What makes people laugh?

What makes people laugh?
It's something so fundamental, yet something we don't fully understand.
The main theories are:
Incongruity theory-unexpected turns
Superiority theory-laugh at others misfortune
Relief theory-release psychological tension
And benign-violations-social violations delivered to an audience that feels safe

It seems to be a mix of these four theories, yet that just feels like us not fully understanding it with a more simple reason.

Are there other theories, and what would you guys believe could be a "universal" theory?

This screenshot is a good example of benign-violation, yet why is it funny there's a new picture of him?

Is it just a callback to a joke that follows one of these theories?

cortisol suppression as new synaptic pathways are formed in the brain


I believe that would be relief theory

I'd argue superiority theory with this one

My theory is that comedy is a manifestation of the absurdity of a situation, i.e. its lack of any logic as compared to the "realness" of regular life.


When I'm not depressed I usually laugh at a response to everything. Havn't been able to do since last year continually.

People would say hi and I'd start laughing. People would make fun of me and I'd laugh at them.

Fixed. Please save this one instead user.

That was my theory although I had a hard time defining what absurdity was. Something that appears illogical is a good definition of it.

I didn't include it though since it is really a subset of incongruity and superiority theories

I think you have a serious case of the giggles there

Wasted quints

U avin a case of the giggles m8?

I know I am

It's all schadenfreude. Just think about it.


Do these quints overturn any analysis?

>It's all schadenfreude. Just think about it.
Aka superiority theory

It's not all inclusive
>I was in my office cubicle when this little girl came up to me. She had a cute little process costume and her mother was chasing her down.
>I ask her what she's doing and in the deepest fucking voice she began to sing opera like she was in a fucking musical theatre for tots

nor is it the rule
Why wouldn't some people laugh when they find their mother dead?


Laughter is linked to an interrupted defense mechanism. No sane creature would interrupt a defense mechanism.

To me, humans laughing is one of our most blatantly monkey-like social behaviors.

Not that laughter is strictly social. I laugh at things all alone. However people are much more likely to laugh if they hear other people laughing. If you doubt this, try watching popular sitcoms with the laugh track off. You'll probably still recognize what is supposed to be a joke, but you won't laugh.

I'd define absurdity as illogicality mixed in with unlikable traits / characteristics like inferiority (laughing at someone stupid, being sarcastic - laughing at people dumb enough to take it as true / honest, undermining authority, etc), sadness (cynical / dry humor), etc

sense of humor is related to intelligence because it requires imagination, it
s related to using metaphors / analogies and comparing different concepts to other concepts, identifying flaws and exaggerating them in order to highlight them

it's probably useful because it rewards you when you find connections between 2 very different but sort-of-related concepts, it's probably like when you use your imagination to create mental links between concepts but on turbo, on steroids, and that excess of reward chemicals turns into laughter

creating mental links is useful for efficiently using your existing memories in order to memorize new concepts without wasting too much memory (asymptotically reaching kolmogorov complexity kind of thing), it's also useful to comparing present experiences with past experiences and turning problems into abstract, general problems that you can describe using past experiences that are also turned into abstract general models

let's say you look at stupid person, you associate its stupidity with a dog, you look at his face and you see his dumb face and opened mouth because he is a mouthbreather and you think that he is extremely similar to a stupid dog that breathes repeatedly in order to cool itself. A stupid person is similar to a dog because he also likes doing stupid inane shit all the time, like watch sports and get drunk and be a lazy fuck, kind of like how dogs like to eat shit and sniff eachother's assholes and so on.

I believe that has more to do with rapport and conformity than humor though

You went off on quite the tangent there, and I agree with a lot of what you said.
So you believe laughter is simply ample reward chemicals for connecting two seemingly unrelated things?
Maybe...but why would something like this be funny then

I'm guessing that exceptions like that one are just anomalies related to the fact that our biology didn't evolve as fast as society and technology did, which lead to oversocialization and unnatural human behavior.

Keep deluding yourself commie.

>neets understanding social science
What was I thinking?

Or perhaps it's Aristotle's superiority theory that we laugh at things that unfortunate to others, yet doesn't directly affect us

maybe, but in that case you can also interpret it as being rewarded for observing someone else's fuckup, for observing a negative scenario and knowing that you need to avoid doing it so you are rewarded to some degree which can lead to laughter or a smirk or a simple "oh, interesting"

it could also be something social that aids with bonding and fitting-in

but there's also the fact that some of the tools we have that were given by evolution were approximate answers, sort of ad-hoc solutions to environmental problems and of course the environment changed a lot even though biology couldn't change as fast as society / the environ. did

which leads to us having a set of tools that were successful in prehistoric times but are sort of incompatible with the current world, right now those tools are responding in new and maybe even random and useless ways to external stimuli

like sexual fetishes, the need to reproduce has somehow degenerated into fapping to hentai, buying dakimakuras, zoophilia, being attracted to feet, to eating shit, piss fetish, blowjobs, etc are all evolutionarily useless and barely logical ways in which our tools are responding to the modern world

kind of how laughter is now a maybe random and not really logical answer / response / output to many new stimuli / input

this wasn't funny

Why not?

Thanks, your answer seems very logical. Do you have any references though?

not really, sorry

but most of what I said is taken from random studies put together, but I'm not sure if the result of those studies can be replicated or if the general consensus in their fields confirms that what they have found is "correct"

That's because popular sitcoms aren't actually funny.