Why does Testosterone continue to plummit in every generation?
Why does Testosterone continue to plummit in every generation?
evidence required
That drastic?
>every generation
Since forever?
You have to provide source.
6 million
Keep in mind this is what the average "fighting age" male in the West looks like today
If there truly has been a drop in the latter half of the century, my guess is that it has to do with exposure to certain plastics. I forget the exact term, but IIRC there are hormonal molecules that are extremely stable and therefore hard to remove from for example water.
da jooz are putting xenoestrogens in the water
My first thought as well
you can get a script for test and pop it like it's xanax.
It's only natural as the population climbs above 10 billion that you need to manufacture more things. The planet's carrying capacity is a few million humans, that was the norm for hundreds of thousands of years. The past 500 years have been anomalous and you will need more and more engineering and assistance to normal functions in the future. Breathing apparatus, muscle developing exo-suit, brain implants to monitor deviant thoughts, ongoing tests for social compatibility and re-education.
You can visually become a woman now, I've seen enough trannies transitioning in their mid to late teens become perfectly feminine girls with dicks that I'm convinced the artificial womb and therefore a complete sex transformation MtF is very close. This will mean men can carry a pregnancy to term, so can robots, and so can infertile women (of which there will be many in the future). Most people will just opt out of having children in the rich world, meaning more born in poverty, pushing innovation towards preventing crime and disease on the scale of billions with poor infrastructure, meaning agile flying robots and smart drugs will be developed, it goes on like this forever.
So you can bemoan that the world is becoming something different, but the only solution is to wipe out 7.6 billion people, scale back the 100 million survivors to live in relatively remote and self-sufficient communities, probably go back to agrarian living, unwind scientific progress a few hundred years, this is just retarded.
Embrace your totalitarian cyborg mind control future.
Because people aren't making gains at the gym as often. They're also eating shittier and doing less manual labor in general.
environmental pollution
Eating too much and exercising too little
>tfw your mom wasted all of her in-utero testosterone on your brother
You're a raging moron who has been watching too many sci-fi movies.
it's because of our politically correct hand-holding hugbox culture
You're implying that increases of œstrogen or œstrogen mimickers subsequently decrease levels of testosterone. Which it doesn't
It would increase cancer levels though, as I believe most, if not all, xenoestrogens are carcinogenic to both males and females.
endocrine disruption
Just take lots of tren, brrrru.... get mad gains and thicc!
I don't know where you're from but the vast majority (90%+) of doctors here in the US are genetically retarded and have no idea how hormones work. They won't give you a hormone prescription unless you're a tranny or have T-levels below 250. I have a buddy who tested at 500 when he was 19 years old. He was still skinnyfat after lifting for over a year and complained about constant ED. His female doctor refused to prescribe him anything and literally said to his face "you're still young just eat healthier and be active, too much testosterone will just make you angry!" He now self prescribes on Test and looks/acts like a completely different person. Much better looking and happier
It ALWAYS does. Any type of hormone supplementation will cause other to shift. That is why people who use steroids have incredibly low testosterone levels when they are on a cycle
you have no idea what you're talking about. people on steroids have incredibly high testosterone levels, but low testosterone production
This. Fuck doctors. You can walk in and claim you're a tranny and get whatever retarded hormones and mutilation aids you want.
If you're just some normal guy who wants to increase his testosterone levels, well you're out of luck because it's borderline impossible to get a prescription. Utter nonsense.
That's what I meant. The body's other hormone production get screwed up when you introduce foreign hormones that take their place, in this case the body no longer needs to produce it's own Androgens
It's social and you all know it, you don't become /pol/ for accepting facts.
Under Obamacare the insurance companies were FORCED to give free hormones to the trannies yet most insurance companies have a policy that if your T levels are not under that 250 threshold they won't cover it.
>You're implying that increases of œstrogen or œstrogen mimickers subsequently decrease levels of testosterone. Which it doesn't
Actually it does. The pituitary cannot distnguish Test from Est and so if you have high Est levels the pituitary will not put out FSH/LH to trigger the testes to produce Testosterone.
So, by a simple feecback mechanism, high Est or mimics will lower Test levels.
It's because the general populous no longer has to; live innawoods, chop down trees by hand for fires and building their house, run down strangle and kill wild animals(with knives/spears/bows/fists) for food, trek long distances on foot to get anywhere, use laborious tools everyday, etc...
We live in a day and age where someone that's a burly hulk survives and can procreate just as well as a lithe femboy; such as yourself. It's just evolution at work.
>I forgot the pic
endocrine disrupting plastics are in everything now
almost seems like a scheme to prevent world wars and control the population
it's highly effective
It'll be many keks when civilisation collapses and evolution once more 'favours' (poetric license in full use) the masculine.
Or, we should instate the Grecian policy of not only schooling (improvement of the mind), but improvement of body (the gymnasium).
b-but muh thin privilege gym class makes fat kids feel sad
Leave them in the wild to be eaten by wolves.
>t. Spartan King
At the same time that /pol/ complains about blacks being irrational violent apes because of higher levels of testosterone, it complains about the decreasing levels of testosterone on general population. But reversing this phenomenon would make asians and white people have as much testosterone as today's blacks, so, what gives?
>What are endocrine disruptors
/Pol/ suffers from cognitive dissonance and likes to follow the flase flag, rather than actually noticing the issue is corruption governments, corporations and the Deep State.
blacks don't have more test
there's studies that show asians having the most
there's other studies showing blacks to have more estrogen
Is this effect real?
I know having older brothers increases the chance of turning you homo, i wonder if this is related
Isn't balding a sign of high testosterone?
Xenoestrogens from plastics do not only have minuscule concentrations, they are also not affecting hormone production.