What is the most difficult area of mathematics?
What is the most difficult area of mathematics?
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The subset of problems that are unsolved.
Algebraic geometry
Inter-universal teichmuller theory
depends what you want to do with it
Proving identity.
Algebraic geometry is literally the easiest subject.
Addition and subtraction with really big numbers. My teacher tells me that we'll get introduced to Mr Multiplication next week, fuck me.
>tfw i stayed in primary school for 18 years
>tfw class is full of brainlet 5 year olds who don't drive yet
Calculus based physics
>not symplectic geometry based physics
lol, brainlet detected.
You are memeing it wrong.
That article can't be real.
Number theory
are u sure?
Linear Algebra (not talking about high school algebra here)
Many very theoretical concepts like kernel, rank and so on
I see what you did there and I approve
user I...
levels of cuckoldry I had not thought possible
>the most difficult area of mathematics
getting a gf
O wow, a pulback.
just today I did my first cat theory homework and the first 2 questions were about pullbacks, so I dont think you can post it in this thead
nonlinear meme dynamics
Non-analytic maths.
Things that start to get complicated and you have to apply numerical methods buteforcing.
Category theory and (mostly) it's applications.
Veeky Forums + big dick = gf
And yet reddit's "not the onion" has many real-world submissions.
it isn't
the real article doesn't have son in it
trig ered
God damnit you cunt
triple integrals
I guess improper integrals are even harder than it.
linear algebra is actually not that bad. i somehow passed after knowing nothing a few days afore the exam. it just needs to be taught a certain way. i had like two actual solutions done ever when i went into the exam.
lets see the proofs
algebra is beautiful, analysis is shit
>analysis is shit
>Category theory and (mostly) it's applications.
Isn't that like saying set theory is the most difficult?
Post-Anabelian Froeboid Geometrics
>wife's sons last name
>baby daddy's last name
>took another man's last name
This went too far long ago, but at this point I just want to see how much further we can take it.
>ITT things that brainlets say
No such thing. What does that even mean?
my meme response is triple intgrals
my real response is number theory
actually most people in math grad school are dating someone. i know only one single person.
What is an area of mathematics?
What makes one area more difficult than another?
Twisted K-theory is up there.
If I had to take an honest stab at this question I'd choose any 'named area' (a focus on arXiv or of a journal, say) that's not found as a module in most prestigious university math major syllabi.
Unless I'm mistaken, 'Twisted K-theory' meets that condition.
Idk but for me I find geometric stuff harder than algebraic stuff, which to me is relatively easy
this thread is gold
It's a meaningless question, you can find difficult questions and unsolved problems in all areas and different people have different strengths and weaknesses leading them to find some types of questions more palatable than others.
Basically, you can't do better than than
>one time pad decryption
Geometry for sure.
So many formulas and so many tricky problems how can it not be the most difficult area?
partial differential equations
that's why algebra brainlets can't handle it and hide out in cuddly abstraction land rather than doing useful research
I'm a 2nd year and the hardest thing I've done so far is functional analysis, so I'll go for that
As a CS major, I thought discreet mathematics and linear algebra were easy, whereas statistics and calculus are hard. I know statistics is supposed to be easy, but I can't wrap my mind around it sometimes. Like if 20 people enter an elevator on the first floor, and you go up to floor 10, how likely is it that at least one person leaves the elevator on each floor? I just can't wrap my mind around this stuff, especially in an exam with time pressure
functional analysis is pretty intuitive once you get it down. beautiful subject. do any spectral theory?
Doing really really big numbers in your head
I've been trying to learn motivic homotopy theory for the better part of a year and it's fucking nightmare level difficult.
I was wondering what it was, and it turns out to be the shit we did in high shool, just explored in more depth.
The problem with these sorts of questions is that you can go arbitrarily deep into almost any subject and find arbitrary level of difficulty. I suppose the metric we need to use is how much prerequisite material is necessary to even /start/ studying that field. For twisted K-theory, you need to know algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, (probably?) higher category theory, and then other stuff based on what part of K-theory you are examining (twisted topological K-theory? twisted algebraic K-theory? something else?).
Then there is the fact that you can easily understand some of the basic results of something like twisted K-theory (or chromatic homotopy theory, or whatever list of adjectives you want to toss in front of an already-advanced field) without even understanding the heart of what is going on. At what point can one even say that they understand a subject?
>Random Sequence Extrapolation
Even the words give me goosebumps
Inter-universal teichmuller theory
combinatorics, then number theory, which is basically combinatorics
triple integrals
Quadruple integrals in a geometric-based physics environment.
Thanks user, I fucking laffed/10
Join two areas with algebraic geometry.
Arithmetic Deformation Theory
Combines Alg. geometry, number theory, and analysis (in a way)
Whatever one is the most abstract and has the greatest number of prerequisites. So, probably some branch of algebraic geometry or homotopy theory.
nice b8 there user :^)
the awful logic of that picture
I'll take her name because her taking my name would be inequality.
I like when people solve for some equations of motion and then they think the problem is solved. Nope! You still gotta integrate those bad boys!!!
>I like that it sounds more Jewish (bonus)
One of the authors justifications.... I want to fucking vomit.
kek it's still there
I really want someone to cuck him
Multivariable calculus