How do I become smarter? I'm already struggling with a prerequisite classes. I'm a black girl...

How do I become smarter? I'm already struggling with a prerequisite classes. I'm a black girl, maybe I can milk other stuff, so I'm on double easy mode when it comes to medical school, but my average intellgence and luck isn't going to be enough. I will slit my wrists if I need to stay in and study most of my hours awake.

>study hard
>eat a balanced diet
>sleep well
>don't be a negress

Study more hours like everybody else or don't get better. There's no substitute for hard work.

>I will slit my wrists if I need to stay in and study
Well too bad then, Sally. You either buckle down and do actual HARD WORK or quit

I just can't study for 6 hours a day and then all day on the weekends. The gifted people don't do that.

Will adderall help? Caffeine?

I'm depressed and it makes me feel so dumb.

I have a 3.96 CGPA and am going to MIT for graduate school. I sure as hell study for 6 hours (or more) a day. If you can't study this way, you're not cut out for medical school.

How can you just sit there for hours?

You can't relate because I have energy depleting and attention sucking depression. I really don't want to be a B student though.


The ability to work hard is genetic. If you're not born with it then don't waste your time.

Medical school is only for hyper autists who can spend 10 hours a day memorizing boring garbage. It does not require high IQ either.

If you want high IQ do pure math or theoretical physics.

Ayy shawty, back dat ass up

but i know retards that transformed into good students like my loser cousin
I really want to go to medical school :(

>The ability to work hard is genetic.
That's what losers keep telling themselves to justify their failures. Internal motivation might be genetic, but working hard is not. That is entirely changeable though. I have been depressed and underachieving for most of my life, but I recently discovered that I can kickstart my productivity by physically exercising before studying. If you read about successful people, you'll see that they all do that.

>but I recently discovered that I can kickstart my productivity by physically exercising before studying.
So that's how brainlets keep up with life.
You're only making it more painful.

>kickstart my productivity by physically exercising

If you can get the motivation to physically exercise then you didn't have a problem with motivation in the first place.

Any brainlets got any advice? I'm going to start exercising

Bobby Fischer was obsessed with that, to the point of spending hours doing exercises.

I said I have been depressed for most of my life, which literally means I have a problem with motivation. Physically exercising requires less motivation than studying (specially because I don't give a fuck about my body, I just wanna improve my cognitive abilities, so it's ok not to be fit).

You're not gonna make it if you can't study for hours at a time.

This is true regardless of your intelligence.

>The gifted people don't do that.

No they won't ADMIT to doing that because they want to cultivate a bullshit image of being naturally smart.

Don't buy into it.

I have depression as well and I'm a 4.0 student who sometimes studies for upwards of 12 hours a day. There's no magic. You're either a genius who studies for hours or a normal person who studies for more hours.

Good for you. My depression deters me from doing that.

I can't find a cure. I'm dead inside.

So was I. I attempted suicide 4 years ago. I was in therapy for over a decade before I finally understood how to manage it. And it took hard work and pushing myself into situations that I wanted to run away from.

It will never get better on its own until you're willing to work for it.

I see. Well my therapist says that I focus on shortcuts and safety nets rather than facing my problems so it will probably take a while to do that. That's why I need something to like wake me up. Therapy doesn't help me.

Max studying hard and add pay attention in class. There's very few courses that aren't math that require hard memorization. Ask questions to your professors and you'll do fine. Undergrad classes are a good chance for you to hone your knowledge on a subject. Use your free time to get familiar with your university career and learn more about the intricacies of medfag shit.