Who here ISTP-A ?

Who here ISTP-A ?

>tfw 5% of population
>tfw not rare enough relative to other type
>tfw most my friends are Intuitive N types
>fucking annoying cucks

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Come to /r9k/ with this shit, the butthurt against mbti is very strong on this board

>his personality type is a fucking technician

Post for me on there, friend

jesus christ
get out


>not S
>not T

Get out theoretical assuming ass feeling cuck

i'm actually a gemini

Personality types are not Veeky Forums

They are retarded pseudoscience that NEETs and retards use to feel like snowflakes

You're an ISFJ

no way he's an F; he's obviously a T skeptatard


>on Veeky Forums

you should go back to /x/

>not being INTP

lmao enjoy being brainlets. literally every genius was an INTP

INTJ master race faggot, how does it feel to be in control, roach? I am in control.

Pic related: it's me dodging your shitty bait.

Last three times i've taken the test I've gotten INTP

The fact that most geniuses are INTPs make me hope that in the future i wont be a massive retard.

i mostly got intp 2 times and istp 2 times. not quiet sure which one i am

Believe everybody on Veeky Forums begin INTP or INTJ.

I love and hate the fact that iv'e only gotten INTP

On one hand its rad n shit bc it makes me a special snowflake

but on the other hand its gay n shit bc it makes me a special snowflake

>"INTPs" think they are smart

>are always the ones to fall for mbti shit and develop special snowflake syndrome


hello brother
>tfw intj

>Be INTP master race
>take test like once a year
>still INTP master race
>take acid
>take test again like 6 months later
>I love the universe :)

>not being INTP
>having a sub-140 IQ

What is this intp meme? Everyone knows entp is the real masterrace.

>tfw INTP
>tfw low IQ (pic related)
>tfw closet tranny
>tfw dropped out of community college after 2 weeks because suicidal
>tfw started looking into philosophy
>tfw fell for the nihilism meme
>tfw just a fucking loser that had to move back in with my dad right before turning 21
>tfw suicide attempt landed me in the psyche ward
>tfw browse Veeky Forums in hope of inspiration


kill urself nerds
>t. physics phd student
>t. non virgin

INTP master race

well, i am entp.
Is it cool?

shut up feynman

>94% extrovert
are you even sentient?

Personality has nothing to do with intelligence you dumbfuck. You can be all feels and extrovesion and still be a massive genius.

I do agree that this 16personalties is like the newspaper horoscope, but the underlying principles and studies are legitimately interesting.

>not being INFJ, the rarest personality type

hello brothers

No, they aren't. The US Army did a massive study of MBTI, they found it had ZERO (0) predictive power. You now what that means? It means it's pseudoscience.

If you want to compare personalities with other autists at least use a legit psychometric test based on the OCEAN / "Big Five" typology.

>I(S/N)TJ masterrace reporting in

please give some citations

Funny thing, when I'm alone I always get INTP but when my girlfriend is present, not even talking to me or anything, just in the same room, I get ISTP. I don't believe the test means anything, but I find it interesting how she can affect my answers even when I think I'm answering honestly.


the assertive/turbulence aspect is just a 16personalities meme. all that matters is those 4 letters. there's not a lot of s's on Veeky Forums but i'm glad i'm not an F desu

t. istp

>being mentally cucked by your own gf

What did he mean by this?

I'm an ISTP OP
Kinda a rare type on Veeky Forums

good luck mate

Why is the "a" a meme?

I'm ENTP and I have full blown hallucinatory schizophrenia

How you gonna fix your life?

>grad student in math at a tier 1 institute
>had partners in the double digits

Probably get a qt bf and suck his dick to pay rent. Or kms

Which suggests that regular Veeky Forums use is associated with certain attitudes about oneself and the world, not that we have special snowflake personality types that dictate what we like.

00 is double digits

Kys is probably a better choice.

No it's not.

ENTJ here

ITSP here. I've taken the test ~25 times over the past 10 years and have gotten ISTP 24 times. INTP once.

I'm lazy as fuck. How is that not a contradiction? I'm a fat lazy fuck ISTP. I don't get it, aren't I supposed to be out there taking risks and shit?

ABCD master race here, ask me anything

How is it to be a faggot?


Maybe it means that you should take it as a form of knowing, not defining, yourself.
Also, people of the same MBTI type converge towards certain traits. They aren't all equal. You're probably an exception to the mean.

It's a science board so of course people will be upset when you post your horoscopes

But would intelligent people not naturally gravitate towards certain personalities?


feynman was entp masterrace

Why do these mouth breathing garbage le personality threads always get so any replies?

Let's at least shitpost with the hip, new Big5 test


How bout the similarminds intelligence tests too?


Who else here was born under a comet and mercury retrograde? Virgo reporting in.

Fuck off with your horoscopes we're discussing science here

98%ile and 97%ile

>atheist/agnostic tendencies
>does not believe in life after death
>interested in intellectual pursuits
Do you feel this test has truly encapsulated your inner enlightenment?

No you aren't, you're taking seriously a "theory" proposed by two women, neither of them scientists, who devised this "theory" after reading one (1) book written by known fraudster and mystic Jung.

By contrast, horoscopes and astrology have vastly more academic credentials.

I'm just to smart for religion

lol, taken the test multiple times. In order of most to least frequently tested: ENTJ, ENTP, INTJ, INTP, ISTP. For the record, I'm fairly certain the scientific consensus on the test is that it's bullshit.



The a takes it further away from pseudoscience (MBTI) and closer to real personality research (Big 5, sounds like A/T is similar to Neuroticism).

rough. Well never be ashamed of what you are, or else it will become your biggest weakness. You don't have much choice in being a chick avec un shecock, but you do get to choose if you're a proud one. Enjoy life as best you can. Don't kill yourself for being a transexual.

drugs demoted you from master race status

gf takes away your genius potential. Enjoy being a brainlet in her presence

>tfw INTP
my brain is useless, pls take away from me

Here's an idea: Instead of trying to attach some weak vestige of science to your horoscope, why not just use an actually scientific personality test in the first place?

You should take the BIG 5 instead, but people like being put into clubs like the MBTI does. Might as well try and make it a little useful if people insist on using it.

You exist for cuddling.

>87th percentile is bad
Go back to school idiot.

Unless I'm in the 95th percentile I'm gonna work a wagecuck job the rest of my life

I need cuddles
You in Texas?

INTP usually makes wagecuck job unless you make a company at home or some shit.

Nope sorry.

You just called him an idiot, kinda confirmed his theory

Don't bully him. He's got the brainpower. He just needs some emotional support.

This is a scientific thread, pick up dick on your own time.

Are you attracted to men or women?

Obviously men.

Bisexual master race

You may as well learn something while you're here. What are you interested in?

Sorry, it's not always the way. Some are transgendered (attracted to the opposite sex) and others are transjennered (attracted to the same sex)

Chemistry was always fun in highschool but after that it got boring. Working on learning calculus

Calculus is boring itself. The real shit is analysis.

I still have trouble with the basics like polynomial functions

ouch. I guess keep grinding through stewart and see how far you get.

How old are you?

21 :/

It's not too late.

But I'm a broke neet taking a free online calculus course

I scored this.