Secondary Science and Math Education

>be me
>high school science teacher
>grades due today
>roughly 1/3 of students get F
>90% of those come from not turning in any work
>have to look through the "unsubmitted" trash looking for reasons to give points
>look at their other grades
>similar results (F's, D's, very few C's)
>feels bad

when the fuck did American students start caring more about Snapchat than their education?

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Please tell me you teach AP

since when did American students care about their education?
(not a eurofag)


half the questions asked in my (honors) algebra 2 class was "when are we going to use this in real life?"

I fucking wish.
I have to teach 85% Freshmen, 10% slower Sophomores, and 5% remedial Juniors

This is what happens when philosophy isn't taught in school.

As with all things in modern life, disconnection from a true purpose and rampant hedonism.

Where I live the school requires that all students have a smart phone and that most of their homework is done on the smartphone. There's even a special app for it all. The app is from some local junk food company who donates chicken feed amounts of money to the school.

Did I mention this is an elementary school?

The proper response is, "You won't, you'll be a stripper."

Look how many of them don't turn in a simple assignment.
I am losing hope here.

Why are you a high school science teacher?

Because I wanted to teach science but college is out of my reach so high school should have been the next best thing

I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you can teach AP courses in the future, where the students would (hopefully) care more.

>have to look through the "unsubmitted" trash looking for reasons to give points
It's because your job is not to educate, but to inspire.
But wtf would I know, I work in a factory now.
Thanks, teach.

Maybe you're just a shit teacher fampi

Students still don't care more in AP Chem, the only difference is that they take the time to copy the homework from the 1 or 2 students that actually do it

Sorry that you had no parents to teach you to ask the teacher, "When are we going to use this in real life?"

There's the rub... the teacher responds "memorise ch3 and projectile vomit it on the exam paper, that is your real life right now.".
Inspiring is "mix this portion of break fluid with this much pool chlorine, and watch it go BOOM!... it's covered in chapter 3.".

I don't use textbooks, that shit is garbage.
These kids can't even watch Spiderman 3 and answer video questions without me standing over them.

tl;dr I give children no information and they can't give information back.

When the country was 90% white and not infected with kulturpoz. That is, before 1965.

And obviously I meant "brake" not "break", but I work in a factory now, wtf do I know?

You don't need information to know how Peter Parker became the fucking SpiderMan
Holy shit. If this is bait, then I have taken all of it because you are one fucking idiot.

oh, ok... spiderman movies are information for our next generation now. Sorry, I missed that point.

Don't change your point of kids not being able to do anything because the teacher doesn't tell them what to do.
Shit has changed since our times.

Teachers aid here. I have seen so many kids put nothing on their test or not even try to pay attention in class that it's sad. They really don't care that they are throwing the their future away.

I work as a tutor for a high school sci? Science teacher who teaches freshmen as well and I see the same. I am keking imagining that you are him anger posting in Veeky Forums.

This isn't a bad question if asked out of really curiosity. I generally ask them what job they want when they grow up and generally I can the can think of how they need it.

Never suggested the teacher should be telling them what to do, in fact the opposite, I said the teacher should be inspiring them. Which is in reality a benevolent form of manipulation. Which is the teacher telling the children what to do. Which is really the children telling the teacher what to do by being interesting or we won't learn this shit. Now go home and memorise chapter 3.

i grew up in literal farmville, 99% white. our class president got a 16 on her act and the class average was less than 20

>Get their parents' phone number and call them up.
>Tell them their child is going to suck cock in back-alleys for a living if this keeps up
>And lie that you're one of their other subjects' teacher so you don't get blow back for insulting their special snowflake

the education system blows in america, i saw plenty of good teachers get burned out and stop caring in my time at high school as their minuscule paychecks were cut year after year. not really defending them but that jobs simply blows

You can't just teach theorems and proofs to kids that don't care.. being a high school teacher isn't about teaching science it's about inspiring potential..

I love teaching, I love helping these kids but I can only take so much

We have deadlines and standards to teach, fuck you and your hippy "make-all-kids-feel-special" ideologies. Some kids are terrible no matter how hard you try to help them. No one comes to see me in tutoring EVER.

Called home on several occasions only for mom to get mad at me telling me that I was trying to cheat her kid out (out of "what" I have no idea)

you may have gleened from some of my spellings that I'm not from america (northern continent, US), but yeah, that blows.

How much potential do you see here?

>>roughly 1/3 of students get F

And how many of those are black?

take a look

Teaching required classes is hell
Teaching classes that kids choose to be in is great

>Matthew 7:6 Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Jesus says to fuck 'em. Pay attention to the 2/3 of students that value their gift of education.

>in high school history class
>reading out loud from textbook
>literally the only person who can read without stumbling
>class starts openly mocking me and laughing literally because I can read like a normal fucking person

Never have I been so confused in my life

are people really not able to read aloud?


Give out bilingual assignment.
Sonigas dulingva farita.

your second >>
I still work in a factory and I'm happy doing it I have found my own place there, and it provides me affluence; I have standards and deadlines to reach, but I'm no hippIE. Some kids ARE terrible, they will find their own way. Focus on the ones that respond to you - my own 'tutor' taught me the thing that he knew, it wasn't academic, but it has sustained me.

>only for mom to get mad at me telling me that I was trying to cheat her kid out

Never speak to black mothers.

Kids are smart now adays. There are plenty of ideological reasons rebel against school. Personally after middle school I never gave a shit, they never tried to teach me anything new anyways. All throughout high school I didn't do one piece of homework, not a single project, and graduated a year early.

Hispanic, not immigrants
I have access to all their EL scores and they are all Above Average to Advanced so no worries there

lmao I just realized this

I went to a rural high school in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Even the other gifted kids couldn't fucking read.

Show them videos of ISIS chopping off girls' faces for the crime of wanting to be educated. Make them realize what they are throwing away.

it's easy to get through high school without learning anything -- you're nothing special, you just wasted years of your life. If you're there, you might as well learn.

There's no problem with people not going the school/academia route - the problem is that a lot of people say "hurr durr this isn't for me I'm too smart this is just unoriginal I don't fit in your box hurr durr" and then go on to do nothing with their lives, working menial jobs, barely getting by, never being happy.

I mean seriously, if people have better things to do than school then they should fucking do them. But to stop going to school simply to do nothing and waste away? Idiots.

College degrees don't get you shit these days. Unless you intend to go all the way, as in post grad, there's almost no point. Even then, I know someone with a law degree who still can't find a job as a lawyer. So he's doing some new counterterrorist type stuff at a bank.

I'm not trying to be a cynic at all, personally I love learning stuff. Life is so boring. Most people are so dull. They have two modes - trying to fuck and DERRRHH. Even attempts to be fun and funny fail.

But along with that, no dads lol. Dads have no power anymore. They may try to intimidate you, if they are there, but it just has no effect. Your dad looks at ya all stern like you're supposed to be like :0 and you just look back like ...k. Guess it's the result of dads being a joke in the first place because muh baby boomers and the superfast rate of maturation, kids these days may be uneducated but they feel like they are more worldly and have a more enlightened state of mind than anything their parents achieved.

There's such a strong disconnect it can't even be formulated but it's like you want me to mow the lawn and do homework? You clearly have not overcome existentialism

What's the point of trying at anything if all it does is put you in a lineup with dozens of others who dared to do the same, waiting several hours for a walking corpse to select which one of you it wants to adopt?

>waiting several hours for a walking corpse to select which one of you it wants to adopt?
Where do I sign up?

Real nigga talk, have you ever considered you just fail as a teacher and should try another career? I introduced my 12 year old niece to some C++ and she's constantly harassing me to share more with her.

>kids with 1.7 GPAs
>must only be OP
I'd make a cream pie in your niece's oven


> be annoying 9th grader in honers geometry too lazy to do work
> teacher gets mad for not taking notes and sends me outside
> decide to overwhelm him with questions so he wont notice im not doing work
> when are we going to use this in class
> whys is it always find x
> cant you shorten that proof by using that therorem to cut out some steps
> why does there have to be so many postulates cant you just proof them by contradictions
> teacher hands me Euclid's Elements and tells me that if i can proof one of his five postulates he'll give me an A
> get a B-

Succeeding feels good.

Being a useless piece of shit is just a different type of success. It helps the machine bleed to death faster.

Do you have a mental disorder

I knew this kid in high school. He was literally beaten within an inch of his life by a chubby kid half his size for throwing food at him during lunch.