How long would one need to study chemistry on their own to be able to synthesize LSD-25? Assume high IQ and strong ability to self-study.
How long would one need to study chemistry on their own to be able to synthesize LSD-25...
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To do such a complicated synthesis you'd probably be reading chemistry at post-bachelors level, specializing in organic chemistry & also being very good at it - you'd also have to have access to a really good lab & quite hard to source reagents.
Just buy it off the deep web, really not worth getting arrested/killing yourself trying to produce something you're probably not going to be able to make.
You have to be 18 to post on this website kid. Let me show you the way out >>>>>>>
Is the deep web, really that much safer? Is it really as easy as everyone makes it seem?
Not being a dick, genuine question.
Go to some other thread, moron.
I've used it 3 times (acid and weed). It was like Amazon but faster
You need a proper lab to do it, it's VERY easy to accidentally synthesis another chemical very like lsd, only instead of being an hallucinogenic, it's a nerve toxin.
How can a professional chemist be absolutely 100% sure they have indeed synthesized LSD-25? Asking out of curiosity.
Nice, any advice for a first timer?
Mainly NMR after flash chromatography purification.
The reaction is usually tracked with paper chromatography for each step, and this usually gives an indication if the reaction has proceeded. Most organic chemists go as far as tracking each step, and characterising the product made (and sometimes byproducts) if the chemistry employed is unreliable.
Go with the highest rated guy and you'll be fine. In the UK you even get next day delivery
What country are you in?
Just ask to Uncle Bob for it.
Just give up now, you will never synthesize LSD, it requires an expensive lab and experience.
Instead, realize that you can grow shrooms easy as shit. All you need is a spore print, a pressure cooker and brown rice. If you wanna extract something try extracting DMT.
Why not 1P-LSD and analogues?
It's even easier. There are lots of dumbasses who use it just fine everyday. If you take your time to learn the ins and outs, it's extremely safe as well. Learn PGP, and if you really want to be safe use TAILS.
while this is true and seems somewhat simple you need to remember that DEET is heavily regulated and you also need to get LSA, which in it self is a schedule A drug
you ussualy get it through extraction from a ergot fongus but its also possible through baby hawaiian woodrose
now the tricky part isnt acctualy the synthesis but the purification, since most get it through the extraction of plant material, the extract ussualy isnt pure LSA but instead a combination of around 15 different alkaloids.
many of these are somewhat toxic but not deadly in them self, but if you try to synthesise LSD from the LSA extract many of these become quite potent neurotoxins (as another poster described)
the purification is very hard and require expensive lab equipment (easily over 50K USD is you buy it legally, but then you'll be caught almost instantly)
you can synthesise it another way but this is very complicated but generally gives a higher purity product with higher yields, and quite alot cheaper
for those asking "why not just buy on deep web", i can se two reasons
1. he wonna sell it and start a buisness but given hes a fucking 12 year old kid that not gonna happend
2. if you for some fucking reason have acess to the expensive lab equipment requiered you can make it very cheap compared to the deep web stuff. tho only if you make like 1 gram of the stuff and i dont see how you whould ever get through a gram of LSD in a lifetime thats like 5000 somewhat heavy trips
Sry for long post and bad english
just one more thing, if you live in russia (like me) this isnt as hard since its quite easy to get your hands on heavily regulated chemicals like DEET without goverment intervention
If you want to acquire large amounts of LSD at a lesser expense (really the only reason to bother synthesizing it yourself), then I would reccomend buying bulk LSD in crystal form (go to the darkweb) and dosing it out on blotters yourself.
Or just buy bulk LSD on blotters already. I'm sure you can get a good deal if buying in bulk (again, darkweb).
If it's just for personal use... Check out the darkweb.
What is the basic gestalt of extraction? To what extent can you hope to get a relatively pure, and more importantly safe, product at home?
I know that understanding intermolecular forces is crucial for retrieving the chemicals that you want and narrowing down the process. However, there has to be thousands of chemicals with similar properties in a plant, so it seems dangerous in case you accidentally extract a neurotoxin. I only know general chemistry and some extremely basic organic and analytical chemistry, so I fear what I don't know because I know enough basics to realize that I'm playing with fire.
I'm sorry but if you are asking then you'll most likely never be able make it. Even people with doctorates organic chemistry can't begin to do it.
Even if you had the ability the lab equipment and precursors are extremely expensive and heavily regulated.
Not worth the legal risk and financial investment of acquiring unless you are planning on mass producing it for lots of money.
r8 my lab
no idiot, there are people that do it with no education other than first hand instructions
did you make this picture, if so what software did you use ?
1) You can get scammed while buying Bitcoin
2) You can get scammed while buying your product.
3) You can get your shipment confiscated by police. If the dose is not too big you're probably fine, but don't ship to same adress again.
4) The product itself CAN and probably WILL fuck you up in some way, severity of which is dependant on dose. Don't believe delusional hippies that tell you that it's not harmful.
Aside from that, all is safe.
It would take more money than the GDP of a small country to purchase enough pure LSD to kill a human.
Impure LSD is another matter.
Stupid question. Never do chemistry ever again.
>the only way to harm a human is killing him
I've done strong dosages of LSD several times and haven't been harmed. In fact, I've yet to meet someone who was harmed by it. Just make sure your lsd is pure.
You just need to know all the steps and do it exactly. Unless you want to make a new chemical, there's no need for any special knowledge.
Feed it to ur buddy
you can make it from banana peels.
also gotta take into account the decomposition of that one gram, good post either way
howw much money total
nice meme
>responding to obvious CIA
Good grief, and I thought this board is full of smart people
>Even people with doctorates organic chemistry can't begin to do it.
It's really that hard? How'd this guty do it?
is this NSA, CIA or FBI?
why is it all people EVER want to do with chemistry is make meth or LSD. god damn how stupid can you FUCKING BE.
if im answering your question somewhat seriously, the only way it would be possible would be to either steal chemicals from a manufacturer (because they know people want to do this and have made reagents to make it happen controlled substances) or you need to get good grades, do undergrad research, get into grad school, get into a project where you can work on something that justifies the use of these controlled substances, then moonlight make LSD when no one else is looking? btw you are fucked for life if you get caught. drug manufacture will no hesitation get you kicked out the second you are discovered and you will probably be sent to prison.
so its not about studying, you can find a synth in a research paper somewhere out there and follow it like a cookbook. the problem is you have to be retarded enough to be willing to throw your life away.
recrystallization, nmr, separation techniques. you better hope you are the best damn chemist in the world if you plan on taking your experiment out of the hood and eating it.
Equivocating meth and LSD is unfair.
LSD has actual uses in expanding and stimulating increased visual modeling and rotation. It also provides a platform for meta-cognitive processes.
Meth just makes your brain increasingly tolerant to dopaminergic stimulation.
>no schlenk line
what did he mean by this?
i dont care how dissimilar meth and LSD are. they are both a felony. try explaining to the arresting officer that you just planned on using the LSD as a nootropic to help you study pure maths. im sure he'll understand.
If you wanted to do it legally, just start a cult/church which proscribes LSD use during ceremonies.
A bit of work but as long as you do it ONLY during "services", you'll be fine.
It's like how Native Americans get a pass on Peyote usage from the Army because it's a part of their religious exercise. You can't do it while on duty but leave is all bets off.
no, dude, acid is illegal, the people using it like that do not answer to the government
Its not worth your time, since you cant find the equipment and the products easily.
The process in its self is probably not that hard.
They actually do. You just have to do all the bullshit paperwork and the bullshit religious doctrine.
The only reason for a bust would be people taking it outside the "religious establishment" and selling it.
That's not how it works dude. There are exceptions for, as you mentioned, peyote and other traditional plant medicines such as ayahuasca, that have been used for thousands of years. But no federal agent is going to approve a request by some hippie to do acid with the rest of his hippie cult because 'it's, like, part of our religion man'.
Trust me, I've done some acid.
Point taken.
honestly, I think you'll see a rapid trajectory towards legalizing when the top 2% start microdosing LSD for competitive advantage, as opposed to "mere" recreation.
It would be cheaper to buy a lifetime supply on the black market, paying bail and a lawyer if they catch you, than paying for a masters in o chem. at least in murica
Nope, it's not the top 2% that matter, it's the top .1%, really the top .01% and they have access to it when they need it. Allowing widespread access undermines the social order and makes their position much more untenable.
DEA, obviously
>You can get scammed while buying Bitcoin
When was the last time you bought bitcoin? There's plenty of reputable sources of bitcoin these days (Coinbase, Kraken, Circle, etc.)
>You can get scammed while buying your product.
True. But if you do basic research on sellers and don't go for deals that are too good to be true then you'll be fine.
>You can get your shipment confiscated by police. If the dose is not too big you're probably fine, but don't ship to same adress again.
Don't EVER ship drugs to your home address. Get a PO box, sign up for some bullshit spam mail so there's traffic to the box, and order your drugs there. Switch PO boxes every so often if you get paranoid.
>The product itself CAN and probably WILL fuck you up in some way, severity of which is dependant on dose. Don't believe delusional hippies that tell you that it's not harmful.
Well, duh. That's kinda the point of doing drugs fampi. But if you're buying off the deepweb you should have test kits so you can atleast confirm what you're fucking yourself up with.
By UV light
Come on, everyone love white crystaline purity, none of that brown/yellow sticky resin shit.
That's why I said top 2%. Because they're pseudo-enemies with the top .01%
I shouldn't say "pseudo enemies" but human social calculation is relative. They're probably more jealous of the top 0.1% than any other demographic.
50k purification?
you sure a simple column with suited lights etc won't do the job aswell?
Key word is >synthesize
Impurity of the product seems like it could be a pretty big issue when you're buying from untraceable strangers online, just saying.
If it is so difficult how do the people online get it?
Po boxes require an ID.. still just as risky as home address