Post Veeky Forums books that can be read purely for fun. I'll post a few and stop if there is no interest.
Pic related is one of the best books of all time and I rarely see it mentioned
Post Veeky Forums books that can be read purely for fun. I'll post a few and stop if there is no interest.
Pic related is one of the best books of all time and I rarely see it mentioned
Other urls found in this thread:
"Fermtas last theorem" by Simon Singh is really fun to read!
That's a great book. So is Code Book (by the same guy)
Personally I'm looking for more mathematical/science-y books. Pic related is good although not as much as my opening post
>bedtime reading
You honestly read math books during bed time? Wtf?
Fuck that noise. Reading math is the worst thing about being in this field. I like doing math. If I am to do anything math related during bedtime, I'm going to be thinking about something or trying to sketch a proof of something.
Fuck reading math.
To each his own. The books I've posted aren't exactly textbooks though
This book is really really good and is in the same vein as Code Book (but more mathematical)
My nigga, have this on my nightstand rn
My nigga, have this over my air vent right now
Upon reading this book I came into my yfronts
I am not autistic enough to read math/science at bedtime. I just want to relax so I read fiction or write (journal/random stories/etc).
Visual group theory. Literally assumes 0 math sophistication and builds up intuitively. If some high schooler read that and actually did the exercises and then took an actual abstract algebra course they'd beast it.
Reminds me of this book, although it's probably a little too heavy to read for fun (still great)
IMO GEB is overrated purely because it's so praised. I think it's a great book but not better than the OP.
It's still obligatory for a thread like this
This field is so conceptual and fun to think about
This was good but is probably too difficult for brainlets
I decided to read this after reading plenty of good reviews about how approachable it was.
I have an engineering level background of math, and don't think that I'm particularly thick.
But I struggled to follow the book and dropped it half way, which is a shame because I was actually really enjoying it initially.
It's a good book but I do think you need at least some basic understanding of formal logic and systems.
Never heard of this - thanks for the suggestion!
How would I best get this basic understanding of formal logic and systems?
>polish intellectuals
A decent logic course that does metatheory, soundness and completeness, historical context, etc.. Without understanding that Godel's results won't really mean anything to you.
The book is not bad, full of examples, and very informative, but sometimes it omits basic defintion which makes reading it without a formal math training a bit hard.
Lecture n otes
why do Bible thumpers keep infesting this board?
VGT can be hard for someone without an algebra background reading it alone. I dans we how they'd get stuck on certain examples in the book or exercise problems but overall it's excellent. I'll have to check out the book you linked!
What textbook do you recommend?
i assume he's talking about
Not him, but the Bible is actually a beautiful book to just read
W e w L a d
here's chapters 1 and 2
you can find the whole thing on are.
Try reading it from the beginning is just disgusting.
The books don't even have a uniform narrative.
There's plenty of better books you could be reading. Homer or Virgil or w/e.
Since you seen to be an avid reader of the Bible.
What books do you recommend?
Been planning on reading Psalms forever.
As I understand it, most of David's writings are from a romantic age.
Of the four narratives of Jesus, Luke's seems the most comprehensive. The rest of the New Testament seems to be the Apostle Paul's corruption of the religion. (wtf even is revelations?)
Man, I'm loving that book but would like to purchase it. Any cheap places I can get it from? It's like 80 bucks on amazon.
Any good Theory of Computation books for math majors? This one seems aimed at CS people with little background in math.
common knowledge
>bedtime reading
>this thread
No love for great works of fiction or historical texts?
Those aren't books.
10/10 book
Was the textbook for my first semester CS course freshman year.
What's wrong with reading the bible? You're not some sort of bigot are you?
Automata and Computability by Kozen
Theory of Computation by Kozen
Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach by Arora and Barak
It's not Veeky Forums related?
It's also a shitty book that only gets recommended because "muh historical relevance"
Don't go anywhere near your post box mate. They're coming for you now.
so many brainlets in this thread
you need the updated version
>Apostle Paul's corruption of the religion
Muhammadan detected.
perfect for bed time, I see.
kek. how do you figure?
Paul is closer to Muhammad, than Jesus imo.
Both preached an intolerance that isn't exactly compatible with Jesus' "Love thy neighbor as thyself"
I guess the Love your Lord, God, above all other connects Jesus and Muhammad.
But the fucking Muslims got their religion pretty fucked by the early Islamic civil wars.
Did you know that Lord comes from the Old English hlāfweard ‘bread-keeper’?
Some new perspective on calling God, milord imo.
A 300-page summary of the history of the development of physical theory. It has pictures, too :)
>But the fucking Muslims got their religion pretty fucked by the early Islamic civil wars.
Muhammad fucked up their religion the most. Don't you fucking know anything
Kozen is GOAT if you're familiar with logic
Pic related is also very good
Structural Complexity I and II as well
Dad humour that is actually funny
Marsz, Marsz, Dabrowski.
GET OUT (but post source on second one first please)
Mahou Shoujo 6.0
>jew physics
Whats wrong with a physicist being Jewish?
>Whats wrong with a physicist being Jewish
I can't find anything wrong with Jewish physicists there. I personally think it's bad for scientists to be religious at all but that applies to all and equally
Similar to yours
Visual Group Theory as a book is only 50$. It is a thin volume, that 400$ thing is some weird education package. I literally bought it from the store for 50 or 60 bucks.
Bump, good thread OP
>not buying international versions for $5
ooh, that looks juicy.
>Not downloading the pdf
>He actually spends 5$
>reading on a screen
Psssst, hey kid wanna do some math?
>> reading a book that requires second hand lighting