Alright ya noobs, I'm settling this time travel hoax once and for all

Alright ya noobs, I'm settling this time travel hoax once and for all.

First and foremost: Time is an arbitrary notation created by man. If the whole concept were to die out, none of our maths would be any different. Time is not a thing in the universe, just on our clocks. All you're giving meaning to is MOTION. Same with energy, there is no such thing, just different forms of motion. Kinetic energy is a pleonasm.

Now back to time. How the FUCK would you translate said arbitrary time notation to a machine somehow connected to space-"time"?
Pro tip: You can't.

Unless you manage to install a framework in the universe with a functional API it's not happening. Yes, mass and speed (same thing) slow down motion but that's it. You can slow down your RELATIVE MOTION as opposed to others but that's not time travel. There's no destination as defined by con-artists getting grant money for fake/stupid study and spend it on booze and cocaine (like my money).

Get over it. There's no such thing as destination based fucking time travel. Niggers.

Time TRAVEL implies a destination. Beyond our sketchy communication method (which I'm not fond of either). Tell me, where exactly is next week? or last week? Break out the maths faggot, oh, you can't. Because even Einstein didn't predict destination-based time travel. And none of his maths allow for a stable "wormhole".

Checkmate muggles.

We're not even in GUT territory yet. No-one knows what in the fuck dark matter is or whether or not it's just an appendage of some other mechanism. We can't even figure what the fuck is happening with Beryllium. But you're over here attempting to make a claim regarding time travel from a remedial knowledge of SR.

Fuck off, nigga.

That wont change anything.

>Why haven't we had visitors
>What's the interval of the universes FPS
In other words, what's the smallest unit of time in the universe that you have to punch into your time machine. No it isn't seconds. Neither is it a Plancktime. Please, feel free to define the universes refresh rate.

>whats our FPS
gg rekt

well if you wanna talk theoretical then its definitely possible to time travel forward by traveling faster in space.

The problem of traveling back in time is that its spacetime you're traveling through. The reason you can 'travel forward faster' is because you can effectively slow your own motion. Backwards time travel doesn't make sense with this though, because you have to actually cause the entire universe to work in BACKWARDS MOTION, but NOT YOU.

I could see how maybe a small amount of matter could be time traveled, maybe a fruit 'restored' to before it rots. But backwards time travel of something would require the inverse, everything going backwards outside and the object staying normal.

The only other option is if you send it back in time but to separate timeline in which it suddenly appears at x moment it was sent to. But that could still have tons of problems, while it may not be impossible it is certainly fucking stupid.

The Earth orbits the Sun. It doesn't do this instantly. It takes a certain amount of time.

Yep, time exists.

>We use the word "time" to discribe motion (the earths orbit)
>Therefore time is a physical thing in the universe we can manipulate

Haven't seen this kind of egocentric box thinking since the dark ages. And every day in Murica

Good point. Speed and mass cause a drag on your motion. You will be moving slower than someone not as heavy/fast. But that doesn't imply TIME exist. At all.

I'm trying all the time to get people to stop thinking so abstract. In concept and boxes but nope. Stupid people.

Here's a tip for you all: before you can discuss a subject answer yourself one question first, WHAT IS IT. If you can't answer it or just make up a definition on the spot, tou should not be discussing it.

So lets try it: What is time? In my view it doesn't exist. And if you clear your mind of your indoctrination and think about it, you'll see it too

Time is just the dimension of motion. Theoretically we should be able to arbitrarily 'scan through' this dimension, but if its even possible it definitely is very difficult. Problem being that we are partly created by that dimension and it partly created by us. I'm not saying any bullshit about consciousness, just that basically ALL MATTER is tied to this dimension, so you're going to have difficulty getting only some matter to change position in the dimension.

Spacetime is SPACEtime because it literally is the movement of matter through space. As matter moves position in space, its position in time correlates. So basically good luck time traviling and not dieing in the process somehow.

Relativity to the redshift data aquired from the big bang to the approximate point of ending using calculations based on harmonics to approximate the big crunch.

Fuck you Malfoy.

>Time is an arbitrary notation created by man
>That dilates according to universal laws

Hmmmm, I think you're talking shit, and this is only your first sentence.

>Big Crunch
You lost right there, big boy.

So what do you believe happens after dissipation?

>You can't have a stable wormhole.
This has nothing to do with your concept of time and yes, theoretically we can have a stable wormhole propped up by quantum effects (like Casimir, which is proven to exist).

As the universe slowly gets colder and colder and the weak electromagnetic forces get stronger and stronger? The breath of God is real. The last thing the universe will receive is his inhalation.

Heat Death, period.

How much salvia do you smoke before posting?

When things get cold. They shrink. The heat death you speak of is stasis point. The big bang will slow. We are merely in the out breath of the wave of creation.

I think you're forgetting "dark" energy, my friend.

"Tide goes in, tide goes out, you can't explain that."

Just cause of a little flotsam you forsake the larger ocean?

>Comparing fluid dynamics to the universe.
Alright, Chad, whatever you say.

>Time is an arbitrary notation created by man.
This is so clearly and obviously wrong that I'm not really sure what you expect people to give a fuck about the rest of your rambling post.

Ayy Lmao

Whoa, a game, such concrete evidence!

Time is the 4th dimension, to experience any of the other dimensions we are bound to, namely the other 3, we travel through the 4th.
we are all time travelling right now, we are all in motion experiencing the 3 spatial dimensions, that motion, we call it time.

Which one has cat girls do you get to it?

Thanks for saving my time. I was about to read what OP wrote.

I can tell if you're serious or not. Time is a man made concept. Change is our notion of time. That doesn't mean it actually exists in any form or way. To think that time is a dimension that exists beside our spatial dimensions is idiotic.

maybe you can make one that you can just punch a time period into, like ten seconds or something.

not only are you currently arguing against time travel but you are also arguing against the existence of our present time

time is literally a dimension. a dimension is just anything that cant be measured by a vector existing defined by only the other dimensions

There is but a moment. It has and always will exist. Time is but a measure, as distance and weight, as a model of the physical world on which to build ever more powerful killing machines.