Hey fags, /b/tard here

Hey fags, /b/tard here

When 2 light waves cancel each other out, where does the energy go?

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Comes out as something like heat if theres perfect destruction. In natural phenomena destructive interference is usually accompanied in some way by constructive interference which is where the energy can end up

so what, a photon comes out of thin air?

This is a trick question. Visible light is a very small percentage of the electromagnetic spectrum

Please give a practical real world example so I may further understand your inquiry. Your crude model is probably the problem. Its unrealistic in its approach to how we interact with light waves in reality, not theoretically

No you are just a retard.

That answer was made up by a clever man. However, it's wrong in assuming light creates heat, its more the opposite, heat creates light. Get it?

Dont get mad and call names, that just shows everyone you have no way to respond to truth other than anger. Dont be a muslim about it

For example, the glowing brakes of an F1 car. The friction creates heat, that heat creates visible waves of light.

Do you even know what a photon is?

??? I just proved in one video you are a retard, and answered OP question.
You did not contribute anything to the thread, and you dare respond to my post. You are a waste of ressources, just kys.


Where is the energy before they cancel? Why does radiation drop in frequency when it travels? Isn't EM radiation just rapidly oscillating electron power levels in affected matter. Is there any internal friction in this system, some resistance? Two opposite waves collide = Two systems of affected matter 'join' (join meaning they come in contact and start affecting each other) to be one system, and the opposite waves cancel. The oscillation stops in both. Think of it as an inelastic head-on collision. There is energy in both. The energy is expended in stopping the other wave.

Each photon is an oscillation that carries energy and momentum. When the two out of phase photons are combined, the net result is no oscillation (no photon). But just because the EM field is not oscillating doesn't mean there's not energy and momentum stored in the field. It's just the energy is not being transferred anywhere. It stays in the field.

You mean that the net energy of a system with two waves is the same whether or not the waves are on top of each other or not?

hmm so you mean that photons are a field and not particles?

Depends who's asking

my mum

The energy is still there.
However, the oscillations that are emergent from the underlying energy, is dampened.

When 2 transverse waves of opposite and equal amplitudes travel in opposite directions along a rope, at the point where the 2 waves meet the waves appear to cancel, when in fact the movement of the particles being oscillated and not the waves themselves have been canceled (much like how 2 forces in opposite direction lead to a net acceleration of 0).

This is not how light works though, as light can only be seen in the positive (if we are to look at it from the QFT perspective). Light can be seen as a positive only wave that itself is an emergent property of the fluctuation of the electric and (imaginary) magnetic underlying quantum fields. Light does not have destructive interference with light, only constructive interference. If you don't believe me, get 2 lasers and intersect the beams of light from both.

Nah photons are electromagnetic oscillations in an electromagnetic field.
The field is just the medium in which the photons "exist". (Pls forgive badly formulated answer)

Light doesn't have destructive interference with light? Really? Never heard of young's double slit experiment?

ok ok

you have these gnomes (knomes) in an alternative universe which run at some speed, if there are two gnomes which run at equal speeds but in opposite directions and collide, they stop and all energy goes into heating the gnomes.

according to the theories these gnomes are linked to our world if you see waves colliding it's because of these gnomes

energy goes into heating gnomes

So i assume all that heat from the sun is a figment of my imagination? Or is there some massive convection current blowing hot air through space? Yes heat can create light, but light can also create heat. Its just a transfer of energy, its not a one way process.

tl;dr: you a dumb

user what are you talking about. We feel the sun's heat because we absorb its radiation incident on the Earth

Yeah it could.

The energy is still there, it just isn't transferred anywhere, you effectively have a standing wave.

>where does the energy go?
It goes to the bright spots

Would that radiation happen to be of the electro-magnetic variety?

You ever fried ants with a magnifying glass? You ever seen a laser burn something?

The video is sophisticated trolling. It leaves the question totally unanswered ("I leave it as a puzzle to you!")

>heat creates light. Get it?
...and absorbed light creates heat, geddit?



Yes they can cancel out for a moment, but think about it, how are you in any way going to have two waves colliding perfectly canceling eachother out? At some point they diverge and their energy escapes still. In the areas where the waves are cancelled, they are only appearing as cancelled out, if that wave hits anything the energy of both will hit as well.