Symbolic algebra program

I'm making a symbolic algebra program. I want it to have:

> different types of variables + rationals
> negative and positive exponents (maybe radicals)
> negative and positive coefficients
> ability to attempt to simplify an equation (reduce amount of unlike variables and terms)
> ability to attempt to solve for (isolate) a variable

What are some relevant abstract algebra concepts or theorems that I can apply to this?

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Give it support for generatingfunctionology and you'll be pretty much set.

what is functionology?

It doesn't sound like you know much about computer algebra or symbolic computation. I'd try looking for a textbook on these topics.

fair enough which one?

Use risch algorithm for integration

I wasn't gonna make it integrate anything yet but I might in the future

I am writing exactly the same, though it is specifically for solving equations and differentiating/integrating. My starting point was that you need to keep a database for variables to compare with and apply rules all the time.

matrix multiplication

what language are you using btw?

So long as it can do first and second year linear algebra it's good in my books.


shit nigga, do you have github,, or something like that?

I'm doing something similar with C++, we should collaborate.

I shall make a repo and then you can add your code

you mean like

massive kek on your readme "wolfram doesn't have shit on me"

also, make a header file that sends a two dimensional vector, integers for rows and columns, and i'll make an implantation file that can preform various LA operations on it.(pic related what I'm working on)


That doesn't look very symbolic

Do you know what a matrix is? This just operate on the variables, symbols can be assigned to variables later.

> C++
> not using LAPACK
> not using glorious structs and dynamic arrays

LA libraries are cheating

also, a vector sort of is a dynamic array

Why are you re-inventing a wheel?

so LA library is cheating but Vector library isn't?

some matrix code I wrote long ago using structs because i was too lazy to learn LAPACK

neat, do you have a github?