Is it better to masturbate BEFORE studying or AFTER?
Is it better to masturbate BEFORE studying or AFTER?
Since when people openly brag about being wankers?
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Only a gf can solve sexual problems
Practically everyone masturbates you fucking brainlet
after because you lose your motivation if you fap
OP hasn't said anything supporting or praising masturbation.
>Practically everyone [is a slob so my degenerate habits are justified] you fucking brainlet
That's not a shameful facial expression I see in OP.
Absolutely disgusting. Get the fuck out of here you woman loving faggot.
Just do both.
Are you ok user?
Did someone touch you in your special place?
You don't jerk off!!!
Fapping saps your motivation. It's better to do it afterwards, but you shouldn't do it at all.
Does anyone get really anxious and antsy if they don't jack off for a day or two? When it happens I can't keep my attention on anything and I feel nervous, then I jack off and it's instantly better.
you're right, chastity is the key to good studying
what is the Veeky Forums approved chastity cage?
>implying you don't do both.
>every time
Jerk off more than 2 times at month is addition
And less than twice a month is subtraction
>try to do both at the same time
>now all my math textbook pages are stuck together
>Take professors that assign a shit ton of math homework
>wait till last day to start on it
>pull all nighters doing math, fapping to keep myself awake.
>now i get horny everytime i do maths.
true story, but I don't get that horny anymore.