhunted straight out of college. im doing physics cuz its a good meme and sounds really impressive

Psychology. The only field that matters.

One day we'll figure out exactly what makes all you fuckers happy, so we can give it to you in excess and rule the world atop your drooling, ectacied corpses. One day.

The thing is, we largely know what makes people happy, and have known for millennia. It's a pretty simple combination of factors. The ways people can become unhappy is the problem, and understanding why this happens isn't the same as finding a solution. It could be that the problem of unhappiness is intractable.

>Only CS majors are living the dream.
By being in an incredibly oversaturated field and having to work in retail after graduation.

It's more about how to make people percieve unhappy events as happy ones.

If we could restructure the common man's brain glorify the idea of endless tedium, servitude, and respect to one's "betters," make them consider starvation a blessing, death a reward, losing their girlfriend a lucky break, etc. we would solve all of humanity's woes. Good and bad are human constructions, if we destroy the concept of "bad" everyone will always be "good."

(I'm taking the piss here, feel free to point out the logical flaws in my argument)

Kek'd hard user

seems good homie

Personally I think we gotta unite the science tribes and ascend to a higher plane

>death a reward
You pointed it out yourself. If death were rewarding, we would not be here to write shitposts like these.

do you have a moment to talk about the zf set axioms and the formalization of the limit

I majored in biology, but that was only to prepare me for medicine.

sure thing ping pong, keep telling yourself that
unless you are a shit tier programmer which doesn't fucking know a basic data structure/algorithm, then I agree with you



They probably made enough to retire at age 40 unlike you wagie

It's rewarding to those who were dealt a bad hand, yeah. Sometimes I think suicide is just evolution's most advanced method of weeding out the worst genes.

Chemistry is the quantum mechanics of molecules, which is physics, so not that one