Why do I lose all interest in females right after orgasm?

why do I lose all interest in females right after orgasm?

dont tell me the only thing that keeps me interested in them are some neurotransmitters

You're a misogynist.

Lose all sexual interest?

That's the refractory period talking. An orgasm costs your body a lot of energy and nutrition to prepare for. That semen you shot loose was hard to make. So was the dopamine you flooded your brain with. Plus, you're probably dehydrated. In an effort to keep you to fucking yourself to death, your brain takes a fifteen minute cooldown period where you feel pretty sexually disengaged and, as an added bonus, have limp dick for a while.

Men can impregnate around a couple hundred women a year from ages 14 - death.

Women can only have one child every 9-10 months (excluding twins, triplets, ...) from ages 14 - 40 (at most).

Pregnancy is a very sensitive stage so women and their fetuses are extremely vulnerable for those 9 months and need to be fed and protected in order to insure their life and their child's healthy and successful birth, no defects or miscarriages.

Everything else follows from that. "Psychology" and "preferences" are all just consequences of the hard biological limits. In order to pass on your genes you want to impregnate as many women as possible, thus you lose interest immediately after orgasm so you can move on to the next woman and dominate the gene pool.


I don't what you are talking about. Right after I fuck my girl I lay down and then she hugs me from the side and when she does I naturally hug her tightly so I can fall asleep in blissful peace.


What a fag

I feel the same way. I want to eat my cum when i fap, but when i ejaculate i turn normal again and don't want that shit in my mouth.
no homo

>benis in vagoo

Veeky Forums has sure changed. I guess it was coming. It is official, in 2017 being gay is straight and being straight is gay.

It is a very basic joke user. Are you autistic ?


Don't worry, everyone gets their break.

3 years ago I was posting Pepes in /r9k/ talking about how women are subhuman and deserved to die.

You don't deserve your change in circumstance famalam

what changed you?

I changed myself. Get off your ass, stop playing video games and go take risks.
I can't stress how important taking video games out of my life was. I had time to get fit and meet people

Go away female.

the only thing that keeps you interested in them are some neurotransmitters

I wish I was permanently in this state. I hate being attracted to people and I hate the desire for sexual satisfaction.

I know how you feel bro, after my wife's bull busts a nut in her and I cum I just have to leave the room for like half an hour to recuperate myself. I usuall just hang out on the couch and post on Veeky Forums

>why do I lose all interest in females right after orgasm?
You are not interested in them (their consciousness), you are reacting to a physical urge, as an animal, and cannot control yourself. You are afraid to commit in the first place because you'd have to admit you're dependent on others for your physical and emotional state and well-being. It's far easier to believe we are self-made and independent of others. Humble.

now imagine that plus being a virgin forever

>t. high scool student who later got lucky at university

You were never a true robot to begin with, normalfag trash.

>liking women

>You are afraid to commit in the first place because you'd have to admit you're dependent on others for your physical and emotional state and well-being. It's far easier to believe we are self-made and independent of others. Humble.
Not OP, But that's true,or at least should be true, who would actually want to be constantly at the mercy of capricious fortune?

Of course I've never had any close friends or family throughout my life so my view may be skewed, but I refuse to believe that my wellbeing depends on any inconstant external situation. Never.

>Boy I sure am an old fag
>New fags am I right sci?
>God @8772790 is such a new fag

>implying any of this is bad
This is why you're supposed to masturbate before making any important decision involving a woman.

Is there any way to get rid of romantic interest? It's just so annoying and because it's not so simple like libido no one seems to have a reliable solution. Just things like meditation.

haha you're a faggot

why would men want to impregnate as many women as possible if women have to be protected and fed? How are men supposed to protect and feed them if they're running through hundreds of them?

there has to be a way to achieve this state permanently.

It's quite easy, just disillusion yourself with hedonism through meditation.

Eventually you reach a state known as Jhana which gives a state of bliss better than anything a woman could offer.

there's a limit to what assumptions and delusions can do. I'm asking for scientific solutions

What do you mean by 'scientific' solution? This is a subjective matter so there's no real peer-reviewed study or whatever. Do you just want something with a big 'SCIENTIFIC' badge on it so you can blindly believe it? It's not much different as to what you are implying.

It's proven consistent meditation for years restructures your experience of the world, have you ever tried it for a period of time?

Just thinking another way doesn't mean I won't be attracted to females

>why would men want to impregnate as many women as possible if women have to be protected and fed? How are men supposed to protect and feed them if they're running through hundreds of them?

You don't have to take care of all of them

Impregnating 100 women and taking care of 1 to ensure you sire a child is strictly better than impregnating only 1 and taking care of her. This generalises for larger n (proving this is left as an exercise to the reader).


I agree, intellectual understanding isn't the same as 'actual' understanding.

What I'm saying is that the urges and attraction don't have to be seen as a problem or a hindrance.

It's sort of like an itch; it's just a sensation on the skin but because of our aversion to it and desire for it to go away we make it into something that causes us stress rather than something that, at it's base level, is merely a sensation that passes.

Which is where meditation comes in, because it changes that pattern of causing yourself unneccesary suffering by being averse to certain thoughts or emotions.

It's probably the best possible practise to allow this process to happen(and eventually it will come like a reflex in daily life) I've suffered from OCD so badly until I integrated it into my life, I doubt taking drugs or psychotherapy would have helped as much as meditation.

Look up the book 'The Mind Illuminated' if you're interested, it comes at meditation from a psychological/'scientific' perspective.

how do you integrate being attracted to females into your life?
How do you control your OCD?
It's not like you can scratch that itch whenever you want. Are you saying I should fap whenever I feel horny and avoid thinking about it and that's it

If an obsessive thought came up, I would refuse to engage in it and instead focus on what I was doing at that specific moment. I disengage and it dissipates.

Similiarly, I get a thought about hot girls or something and I don't instantly recoil from it and think it's 'bad'. Then it just passes and I continue with what I was doing.

Essentially, the reaction to the thought causes the problem, not the perceived problem itself.

The itch was just a metaphor about creating unnecessary suffering for yourself because of being averse to a particular emotion or thought but sure there's nothing really wrong with fapping.

I personally don't feel the need to fap anymore.
Anyway, you just need find the middle ground between full blown hedonism and monk-like celibacy and that's it. No need to make it a massive issue.

good job. You're smart for being able to handle this stuff.
Disengaging is hard.

Yeah, op. You're literally so filled with hatred for women that you can't grasp to be interested 24/7 in them.

Guess that's why she needs to cheat on you with Jamal. You're a literal faggot.

>why would men want to impregnate as many women as possible if women have to be protected and fed? How are men supposed to protect and feed them if they're running through hundreds of them?

Numbers game. More children increases chance of one of them being an alpha who will be able to do do what you did and continue the legacy. You have to remember that when people reproduce, your primitive "mind" is "thinking" about the long-game: how do I have the longest legacy possible. Of course there is a limit to how many children is optimal to insure your genes are continually passed on. It's not linear. Too many children and some will starve, or they won't starve but will be a burden on your tribe causing others to starve, elders to die faster, resentment grows, increasing chance of tribe penalizing you. That is why many men will leave before they can be penalized by the woman or her family. Too few children and obviously your genes won't be passed on and you'll just be another dead end for your genetic groups tree.

The majority of reasons why people do and do not do things in life can be explained in terms of cost/benefit with the overarching goal of passing on genes. Strategies that are too costly you will see less of, and strategies that are of greater benefit you will see more of. People and things in general follow the path of least resistance. Again, these aren't linear relations, all within the limits of what is possible, which you can think of as a finite amorphous moving target. And there are always anomalies. Since the more complicated the strategy is, the more difficult it is to evaluate its consequences and thus its cost and benefit, you tend to see simpler strategies more than complicated strategies.

The reasoning for all of this is quite simple at a large scale. What is difficult is when you zoom in on "one" particular group of say, on thousand people, and try to predict their behavior in smaller and smaller intervals of time.

Get on my level, bro
>tfw lose interest already before orgasm
Dunno, only one woman was interesting for a long time. But she was smart one. Haven't met intelligent female life-forms since her.

>40 replies
>no sfw blue board feet

And to think you could have been a eunuch. Eunuchs live longer than their balled counter-parts, get sick less often and grow enormous brains.

Thats what the arab slave traders did with the african slaves they kept in their homelands. Note arabia has no blacks.

It's a hellava lot easier when they're attracted to you

You just need more brainwashing to understand how all women are deserving of your respect all the time and should be treated like the gifts from god that they are.

You just need to educated, cultured, and not a misogynist*


Brutal but accurate.

>oh no my life is ruined