IQ racial disparity and percentage of DNA attributed to Neanderthal hybridisation:

Races by percentage of Neanderthal DNA:
Source: tinyurl com/neanderthal-DNA-map
>1: East Asians
>2: Caucasoid
>3: South Eurasians and Middle Easterns
>4: North Africans and 'African Arabs'
>5: Northern Sub-Saharan Africans
>6: Central and Southern Sub-Saharan Africans
This also happens to coincide with IQ disparity exactly.
Source: tinyurl com/IQ-by-country-map

My proposal is that percentage of Neanderthal may be the reason that certain races (with higher percentages of the DNA) have higher IQ and seem to be more 'intelligent' than others.

>America has been excluded due to widespread mixing between diametric genepools, Brazil being a prime example.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yup. Neanderthals also had larger brain-to-body ratios. Joseph Henrich seems to think they were smarter.

Yes, indeed. Race war when?

That's quite interesting, if we hadn't bred with Neanderthal and wiped them out or vice versa, it would be interesting to see the differences in 'timelines'.

Never, lower intelligence doesn't call for eugenics just better use of human resources and abilities as per meritocracy (which should mirrior biologically beneficial traits, such as 'greater' intellect).

you mean "percent"
no, they are not the same

Who let the /pol/tard in?

Do the commercial DNA tests
(ancestryDNA, 23andMe, etcetera)
detect Neanderthal components?

miscegenation is good after all


I would say it's pretty much guaranteed that we kept whatever intelligence boosting genes the Neanderthal's had.

There is something similar with tibetans and how they adapted to high-altitude.

It's very likely that we will trace the surviving neanderthal genes to positive traits like higher intelligence or better looks.

>just better use of human resources and abilities as per meritocracy
and your race has the greatest merit, amirite? never mind that you personally are a brainlet.

>Brazil being a prime example

Hey, I'm white.

Yes. It gives you the percentage of neanderthal DNA you have.

>It's very likely that we will trace the surviving neanderthal genes to positive traits like higher intelligence or better looks.
we won't
most of their genes have simple non-crucial functions

it's very likely human neanderthal offspring had reduced fertility and wasn't completely viable

they really were a different species

Wouldn't neanderhals score low on IQ tests because of their underdeveloped prefrontal cortex? Their brains were bigger because of sensorial and motor processing.

the link you posted doesn't really back up what you said.

It says they might have been responsible for boosting Vitamin D absorption, but nothing about intelligence. The thing is we don't have intelligence mapped all that well so this is not a surprise.

Basically your post isn't good evidence and your argument not very backed up.

The fact neanderthal DNA survived despite fertility problems shows that it probably had some pretty big boosts to survival.

only irrelevant parts survived, and they survived because they weren't harmful, not because they helped
i don't know if you are aware but some intelligence genes have already been found, and they exist in all races, but in different frequencies - so they didn't come from the 'thals

they could barely talk, if at all, they matured at 12 and after the climate changed, they died

>irrelevant parts survived

your logic appears at a basic glance to be very flawed on this subject. If the neanderthal was shit genetically then nothing of it would survive. Natural selection alone would be pretty good at weeding out bad genes.

You also made the mistake of saying nothing helped, but the article you linked a source literally states that they had genes which helped with Vit. D.

Similar to the way Tibetans adapted to high-altitude by taking very specific genes from Denisovans. Denisovans are obviously shit genetically, but it doesn't mean that the random mutation process didn't give them some decent genes of which humans can survive better with.

It will be interesting to see the results but I'd wager that neanderthal DNA gave us slight boosts to overall IQ.

>promoting the ultimate is race-mixing
What the fuck are you on about?

Brainlet how?

Brainless cause IQ is irrelevant in the real world. Post about you Masters or PhD

I'm siding with this user, because he doesn't commit logical fallacies (yet) or contradict himself on supposition.

you do realize that all the thal genes we have are known right
you do realize we have their genome right
all it takes is to compare them
that simple

here's a quote you'll like

>"Anything related to maleness in the Neanderthal has been purged from our genomes," said Chris Stringer, head of human origins at the Natural History Museum in London. "Neanderthal DNA has come down to us today, but that transmission was mainly through the female line, because the males would have been significantly less fertile, and possibly even sterile."

>IQ is irrelevant.
Clearly not, as those areas on the map with higher IQs ARE more advanced than the areas on the map with lower IQs.
So, [CITATION NEEDED] for your claim(s).

Funnily enough, you know they say intellect is passed along the maternal line?
>"Neanderthal DNA has come down to us today, but that transmission was mainly through the female line, because the males would have been significantly less fertile, and possibly even sterile."

Not sure how this means surviving neanderthal genes can't be useful.

>they say
you do realize you just skipped the important part of my post
yes, just not in terms of intellect

we've done hundreds of GWAS studies, 'thals didn't contribute with smarts

Then why the IQ disparity?

1: East Asians
a topic for a different thread

it's 2017 and i'd like to see the neanderthal meme threads die


Just wondering. Is there any study that actually looks into if neanderthal's contributed to intelligence via GWAS?

>It's current year!

Why does the IQ disparity also match up with the differing percentages of Neanderthal DNA?

Gookmoot should nuke you off this website. Go back to /pol/ and castrate yourself with acid.

>Dubs not true for once.
>You're literally /pol/?!
How am I? I am being PRO species mixing, that's pretty much 'ultra' race mixing.

Funnily enough, everything you don't agree with isn't always /pol/, retard. :)