/pol/ has been forcing this thing as a sign of the apocalypse. But what is it really?
13 47 42, -8 36' 22.9"
IRS: IRAS 100 micron
/pol/ has been forcing this thing as a sign of the apocalypse. But what is it really?
13 47 42, -8 36' 22.9"
IRS: IRAS 100 micron
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Looks like ork
I'm curious, what is this shit? Binary system?
Looks like it.
Maybe it's close to merging and is circling into eachother by every passing, increasing velocity as they get closer to eachother.
Not really worried about that itself, but more about unknowing brainlet normies screeching about this going to be the end of us. And them resulting to let the really Veeky Forumsgnificant people in science explain them and wasting precious time to brainlets to calm them down.
>freely available on a public websight probably for years now
>isn't even visible in normal light
come on guys, it's some stars that look interesting and are having an effect on a nearby gas cloud. It's cool and certainly a striking image, but it's nothing to go nuts over
What did Kek mean by this?
Who are you quoting?
Fags on /pol/ made a thread saying that because a black box appeared over that area in the sky on google sky or whatever it's called, it's because google censored that specific region. Also, the OP who made it brought up religion so the whole thing is even more annoying to read through.
I mean, even on that image on NASA, if you move the camera around a bit you'll see some black boxes as well. It's just a mix of data corruption, noise, lack of data, and conflicting data, so they just make it black instead.
How far away is that thing ?
obviously two stars and lens flare
pic related
Do you mean when the picture was taken, or now?
both if possible. not sure if it would move towards us or away
what will the white supremacists do if aliens are black?
What will the blacks do if the aliens are white?
What if aliens are white supremacists?
probably a human-alien war because /pol/ won't accept them like /pol/ doesn't accept eastern europeans
What if the aliens have a religion? And it's one of the religions we have one earth.
They do.
what if it's islam?
what will the aliens do if the blacks are white?
It's Saturn.
This field is right near the Ecliptic so it was probably always going to be a solar system object. If you look up the IRAS object catalogs you find these sources were saturated which means it was probably a Planet. I did a search on IPAC/IRSA's IRAS minor planet catalog. These objects were not included because they're saturated (and are not minor planets) but from that I found other entries in the same field which tells you the date this field was observed 14/07/83 at about noon in UT time. From this I can simply look up to coordinates of all the planets that day and Saturn was slap bang there. The double object is because the field was exposed twice and stacks as the source catalog shows. The arc will just be an effect of the extremely bright object, in the other bands you can see they appear as streaks.
It's Saturn, not aliens or the end of the world.
Yeah but where's the fun in that...?
To be completely fair, it's not /pol/ it's a bunch of christ cucks talking about Revelation, and a fucking space dragon. We all think it's Kek.
How retarded do you have to be to get two stacked pictures of things that are basically not moving misaligned?
finally an answer, sciniggers
>/pol/ saying retarded shit again
/pol/tard here, nothing out of usual
Thanks for screencap, been looking for this one
Don't worry my man. There's a huge conspiracy theory that the government actually brainwashes us to actually worship Saturn.
Can you imagine how embarassing it would be to have a giant nigger statue?
It would be a literal SJW place of worship
it's a supermassive black hole
This. Fuck christcucks. We are followers of Kek, which is a religion of peace, mind you.
I wasn't aware that Saturn was a twin planet and that its twin is currently unnamed and hasn't been mentioned anywhere. Odd how that is.
This. It's the face of Gork, or maybe Mork.
It's not odd if you could fucking read.
I already explained it's a double exposure, in between the exposures the planet moved. The planets constantly move with respect to the background stars. The sub exposures were then stacked producing a double mage. If you go back to the original individual exposures you can see it move.
Suck a dick.
>billion dollar astronomy projects regularly fuck up in profound ways and something as significant as a planet in our solar system was accidentally the victim of double exposure which could not be later corrected and instead scientists plastered a giant black rectangle over the error just like using white-out
What's the weird arc thing at the bottom, lens flare?
weather balloons, don't second guess what the government and the fine people at Veeky Forums tell you
>planets are basically nonmoving
Multiple or long exposures are common in astronomy, since the light of distant/small objects is dim
Since saturn wasn't the target of these images, and theres apparently nothing else there, why not block it out?
Or is that really so implausible compared with "its a conspiracy to hide something but Veeky Forums hackers managed to find it!"
one second and two clicks of photoshop could stitch those photos together, keep the newer version of Saturn's image, and remove the older version.
>sperging because the government is editing his space photos
>solution is to photoshop the space photos
It's not accidentally anything. Most of the survey is a double or triple exposure. IRAS intentionally made repeated observations, the plan was to do three complete surveys of the sky. It fell short in the brief 10 month mission. All the imagery you see is the result of stacking however many exposures there were in that. For most object it doesn't matter because they don't move. IRAS catalogued many solar system objects.
This field only got 2 exposures like much of the sky. You cannot take an image later when Saturn has moved off if the spacecraft runs out of cryogen as it did.
The original IRAS data still has the image, you would know that if you weren't so retarded. IRIS is a reprocessing of IRAS and they masked it because the data is saturated. They specifically mention it in the survey paper:
>We also dealt manually with Saturn because of its large extension in the affected HCONs.
If you look in the IRIS data you will find lots of missing data which was culled.
And no, IRAS was not a billion dollar project.
Don't act like you know shit.
yes, because there was photoshop to use willy nilly when the photo was taken
and before you whine that it could have been done at a modern date, it's entirely likely that this tiny, worthless mistake was missed when all this data was being complied.
the people doing this don't comb through every fucking pixel in what's likely hundreds of gigabytes of images. it was either missed or deemed completely unimportant to the project as a whole
>thinking NASA couldn't digitally manipulate photos in 1983
They do move, Planet means wanderer.
You don't want either. The image is massively saturated, it's useless data. The bright source will hide objects behind it and generate junk objects so the region would have to be masked anyway. The IRIS reprocessing used Fourier analysis of the images so having a big bright source will affect the of the processing of the rest of the image if it is not masked and removed. If you go into the individual exposures you see it was removed independently in both epochs so they maximised the data that could be saved.