Can this be solved?

Can this be solved?

no, never

Yes, now fuck off

What the fuck


taylor expansion

Dude what does that even mean?

He means that a numerical approximation can be done.

made me think

X=1; 2.4909

where did that shit come from?

my arse

Wanna rp?

I don't understand what's so hard about this. It's 1.

Of course I got that by rationally inputting a value, not by actually changing the equation around.

But its not just 1, its some other value also. where does that shit come from?

It's 1 and 2.4909. Case closed.

Why is it 2.4909? Where is the proof? Unless you or someone QED's that shit, it can be simply brushed off as calculation error or nuance in calculation by a computer.

Numerical approximation and error analysis to prove the digits are correct. QED

proof sketch

if you put x=2.4908, ln(x) > x-sqrt(x)
if you put x=2.4910, x-sqrt(x) > ln(x)
both functions are continuous
now get arbitrarily close to 2.4909 from both sides and show the relationship remains


What is the exact form?

So far 2.4909 is just an approximation at best. Both of these proofs are bad because of that.

For example, you wouldn't say 2.7183, you would say e, when referring to e.

>For example, you wouldn't say 2.7183, you would say e, when referring to e.

Well in that case [math] y [/math] is the solution.

I gurss setting x=e^{2t} is a good start