Will you take the anti-aging pill?
Will you take the anti-aging pill?
Not until an anti-aging pill actually exists.
Yay, one step closer for the super rich to be able to live forever, meanwhile the rest of us can still drop dead at age 75.
>clickbait bullshit
You could have at least archived it you stupid fuck.
NAD+ is meh, altough Sinclair is a likable guy. If you want to be excited about something, look up senescent cells clearance. The field is exploding right now (as always, thanks to SENS)
>When you make fun of anti-aging faggots and laugh at them, but they might have some serious progress to slow aging.
I'm okay with this though.
the chink and curry negress are pretty qt.
brainlet spelling
>hurr that's how its spelled
No it's not. Just because a lot of people do it wrong for long enough doesn't make it right.
>muh elites
>muh "I can't comprehend how humans ever moved past feudalism"
>He thinks we've move past feudalism
kek. Do you own your own home? Probably not, it's either rented or on credit (that's if you've moved out of your parents home). Do you get paid a fair wage? Probably not, you've sold your labor to a company that has taken ever possible step to drive you wages down to the point were the only thing stopping them going any lower is the minimum wage. The worst part is you probably (and I'll admit you might not) believe that those on the top of pyramid [math] deserve [/math] to be there, almost like they were born to rule.
We never moved past feudalism, the only thing that changed was who the feudal lords were.
>Your entire post.
I swear to God this place is getting worse than Reddit.
I've heard the same fucking shit all time "hurr we made anti aging pills ecks dee" and literally nothing happens. this is just another "we are near anti aging pills but not yet!!!!!!"
they already do exist
We've already more or less moved back to feudalism, you utter moron. Everything is centered around debt and wage slavery to maintain payments. You don't actually have any options, but to pay tribute to the plutocrats.
Democracies and republics always do this.
you have more options than with feudalism you just choose not to use them. We still need people to work no way around that as is
That is edgy as fuck. What happened to Veeky Forums.
>You no options, but to pay tribute to the plutocrats.
Or you can live off the grid. Or you can become innovative and become a success by trading stocks to become wealthy or make something that makes a lot of bank, even a simple book can make you rich.
People always needs to work, but we are no where near feudalism in anyway. Just because some people are wealthy because inheritance or work doesn't make it feudalism.
Veeky Forums has really taken a nose dive in quality and mods don't do shit.
>two women, a black, some kind of indian and two white men
>caption clears up that only the white men are from the research team
>Professor David Sinclair (front) and Dr Lindsay Wu (far left) with the UNSW research team.
Not sure what you mean, it says all of them are part of the research team. With the exception of the Dr. Wu guy on the far left, as the article says.
Not an argument. We're still just serfs trying to eek out a living, the fact you think it's anything other than that just shows how deluded you people are.
Good genes and meth I think but I could be wrong about the good genes thing.
He has a point, everyone researching immortality needs to be executed, until we deal with the malevolent globalist jew menace jews cannot be allowed to become immortal.
we are still serfs that able to travel the world, own luxurious items of no use and educate our selves yet because I choose a stupid major i cant enjoy all those and therefore i hate capitalism
>Or you can live off the grid. Or you can become innovative and become a success by trading stocks to become wealthy or make something that makes a lot of bank, even a simple book can make you rich.
Maybe you should think about that before shitting on "socialized" universal healthcare and taking pride in voting for billionaires. You or whoever thinks like this.
itt: a bucket full of crabs
>So what if our system is structurally identical to that of Feudalism.
>There are some cosmetic differences
>So the current system is completely different and it's just you hating capitalism.
>Now excuse me I'm going to put in another 70 hour week to make my 50k a year.
>Meanwhile my CEO made about 1 million this year alone, despite putting in less hours
>But that's okay, he was born to rule.
The rich ARE genetically superior on average and may as well be born to rule.
>few cosmetic differences between feudalism and the present socio-economical system
gold medal in mental olympics
Photo is old or maybe that's the UNSW team, because non of these people were at the cape last summer.
>we shouldn't invent something because some people might benefit from it
hmm, really makes the jiggles wiggles.
>Shouldn't make something because it's going to create a ruling class or immortals.
Not that cuckservatives care, they're looking forward to the day big business starts raping them lmao.
The side effects will make it not worth taking, like almost any other piece of shit that comes out of pharmaceutical companies. It's best to just accept your death and return to the soil
the worst part about feudalism was the conditions under which regular people were forced to live, and that is the most important difference between then and now
I've already accepted my death. What I don't accept is the fact that my body and mind will just keep getting worse and worse until I get hit by a cerebral infarction while home alone and then I get stuck in a wheelchair, other side of my body paralyzed, unable to speak, completely dependent on other people.
>the worst part about feudalism was the conditions under which regular people were forced to live, and that is the most important difference between then and now
the higher standards of living we enjoy are a product of massive technological progress, nothing else
wealth has become muh more attainable and wide-spread because industrialisation and technology have made it extremely easy to mass-produce wealth on a scale that was literally unthinkable just 300 years ago.
i think a fair bit of political and social progress have happened too, in tandem with said technological progress
>social progress
Some happened, then a lot of it got undone. Life for your average American is worse now than it was 50 years ago.
>Older doctors are both white
>Younger ones, two Asian females, another Asian and a Black man.
Gee, who could be behind this?
At least 90% of the world population would take your 70 hour 50k job no questions asked.
Every man has his castle. It is the nature of humanity, we all create our own completeness
yeah, I agree with this user.
I'm not afraid of dying, but I don't like the idea of getting old and be betrayed by my own body.
I would take the pill if it meant that I could avoid that. I assume I would still die eventualy, be it natural causes or not.
Ah, yes, the qualifier that allows 'science journalism' to sell sensational claims to normies based on rather mundane science.
Actually, for a living language that's exactly how it works.
>drop dead at 75
do americans really do this?
those mice that got hairy again?
>his father was rich! It's not fair.
Go back to /pol/ retard.
>So what if our system is structurally identical to that of Feudalism.
Yeah...Except for social mobility being more or less merit based. It always amuses me the worst examples of humanity are the ones that cry hardest about capitalism. There is literally nothing stopping you from creating your own business and making good profits. You won't. Why? Because you're not as smart as you think you are, you're not as skilled as you think you are, you have no motivation, no talent, no desire to do the kind of work that the wealthy do and so you sell your labor in return for a wage.
Your CEO wasn't 'born to rule' dipshit. He put in the hard yards to get to that position and has more day to day responsibility running the company you work for than you will your entire life. Get your finger out and get good, or stop whining.
>Except for social mobility being more or less merit based.
Fucking lol, not even close dude. The US has some of the worst social mobility in the world.
People become millionaires all the time in the US. You don't even need to be particularly intelligent to do it, you just need good work ethic.
Look at this motherfucker:
A millionaire because he came up with an idea to sell fake teeth.
The opportunities are there, but they involve work. Most people choose the easier path of selling their labor for a more secure 9-5 job. Fair choice but you don't get to complain about being a 'serf' if you are willingly working for another person. You're getting what you deserve, no more, no less.
>I....its everyone else thats the problem
>Literally an entire country of leftist losers
>NO! It's not the system thats fucked.
Capitalists are just the worst.
>Capitalism creates the highest standard of living the world has ever seen
>Poverty slashed from 50% to below 10%
>Guy complaining on his home computer it's all so unfair
You owe everything you have to capitalism. It's the most efficient way to distribute finite resources, period. Don't like it, move to Venezuela, I hear they're doing great, you'll have all the rats you can eat you fucking commie.
>You should be thankful that you masters let you live so well
>Look at everything they've provided for you
>Now get back to work, your next mortgage payment is due
Nice argument, bootlicker. And people say we don't get shilled.
'Masters', seriously like I said there is absolutely nothing stopping you from starting your own business and becoming wealthy yourself. The majority of extremely wealthy people are entirely self made. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, etc, and there are thousands of millionaires who got there themselves.
Typical braindead communist who thinks just because people have more than him it's unfair. You are worthless. You contribute nothing and whine about how you deserve more.
Fuck yeah UNSW is getting its name finally.
I do a Advanced Maths/Actuarial Studies double degree there
>Do you own your own home? Probably not, it's either rented or on credit (that's if you've moved out of your parents home).
people actually live like this?
Although i guess I kind of fall into the 'not moved out' category, since I live in one of my family homes. I dont get why everyone thinks you need to buy a house, is it because your ancestors were shit? the logical way to do it (and how my family has done it for at least 6 generations), is to have 3 houses, grandma in one, parents in one, you in another, when grandma dies and you have kids they (or the oldest son) get the open house. or sometimes everyone moves 'up' one house.
Ive noticed with my friends too that no one seems to have a house thats been owned by the family for more than one generation anymore. No wonder people are poor if every generation starts from scratch again.
>Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk
>Elon Musk
He was born already rich you retarded mouth breather
>in 2017 self-made means that you used your daddy's money to start a business.
>Oh wow, a business with an infinite well of money from its wealthy CEO since inception isn't failing? WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED.
Capitalism is basically:
1) Are you rich?
Great, put all that money in a bank and start a business. You will literally never fail because if your business ever goes a little wrong, just take out a couple of millions from the billions your daddy gave you and then fix everything and start all over again.
2) Are you middle class?
Well, if you want to start a business your daddy can't give you millions of dollars. However I bet your middle class daddy can give you like 10k he saved and with that you can definitely start a business as long as you run it perfectly because if it ever goes wrong then you don't have millions to fix everything and WHOOPS your business already failed. Back to working for a rich man's business, where the boss can be doing cocaine all day and not give a shit about anything because if his business goes on the red all he does is get daddy's credit card.
3) Are you poor?
YOU WANNA FUCKING START BUSINESS? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Go back to your coal mine you fucking retard. Your daddy left you 10 bucks and a pack of wet cigarettes. Plus even if you saved your salary for 100 years you would have less than the monthly allowance a rich man gets from their daddy.
>See look at these achievers
>The fact they achieved is evidence that we live in a perfect system.
>Now get back to your second job, you have to pay off that overdraft charge somehow.
Alt-wrongers really are cucks.
>Bill Gates
>The Rags to Riches Story:
Bill was a college dropout who finessed his way into the upper echelons of IBM to sell his operating system. Now he sleeps on a bed made of solid gold. According to the media, Bill Gates is the Rocky Balboa of the business world. They've compared him to other college dropouts; from Kanye West to some guy who runs the IT Department at Bradley College. Gates proved that if you're smart and willing to work hard, you can build an empire! And you don't even have to go to college! Yay!
>Why it's a Load of Crap:
First of all, the college Gates left was Harvard, not the community college that most of the people who cite his story are thinking of leaving. He entered Harvard by scoring 1590 out of 1600 on his SAT--the man was, and still is, a genetically mutated genius. But one with the type of parents who could afford Harvard.
In fact, Gates's parents have a lot to do with his success, and even why he was able to drop out of school. At a very young age, Bill was staying up all night experimenting with computer programming. Keep in mind, this was the late 60s and early 70s, so having access to a computer was like having access to a helicopter. He gained incredible amounts of experience because his upper class parents were able to enroll him in an exclusive prep school that had a computer available. This was only possible because Bill's father was a prominent attorney, and his mother's side of the family wasn't exactly poor either.
Later, Gates left college because it didn't provide the training in computer programming that he needed for the software business he was running on the side. It wasn't that Gates couldn't keep up at Harvard; Harvard couldn't keep up with Gates.
Again, this is the kind of risk you can take when you have well-to-do parents who can get you right back into school if things don't work out. If the dude scraping by on student loans and corn dogs tries the same thing, he's probably going to wind up bussing tables at Chili's the rest of his life.
Of course here is where Gates used his genius and creativity to invent the modern operating system...
Oh, wait, no. It turns out he bought the program that would later become MS-DOS from another programmer, for a one-time fee of $50,000. He then took it to IBM and other PC manufacturers and made a pile of money big enough to ski down it.
Now, we're not saying Bill Gates isn't a smart guy or that he didn't work hard. By all accounts he puts in more hours working than most people put into being awake. But, an "Upper Middle Class Guy With an Extraordinarily Fortunate Background to Riches" story is a completely different deal than a "Rags to Riches." The dude wasn't exactly an orphan begging for scraps. And it's not like he was turning tricks as a male whore to put his start-up capital together, the way Steve Jobs did [citation needed].
>every rich person has access to literally billions of dollars
>no poor person has ever started a successful business
All of the most successful business owners I know started from essentially nothing. Being born into money just makes you lazy.
>The Rags to Riches Story:
Hahahahahahaha, Gates is comfortably upper class. His dad sat on the board of directors of First Interstate BancSystem. He was privately educated for god sake, spit the capitalist cum out and wake up.
>I didn't read the whole post: the post
>being a classcuck
My bad. Also did you get that from a Cracked article?
>All of the most successful business owners I know started from essentially nothing.
>I know
Lets be real, you don't know that many business owners. Unless that by "know" you mean "I read about them on online capitalist propaganda sites" which makes your experience pretty much invalid.
So for your sake I will assume you mean that you actually know them. How rich are them? Odds are their businesses are small and that they are middle class at best. Now, that's good but it shows a clear disparity between classes.
I am going to let you ponder this:
Why is it that 99.9% of people die at the class they were born at?
Let me give you a hint:
A long time ago, when the monarchies fell and the new republics started emerging in Europe and America, the top classes decided: Okay, I want myself to be rich. I want my family to be rich. I also want the friends of my family to be rich. And so that no one notices what is going on, I will also let the friends of my friends be rich, and the friends of their friends be rich.
Now, in these past hundreds of years this small group of peasants really helped me. My cooks, my main servants, the scholars who taught my children for generations. I will let them be middle class. Their families will have some wealth, to be sure they live a bit happy. Great, that's my list. But to ensure my family, the friends of my family, and the friends of the friends of my family and the frends of the friends of the friends of my family being rich, and for my past servants to be middle class, the wealth has to come from somewhere. Someone has to mine the coal. Someone has to actually make the wealth. That's it. Everyone else not in this list will be poor forever. Their families will be poor. And their children will be poor generation after generation, to be sure that they work the hard jobs that create the wealth me and my cronies will enjoy. Great.
Lets call it... capitalism.
Now we've gone off-topic but:
If you complain about capitalism aren't you basically complaining about nature?
What alternative is there? That's just how people are. Any kind of system will have to be set up and maintained by the same people so it will still have inequality and corruption. It's like wishing that all people were nice to each other. That just won't ever happen no matter how much you complain.
Freud believed man cannot be improved. He was right. But Freud lived in a time when it was beyond anyone's imagination that we might one day gain control of our nature.
This is "I got fucking owned": The post.
Don't worry, you'll turn 25 some day and your brain will fully mature.
>Why is it that 99.9% of people die at the class they were born at?
Because they have money-managing skills commensurate with those of their parents.
There's no reason to be poor in America if you have some sort of job, live within your means and don't have kids outside of marriage or do drugs.
Capitalism might not be perfect but it's much better than your alternatives. It has enriched much of the world. There has been massive global poverty reduction in recent decades due to capitalist reforms. Meanwhile, in your utopias, like Venezuela, for example, people are so poor they're reduced to hunting house pets for food and yet, there is still a minority of mega rich people. The difference is, of course, that with all of their buddies installed as dictators of various industries, they have way more money and power, compared to their own poor, than rich people in capitalist countries. Funny, isn't it?
You are wrong. You have always been wrong. You will always be wrong.
Now, go turn 17.
>Freud believed man cannot be improved. He was right. But Freud lived in a time when it was beyond anyone's imagination that we might one day gain control of our nature.
Freud was a fraud whose only supporters are plebs who know nothing about his insistence on his theories despite all contrary evidence.
Remeber, this is the guy who thought everything was sexual except for when it came to himself. Those cigars he liked to smoke weren't big, brown penises in his mouth. No, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
Please stop, child.
This guy knows what's up.
>French revolution
Was it lead by the poor and disenfranchised? Nope it was lead by men like Robespierre, wealthy people that just wanted more power.
>The American revolution
Lead by wealthy land owners who wanted to pay less tax.
The worst part is the majority of people don't care, so long as they get the iPhone 47 S+, now with more surveillance. It's disgusting how little these feeders care about themselves or society at large.
>iPhone 47 S+, now with more surveillance
apple products are less botnet than any android phone
>Immortal humans
This is a very bad idea.
apple can't even come close to anything google related in terms of suiveillance
Nobody will be immortal
corporations already are immortal
So long the technology exists, the knowledgeable can replicate it.
Most gene therapy techniques will not be difficult to replicate, the trick is knowing what to do with them.
>genetically better
No, they have access to better schooling and medical treatments
Historically, feudal lords had the WORST genes from constant inbreeding
One of the most richest families, the Rockefellers started off with a dude selling elixers and chopping down trees
While his family did come from a business background his sons became the infamous oil tycoons
He taught them an eye for business, and they ran with it and became filthy fucking rich in a world that had even LESS social mobility than now
I legitimately think you are confusing things with feudalism, Feudalism doesn't require peasants do anything but work for the good of the kingdom/empire and they are protected from harm
Now tradesmen got paid, and eventually lead to mercantilism, you can't just intimidate these artisans into working, since they are hard to come by and take quite some time honing their craft, with their guild effectively acting as a trade organization that kings and emperors paid into(investing one could say)
Eventually this gave rise to merchant republics(Italy specifically) when gave rise to all kinds of different trade until we eventually got to a natural selection like capitalism which isn't perfect but better than communism in the sense that communism is an almost spitting image of feudalism with some slight changes to hierarchy
But I'm probably explaining this to a underage and b& poster
l-carnosine + melatonin, best anti-ageing supplements.
For real though.
I am doing research for my PHD thesis in this area at the top biomedical engineering school in the county. A lot of anti aging dwells on senescence cells. We arn't totally certain of their existence but proving this and the mechanism of use will be profound.
If this community has questions I'm more than happy to answer them, and link a few good journal entries regarding this area.
>>muh elites
>>muh "I can't comprehend how humans ever moved past feudalism"
I feel sorry for you not taking the bogpill
I can't even tell if this is sarcasm...
>doesn't post the link to the actual paper
>posts shitty click bait and screenshot
This is happening more and more on Veeky Forums. While on /tv/ about 30% of the threads may be this shit at any one time some days. Though the janitor seems to delete many of them on /tv/ since they are actually spam.
He does have a point.
You'll have all of eternity to kill them off at least.
What tablets do I need to take to stay young forever my man
If it actually works, where's the hype/proof ?
No way. I'm a pretty good looking dude. Age is only gonna make me more attractive. I wanna at least be salt and pepper before I upload my brain to the usenet.
how much are researchers trying on them selves? any spooky side effects?