I feel like at some point in humanity's future history we're going to find a way to alter and manipulate all 23 chromosomes. But I would like to know how such a thing could be possible. I know the LGBT community would push for this if it meant that trannies get to feel whole with their chromosomes and I'm sure such conditions such as Down's Syndrome would be eliminated. But what are the social repercussions of playing God this way? Would this be the day that humankind oversteps its boundaries? How might one change or alter chromosomes if it is permanent?
I feel like at some point in humanity's future history we're going to find a way to alter and manipulate all 23...
I just don't understand why don't just gas the trannies and downies.
While CRISPR and the like is a good step, the general rule while we're still alive will be "if you're already born, it's too late"
Socially I see designer babies becoming more of a thing, and a few degenerative genetic diseases getting wiped out. Both are those are good if you ask me.
Both amuse me more than you.
>eliminate corky
>move heaven and earth to accommodate degenerates with a learned sexual perversion
This logic makes no sense. In the future fags and trannies will not exist. The conversion therapy tech will have advanced, or it will be stomped out religiously.
>with a learned sexual perversion
Is this true?
stfu /pol/tard. Trannies and fags just want love
Fags no one actually cares about
Trannies are absolute cancer.
Actual geneticist here:
What are you even talking about? We can already "alter chromosomes" and thats not a fix for Down's or transexualism. Tons of things get laid down in fetal development that you're not going to change by fiddling with the chromosomes.
This guy is on the right track.
At some point you'd have to give way into the whole "playing god" thing.
Things we do today would be considered "playing god" just a hundred years or so.
Things like gender issues would be irrelevant in the future where people can grow hundreds of dicks/vaginas on their legs.
In a more realistic fashion, future humans would probably give up gender/racial identity all together as its more useful to get the best trait out of all the different gender/races. This would mean either bi-gendered or mono-gendered or non-gendered and hybrid humans. That's the most human thing I could think of.
Further more down the line, some would even replace their entire biology and shed off the last remaining dogmas/ideologies surrounding sacredness of biology.
Why are chromosomes almost always pictured in the middle if dividing? Is t just that they are more visually interesting?
CRISPR. Its the single most important advancement in biology in the history of man kind. It has the potential to eliminate all genetic diseases and disorders and to make humans that cant get cancer or even cure those that already have it. Through gene editing we could alter our immune systems to fight off most of the death sentences we encounter today. And it will inevitably be cast aside and never used on humans because "muh eugenics", "muh playing god", "muh humanity and morals". Its shit like this that makes me wish the Nazis had won world war II. Sure they committed some atrocities but they sure as fuck didnt let pansy SJWs get in the way of scientific advancement.
>playing God this way?
BETTER than a god or goddess.
Good luck with that!
>thats not a fix for Down's or transexualism
Then what is the cure for transsexualism if not eradication or transitioning, smartass?
>Its shit like this that makes me wish the Nazis had won world war II. Sure they committed some atrocities but they sure as fuck didnt let pansy SJWs get in the way of scientific advancement.
they might would have sent _you_ to one of the camps
No semitic blood here. Aryan master race. Even if they did kill me they were doing it for the good of the species. Purifying the gene pool and such. If Nazi germany had taken over the world in the 40s-50s Earth would be a utopian planet by now. No mudslimes, no niggers, maybe a few would be around as slaves. No overpopulation risk. Science would be centuries ahead of where we are now. No war because those fuckers would stomp out any rebel uprising before it had the chance to gain any traction. You get a lot done when you dont have to worry about moral fags.
Yes, its unnatural behavior. Most homos are only this way because they themselves were violated as boys. Trannys are just victims of all the antimale effeminate propaganda heavily pushed in western media. These mental illnesses were rare pre-mass media. For instance shows like the 80s hit "M*A*S*H" heavily featured a cross dresser as comic relief to normalize this perversion with humor, acceptance, and repetion. Its brainwashing.
The Nazis also believed we lived on the inside of a hollow sphere. They weren't exactly as scientifically minded as /pol/ believes they are. You are aware it wasn't just Jewish people taken to the camps, but it was also homosexuals and the handicap as well as those inflicted with mental disabilities. Interesting how Hitler followed the word of God and yet failed to see that He didn't make us perfect.
> Most homos are only this way because they themselves were violated as boys.
Citation needed.
> Trannys are just victims of all the antimale effeminate propaganda heavily pushed in western media.
Post your credentials.
The Nazis also didn't take too kindly to fat unemployed neets who don't contribute much to their societies.
Chromosomal manipulation won't solve transgenderism unless it's within the first few weeks of fetal development. Once the SRY gene is active, your window is over.
How do you determine whether or not a fetus at five weeks will grow into developing GID?
>muh CRISPR/Cas9 transhuman phantasies!
Spot the millennial.
What about as a means of assisting the person transition from one gender to the other? That seems like the only way to solve the problem. If you were to try to prevent Gender Dysphoria (the correct diagnosis) during fetal development then it could still occur in the other direction.
Chromosomal manipulation after fetal development accomplishes nothing and comes with great risk. Your primary sex characteristics are formed in the womb.
It could get those who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria the chance to be legally recognized as that gender and/or sex. If we cannot possibly know if someone will develop this condition in the womb and if we shouldn't try to fix this afterward. What could the cure be other than complete eradication?
To those who think transsexualism shouldn't be cured through eradication. Is this what you want your children subjected to?
Transexualism is literally caused by an abnormal development of the brain in the fetus. Your brain develops opposite to your chromosomal sex. Got any means to alter the basic wiring of the brain pal?
So you are proposing the only cure for transsexualism is euthanasia?