If heat riser why is the freezer at the top?
If heat riser why is the freezer at the top?
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Literally for the electric company to make more money. That's why the compressor is at the bottom and why the compressor exists in the first place. No joke. It is the broken window fallacy for 99.999% of the fridge and freezer design market.
My freezer is on the bottom, it's a pull out freezer and most larger refrigerators have that kind of layout these days. Only really cheap low end ones have the freezer on top.
>buying the cooling jew
>not salting your meat like glorious anglo-saxon ancestors
because cold air goes to the bottom. Freezer is coldest part at the top. Fold travels down to cool rest of the fridge.
I really feel like this isn't true, I've never seen that in my life. The standard if by and far that the freezer if on the top and I highly doubt it's changing.
Cold air sinker.
Maybe but freezer belongs on the bottom for convenience and they are just getting around to fixing that now. Vertical split doors are OK I guess if you freeze a lot of stuff but then just get a chest freezer.
You have to do it this way for combination freezer, refrigerator unless you provided separate equipment for each section. If the freezer is at the bottom, and if heat rises and you want to get rid of the heat, then you would have to pump the heat to the bottom to cool to remove it.
So you put the coils at the top so that the heat rises to the coils. That is why the vegetable crisper is at the bottom of the fridge where it is warmer, and you put the milk at the top where it is coldest. One unit cools all the different temps needed for your food.
>heat rises
no, hot air rises, and the effect is only significant in a large space without prevailing air currents
your fridge is:
circulated thoroughly where open
Mine too. You use Whirlpool? The headquarters is near my hometown.
it isn't at the top in my freezer
If heat rizes, why are mountaintops full of snow?
checkmate globalists.
Yes. Also early refrigerators had the compressor on top with cooling vanes, so the heat therefrom could dissipate easily. The freezer area was put close to the compressor, and was just an un-insulated metal box around the coils. You still see this in small fridges, like the dorm-room variety. That was enough to keep the freezer colder than the rest of the fridge.
For you americans maybe, but in yurop almost all full-size fridge/freezer -combos are like
I'd like to agree here
In addition to that why is Death Valley the hottest place on Earth? Once again, Veeky Forums has no answer.
Erm, nope. I'm from europe and every fridge that I've seen that has a freezer, has the freezer at the top.
this is the kind of shitposting I expect to see on
> Veeky Forums - Refrigerators and Freezers
Where are you from then?
niggas, if it's a small freezer compartment *inside* the fridge it's at the top (for reasons outlined in this thread), if it's a separate freezer and refrigerator that are stacked, the fridge is on top because it's easier access and you use it more often
You got my kek
Are you kidding? I live in the USA and there are tons of those in high end houses. They are quite nice and expensive. A lot of them even have the compressor shit on the top along with the heat exchanger coils which are cooled via forced air.
The best ones are the type that use heat to cool. You normally only see them as antiques or in RVs. The antiques are extremely nice and have no moving parts. A friend of mine had an antique icy ball fridge that was fucking amazing looking. Straight Victorian steampunk design. Someone stole it and fucking sold it for scrap. For the life of me I can't find a photo of one on google. Just the other more modern looking ones are popping up. Fucking tragedy.
The science behind them is pretty neat.
Most of the fridge-freezers people have on reallifecam.com are the kind with the freezer on the bottom.
Guys. Guys. Come on now.
It doesn't matter whether or not the freezer is on the top or bottom. The refrigerator and freezer are heat-independent and sealed using a sort of vacuum. The only reason fridges typically have the freezer on the bottom is because people use the refrigerator portion more often and you don't want to have to bend down to get your morning prune juice every damn day. Jesus fuck.
>buying salt by the barrel
>dying at 50 years old
What a glorious period
Because coldness goes down.
so the rugrats won't eat the ice cream immediately
shieeet my fridge has the freezer on the left side and fridge on the right
Get rid of power plants to produce electricity for those fucking fridges and go out to the lake in winter time and saw your own ice you lazy fucking retard. Then learn to smoke & dry your own meat and you won't have to worry about masturbation either....... losers.
To maximize the surface that the coolant can use to loose it heat. This actually reduces the energy needed by the compressor.
>learn to smoke & dry your own meat and you won't have to worry about masturbation
>The refrigerator and freezer are heat-independent and sealed using a sort of vacuum.
lol no
it's plastic and fiberglass
This. In Finland, picture related is called "jenkkikaappi", which means "american cupboard" or "american fridge". People only use these in their summer houses or in very small apartments where a full-size fridge doesn't fit.
My freezer is at the bottom of the fridge, what the hell???
And why did socialist companies use the same layout, too?
Freezer is at the bottom.
t. Japan.
becuz heat xchange wtih ground far wurse
>not curing the meat by keeping it under your saddle like Indo-European overhorsemen