Who is the meme scientist you hate the most and what would the world be like if there none of them?
Who is the meme scientist you hate the most and what would the world be like if there none of them?
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>Who is the meme scientist you hate the most
the entire society of climate scientists
You, OP. Fuck you.
This guy is top on my list.
>Mr. "there are more transcendental numbers than irrational numbers"
why can't he just stop making shit up?
Miku 'Pure Energy' Cucku
That ugly nerd in a wheelchair...
"We live in a world that obeys mathematical rules, just like a character in a video game. This is evidence suggesting that we live in a simulation"
- Max Tegmark
I cringe every time I see this brainlet on TV.
Here's another moron who likes talking about every subject he can think of. Everytime he looks at the sky and goes WOW, I wanna punch him in the face.
> In the @ArrivalMovie I'd chose a Cryptographer & Astrobiologist to talk to the aliens, not a Linguist & Theoretical Physicist
> Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson), 1:40 PM – 26 Feb 2017
Michio Kaku is by far the worst.
met this guy in person.
I don't see him on TV anymore. Are his days as a celebrity scientist over?
What was he like? Is he really a brainlet?
I remember him putting an Australian politician to shame on live TV after talking about a scientific topic that is completely unrelated to his specialty
That "politician" was the one nation Candidate, Malcolm Roberts who doesn't believe in global warming being caused by humans. What happened was that Brian Cox provided him with empirical data that he was wrong and he refused to accept its a legitimate evidence and had nothing to reinforce his opinion, cause I mean its just an opinion just like vaccines are dangerous is an opinion. Sure its unrelated to his field of study but Im going to trust a scientist over a retard conspiracy theorist from Brisbane. Who accused NASA of manipulating results. You can hate Brian Cox if you want, but you have to be mentally challenged of you disagree with him on this topic.
ITT teenage contrarians shitting on studied professionals for an ego boost.
I actually have all of these pop-sci types to thank for keeping me interested enough in science to keep pursuing it after high school so that I might finally get out of public school and actually study real science in college.
Hating on these guys is like being pissed at NASA for inspiring kids to be astronauts.
Any answer other than this is just wrong.
>I really hate people who make science accessible to the general population and try to get the public to accept and love science
That's about as empty headed as you can be. Fuck you.
maybe if they can just not talk about shit they know nothing about, real scientists and mathematicians wouldn't hate them so much.
>people who make science accessible to the general population
so just making shit up is 'making science accessible'? In that case why even have a scientist do it? just get some good sci-fi actor to make up sciency words and talk about how quantum correspondence principles prove that we live in a simulated latice structure that we can hack into using pure energy from boson fields generated by the inter-universal techmular accelerator. we know this because THERE ARE MORE FUCKING TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS THAN IRRATIONAL NUMBERS GOING UP TO 6 LEVELS ON INFINITY.
t. niel 'the grass' tyson
Come one, you can hate black science man for many good reasons, but he obviously meant that there are more transcendental numbers than non-transcendental irrational numbers, which is true.
ok, and what are the 5 levels of infinity?. aleph 1, aleph 2, aleph 3, aleph 4, aleph 5 are the different levels of infinity you get apparently.
No matter that it doesnt actualy stop at 5, and you get infinitely more, there are 5 levels of infinity.
The memes from this guys mouth are incredible.
I haven't seen that part of the video at the time of writing my comment, you are correct, that is bullshit.
Fuck offreddit. Seriously kill yourself if you think this annoying fraud makes science more accessible.
>it's another STEM mouth-breathers who lack social skills and aren't articulate lash out at their colleagues who are
Cool thread.
There's nothing wrong with these tweets.
Cyber terrorism is a real threat and developing unhackable systems is important for our progress no matter the cost. Why are you against progress?
This. He is just so often fucking wrong whenever he explains anything that isn't about astronomy. And the retards who are interviewing him are just nodding and are impressed by his stupid deep voice delivered metaphors.
Holy fuck! hadn't thought of that before!