Reminder that if you haven't already started studying for finals then you are a brainlet

Reminder that if you haven't already started studying for finals then you are a brainlet.

What if I study and still fail though

happens every time

personally, I'm in a perpetual state of studying for finals

You have to study for finals? he.

If you need to study hard you're obviously not a brain.

>taking classes that have finals
undergrad brainlet detected

>not studying hard to reach your greatest potential

Confirmed brainlet

My finals were last week

Quarter system master race

Yea, but I don't study for finals. I do my own research on higher level topics.

Nice normie meme there, friend

Let's hear these "higher level topics" then mate

That means learning things from other semesters plus researching possible thesis topics.

I dropped out of college back in October 2015.

>he's still in school


>Reminder that if you have to study for finals then you are a brainlet
If you can't pass finals with an A without studying, reroll for a new life.

>studying for finals
>not just dressing up like a cute trap, seducing the prof, and grabbing the exam from his drawers when he's not looking

I thought you guys were supposed to be smart?

t. freshman taking intro math courses


Approaching senior year electrical engineering. Have never studied for any exam. 3.5 GPA.

Meanwhile brainlets study for 40 hours a week and are barely struggling by with a sub 3.0 gpa

>Still being in school
you are the brainlet user

triple integrals

If you're studying at all during the semester you're studying for a cumulative exam

More like you would have had a 4.0 GPA if you did study

Never properly studied before for finals but this year I'm gonna do it. I get decent marks already but feel like I can improve them.

>bragging about a 3.5 gpa
>in fucking engineering
Thanks I spilled my coffee.

i'm always studying for finals

>le green monster face

Tfw i'm spening 8-10 hours a day doing math and physics for finals. I still think i'm going to fail in physics. Hold me tight anons.

When's your first final?

Math on Friday user.

4.0s are for dweebs



Good luck my dude, you got this.