Gone are the days when we had to go to the library everyday or get into study groups with real people in order to learn the subject. But thanks to Google, now this just "google it xD xD" phenomena has infected virtually every aspect of our lives. It actually makes people more autistic because there is no need to ask for advice or help from real people anymore. Not to mention the rise in the number of brainlets.
Google ruined learning
Other urls found in this thread:
>You can find thousands blogs on your subject
>You can find thousands articles on your subject
>You can find thousands videos on your subject
>But no dude, thats for brainlets xDDDDDDD Id rather go to libary and waste a lot of time dude xdddd
People in past would pay millions for this much information, you brainlet.
The majority is still to dumb to even google stuff.
And google is a fantastic tool to reduce research time by factors.
>implying that studying group was good
>go to the library
> get into study groups
Fuck, thanks you for reminding me how important Google is. Google, even if you are a botnet, I still love you.
Knowing facts and understanding principles are 2 different things. Just like knowledge and wisdom are.
I think I fooled myself into thinking I was intelligent because I knew how to use google when others didn't. I am a fraud.
You know how to find the knowledge. You are at least half way ahead.
>study groups
At what fucking shithole did you enroll where you have time to fuck around with "study groups"??
>t. youngfag
Brain-dead is more appropriate for the masses.
Or brain-damaged if you want to be "kind."
Pic relevant to you OP.
for getting pussy
>this [...] phenomena has
singular is phenomenon, you brainlet
what I hate most is when fucking professors stop wanting to answer your questions because the answers can be found on google
Yea I get it, undergrad is trash and it's a "degree of mediocrity" for a reason and it's because someone else has solved anything that I'll be learning anyway, but still, I want to hear you explain it you shithead
fuck you Ms. Monrose reee
>People on internet: "I read words on a screen"
>OP: "I read books out of a book"
>mfw OP must be fuckin special or something
or i can write book twice instead of words and appear twice as autistic. OP made me autistic
Veeky Forums I'm afraid of being programmer. I love math, physics, computer science, and code take a huge place in those topics, but I'm afraid that after I'll find a work as a programmer, I'd hate coding. A lot of people said about boring tasks, a lack of time and stuff like that.
that is because you're stupid as all hell user. don't worry though, you will find coping mechanisms for your condition
What'll happen is that your day will be 2 hours of actual productive work, 2 hours of meetings, and 4 hours of dicking around with no repercussions. Software development in the Valley is objectively the comfiest line of employment.
>now this just "google it xD xD" phenomena has infected virtually every aspect of our lives
I disagree. A lot of people are too retarded to be able to look stuff up effectively on Google. Shit, look at Veeky Forums in general; a lot of people want to be spoonfed sources when they can google or reverse image search something themselves within 5 seconds.
Prepare to give half of your salary away for housing and shit.
Become a mathematician and code for Wolfram
>I love math, physics, computer science, and code take a huge place in those topics
Coding does not take a huge place in those topics. Mathematics has nothing to do with coding, same with physics. Computer science was a field before there were even computers.
Google is a symptom of the problem but not the source of it. What is the real issue is colleges have become diploma mills that are marketed as a place of career training and not a center of learning. Being able to google shit just allows people who are there to get their piece of paper that says they're employable faster. For those actually trying to learn the wealth of knowledge available is incredibly useful.
As the German comedian Sebastian Krämer once said: While "knowledge" recently meant to know "where" something was written, it nowadays means to know "that" it's written somewhere.
no it didn't, there are plenty of search engines that were only just behind it (many now surpass it in functionality). It was inevitable. Obviously it's great.
You're a disgusting regressive brainlet and you should kill yourself.
>hur dur let's be archaic as fuck and step backwards
You have obviously never been involved in physics research.
The important thing is solve the problems
>many now surpass it in functionality
Name them then.
I've tried to find something better than Google, but best I've found is DuckDuckGo which is merely on-par.
>tfw the days of writing human knowledge on walls is officially dead
>tfw now people are becoming even more of a brainlets by going to a shitty place called "library"
>Computer science was a field before there were even computers.
Not even close to true. The first studies of Computer Science were at Purdue in the early Sixties, whereas there were programmable computers much earlier:
Everything you want to learn should already be freely Googlable, but the various academic cabals will never let it happen.
To the guy complaining about the shittiness of MOOCs in the other thread, this is the main reason they suck. It's by design.
>getting pussy
Fucking gross dude. Get out.
Google has made millions of scientific minerals available at the click of a mouse freely. Have you taken advantage of this?