Finally we can all die.
Finally we can all die
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Rip methane clathrate reserves
So will al this methane speed of global warming?
multiple times more effective as a green house gas. lasts a few years in the atmosphere. then breaks down into CO2. Which persists for at least a century.
it is far too late to try to fix anything by emitting less carbon. we need to start removing carbon from the air and oceans. while also increasing solar reflectivity of the earth's surface.
Always at the back of my mind.
Stupid question: Would planting more trees help?
Otherwise I take it that we'll be experience a massive extinction event, huh?
So are we going to become Venus?
Yes it would help actually.
But it would take a while.
>TFW even after the world is fucked the deniers will pretend it wasn't man made
So natural methane is the cause of global warming?
No stupid.
>CO2 rises
>Increases temp
>Increased temp makes ice melt
>Ice trapped Methane
>Methane now released
So CO2 is a key and methane is behind the door? So methane is the cause of global warming??
>I'm retarded, the post
>I get paid to post like a retard, the post
pick 1
>CO2 released by human actions has increased global temperature
>This man made rise in temperature is causing a large scale release of methane gasses which will further exhascerbate global warming
>which means global warming is natural right guys :^)
no retard, if I stab you and your heart pumps your blood out of your body that doesn't mean you died of natural causes.
You are too emotionally involved to join into the argument.
>the global temperature has increased
>this increase causes methane to be released
>I can't understand a reciprocal cycle
>I'm typing responses from a playbook the post
pick 1
You are recycling, what you are saying is literally copy pasted from a thread 2 weeks ago. Your supp is gonna fire you m8.
You really think people are being payed to post on Veeky Forums??? lol I'd love to make money posting on Veeky Forums but unfortunately idk how to do that
rip in piece humanity
so why can't we just nuke Siberia enough times to semi-nuclear winter?
either on an airforce base or in a basement, there are people who are paid to post on Veeky Forums.
Lol are you the same guy that asked me that on Reddit? I swear you sound just like it. I had to tell him that no, trees won't do shit.
Then he asked if planting "like, a lot of trees" would help and then againt the answer is NO!
It's like earth finished it's turn by putting a spell card flipped face down and in our turn we attacked with CO2 but only late we realized we activated it's trap card!
Methane eruption!
>there is SOOOOOO much frozen methane that it would cause runaway global warning
Well then why didn't that happen in the past?
check mate atheists
>less than 10sec of googling
Permian-Triassic extinction event[37] and the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum[38]
It did, look up the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Nuclear winter would last a few years. Climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions will last for many thousands of years.
stop with your memes
go measure how much methane there is under the sea and then how much methane you need for runaway catastrophic event.
50 gigatons of methane beneath the Siberian arctic shelf. Atmosphere cannot support carbon burden. We're going to have to devise self-contained human ecosystems on the cheap en masse.
Speaking of which, I caught this: They are in the process of acting on this problem without causing alarm. Posted yesterday on /r/ world news.
They're calling it a study. They're trying to prevent that methane from exploding out from beneath the weakened permafrost layer and killing us all in the process. It very well may already be too late, but I intend to get involved with this conversation and get people spreading viral digital information quickly.
Climate change lasts as long as humanity is there to change it. If ww3 happens due to arable land getting fucked then most of the planet is destroyed, humanity's population drops, and climate change drastically slows down. It remains to be seen if existing damage is reversible.
The sickest part is that throughout all of this Americans will never ever be compelled to give a shit since they're isolated by two massive seas (whose rise works to their advantage because they have a massive navy).
>We're going to have to devise self-contained human ecosystems on the cheap en masse.
The average American lifestyle doesn't include going outside.
No I'm sorry your timetable is off. WW3 would not happen before this happens. That methane could explode like a burst pipe and fill the atmosphere with unimaginable quantities of methane gas. Almost every living thing on earth would die. We need to start thinking about this as something that could happen tomorrow or in a few weeks/months and not... the area is warning us it's about to go.
kill yourself, faggot.
why are you posting on Veeky Forums and not turning it into a book? This sounds like an amazing sequel to The Core.
Well that's good, because outside isn't where we would want to go. We would be sputtering for air and choking. The humidity and heat and lack of oxygen would probably kill you if you were exposed to it for too long. It would be as though we were on a different planet. We would become a bubble civilization, encased in "air zones" that we would have to travel to and from.
And that's not even addressing the radiation. This is bad people. The sky will turn green. Prepare for Armageddon. The future won't be George Jetson retards... it's going to be you plus methane world. Welcome to extinction.
sounds more like 70s pulp scifi desu
>redditor shitstains making themselves feel at home
What the fuck is this?
We are terraforming Earth to be like Mars because we are all the descendants of martians. Why do you think we are so different than the mammals around us? :^)
>We would be sputtering for air and choking. The humidity and heat and lack of oxygen would probably kill you if you were exposed to it for too long.
Nice dubs, also excuse the rudeposters!
This is your story man... This isn't a movie. These craters are just premonitory bursts letting us know the permafrost layer is softening and warming and large quantities of trapped methane is exploding through the surface. The reservoir in total withholds 50 gigatons of methane... if that was all released at once it would be miraculous if anything survived.
alarmist and wrong, 50 gigatons of methane would have almost no impact on breathable atmosphere, all it would do is result in drastically warmer climate.
The earth will survive. We will degrade into the material to sustain Earth's next candidate for super intelligent life. Hell for all we know it was the will of the planet itself that we be extinguished to usher in some new life, who will stumble on their quest for truth as we have, but these things we can only speculate upon.
It would be far worse than that... One has to understand that there are no contemporary examples on earth today that even begin to come close to approximating what it would feel like to be alive in a world resembling the end Permian. Earth will not be earth anymore; it will be a toxified barren wasteland far worse than any nuclear post-apocalypse would have imagined. The oceans will turn pink with anaerobic bacteria and become completely stale; they will burp enormous clouds of hydrogen sulfide which will almost certainly kill anything that breaths it. The skies will be green.
This is not a drill Veeky Forums, this is the future of our world. You have to wake up now. What do we do about this methane? Can we afford to wait even a second longer if there is ANY WAY we can prevent this scenario from getting any worse than it already is?
Global warming is no longer about carbon, or about warming, or about "change", it's about THE END OF ALL THINGS.
>a meme in itself
Veeky Forums shitposter who can't even google
itt: warmist cucks pushing the same rubbish as always
>c02 shown not to be causing warming
>but muh muh methane
>it will be a toxified barren wasteland far worse than any nuclear post-apocalypse would have imagined.
Where was it shown this user?
#30 #33 #72 #73 #78 #86 #144
I've been in 4chin since 2007, so cut me some slack. Also sci there is much better than here. Everything here is just memes.
I just don't understand how you can possibly imagine excavating that much carbon and burning it WOULDN'T cause global climate change?
Of course it will, meanwhile we will experience a horrendous death by cancer, tsunamis or some shit like that. I'd rather not, thank you very much.
It's interesting, there have been a number of major methane leaks over the last hundred years or so, the methane concentration in the atmosphere hasn't changed that much.
Some scientists speculate there's a natural cycle that degrades atmospheric methane, since it's thermodynamically unstable with respect to water and CO2.
I'm wondering to myself where all the oxygen to breathe is going to COME FROM if we don't have any surviving plant life? Can our biosphere absorb the impact of that much methane?
RIP in peace.
Ok. Now all you have to do is reverse entropy. Easy as pie, right? Not to be rude, but I am sceptical of your dubs my man.
Serious question. If this is as bad as we all think is the only chance for survival buying a decent sized property and sustenance farming?
If the property comes with it's own terrarium-like ecosystem and is not affected by global climate and global warfare that might come with the lack of resources such as fertile ground, then yes.
Don't forget to get 2 of each specie. Just try not to breed another platypus-like animal.
hordes of insects and other pests unleashed by increasing temperatures will ravage your property after the government seizes it
It's not as bad as we all think; It's worse than we all could even begin to imagine. So let's start thinking about this hypothetically.
Hypothetically speaking, if the atmosphere and the temperature of your world SUDDENLY becomes incompatible with your survival, how do you cope with that? I'm asking YOU this user, because you just suggested buying a "decent sized property and subsistence farming"?
YOU CAN'T BREATHE THE AIR. ALL THE PLANTS ARE DYING. You are now living on another planet; outside is now trying to kill you. So what do, user?
ITT low IQ retards
The problem isn't that bad.
But that's retarded. The Earth is not going to become literally inhospitable for human life, it's going to cause problems with arable land, potable water and severe weather, yes, but the atmosphere is not going to become unbreathable and plant life is not going to die off en masse (unless it lives in regions which become too hot and desertify, mostly near the equator).
Civilization as we know it will not survive in it's current state, but smaller communities will live on.
this thread is just fear mongering.
>Being willfully ignorant about the biggest threat to the species next to nuclear war
I was reading that human beings have never been above 3 C mean global? How do we go from 3c to 10.. 15... 20? We have no precedent for that in our biology.
>plant life is not going to die off en masse
It will.
Ocean temperature has done nothing but rise.
Warmer oceans = less gass in water.
Type of gas in water = Oxigen
Ocean - Oxigen = Dead fish
Ocean + acidity = Dead fish
Ocean less capable of holding gass = No more CO2 sink
More CO2 in the environtment + Methane from Jurasic Park = Rise in Global Climate
From there on it just goes stright into oblivion. The changes might not come over night, but you'll feel when shit hits the fan.
The reason somebody posted a link to the Permian-Triassic Extinction event earlier in the thread is because it's the worst in the planet's entire history and it came about as a result of runaway global warming. Even conservative estimates supposed 90% of life on earth went extinct.
It's actually eerie and fated, the pattern mirrors itself almost identically. Then too, carbon emissions triggered methane hydrates to melt and compound the effect...
I kind agree with This thread is fear mongering. Global Warming is real and it will have slow acting affects, but this thread is fear mongering and the worse kind.
The temperature is not going to increase by 10 degress you moron. 6 degrees is the absolute upper limit. And yes, it will be devastating but it's not going to turn Earth into Venus. The problem stems from our civilization not being able to adapt to the change fast enough so we get famine, tens of millions of refugees fleeing Africa, water sources disappearing. Stuff like that. Still bad but if you can avoid getting shot for your food supply you'll still survive. It'll just be a far more brutal world for a while.
Also global warming drives more extreme weather, such as longer periods of intense drought and intense rain, which isn't good for plant growth, particularly agriculture.
Warmer climates mean that mold and bacteria that destroy crops have a better environment to grow in.
So what is your opinion on this then? What do you intend to do about it?
No species that has existed has had our adaptability. A solution will be found to allow people to survive, the only question is how many millions will die before we find it.
getting shekels from democrats it seems like
This thread is horrible
"it will happen" is a shit timescale too. There are also potential maneuvers to stop or slow down heating that we can do at will.
What these people ALWAYS forget to mention is that there is not a single way of affecting climate that is a trap door. We can also do things that reverse or slow down climate change at will and our capability of doing so improves every year.
There is still no logical reason to basically kill all economies on earth as though that would be a good thing.
The negatives of believing in the fear mongers is that you react with far more self destructive changes. If you actually stopped using fossil fuels today, you would have an utter collapse of human society worldwide. This would be far, far worse of an outcome than the thing you are trying to prevent.
BEFORE you talk about climate change and how we have to do something drastic. CITE a single fucking source that shows how such an action which collapses society will actually help us deal with the problem better than having a functioning fucking society and economy to deal with it.
Please, show me some proof that you can go from no industrialization straight to clean energy.
The people doing scare mongering have
1. No solution that is reasonable or studied
2. No consideration for geoengineering or any adaption taking place
6 degrees sounds like a good conservative estimate, but what are we talking about here, just the C02 we've released already or the methane hydrate deposits waiting to be released as the warming trend continues, FURTHER accelerating the warming process?
And furthermore, SIX C? In HOW MANY YEARS? Oh good so we can still breathe the air outside but still we are talking about THE WORST humanitarian disaster in our history? We have serious problems on the way even if you're naturally optimistic. I had no idea things were this bad.
again """climate scientists""" fail to actually use science. They isolate something completely from all other variables and predict the future in 2100.
There is no scientist on earth that can predict what will happen in 2100. The prediction is not scientific. The prediction is a guess with very little pattern to back it up and predicated on only looking at a very narrow range of possibilities. It does not factor in an enormous range of potentials such as technological changes and future capabilities.
To then take this shitty prediction and make changes that basically fuck your society over economically is the dumbest most LOW IQ thing you can do. First, you lose competitive edge against other countries. Second, you have no idea if having the better economy would lead to a better solution via technological advances, third you are trying to predict something impossibly complex like the future based off one field of science and without consideration for basically 99.9% of things that effect the future.
It's bunk. Yes, fossil fuels do release more carbon that was sequestered. Knowing that does not give you enough scientific evidence to control all of society and decide on world policy. The completely ridiculousness of the climate change hysteria is incredible.
WW2 was fucking started because of similar hysteria in the idea of "living space" and that societies would all collapse because they wouldn't have food or living space. It's not talked about much but the world during WW2 had similar scientists talking about overpopulation and how there would be mass deaths. Japan government's main impetus for their empire was to secure land because of this hysterical "science" that was all over the world.
It is very obvious today that there was not a lack of "living space" for germans or japanese, but look what happened. Creating these hysterical scientific claims about the future leads to nothing but ruin.
As of me, I'm studying. There's not much to do right now. Politics is a bitch and the gov (from any country), will never act.
Someone in the thread said that what we neded to do was getting CO2 and other greenhouse gasses out of the ecosystem, which is logical. It will not remedy all the mess, but it could buy us some time.
Getting CO2 from air is not efficient, since the concentration is damn low ( ~400ppm). Farming is the greatest antropogenic producer of methane, but we won't get rid of that either (murricans: muh BBQ!).
I'm studying if it's feasable to remove CaCo2 from the ocean, or any way to get acidity back up. Some argue that fitoplankton will do the trick, but then we would have to deal with plankton itself, so really not a solution.
Anyway, every idea is welcome to try to clean this up. If we utterly fail, at least we tried.
What should the politicians do?
Should they have invested 500 billion dollars 5 years ago in buying lots of obsolete solar panels that require energy storage and a completely different grid strategy?
Attempting to reflect sunlight off of the arctic poles in order to slow down the rate of melting is already underway, hopefully that projects succeeds but that still does not address the methane in full. We need to be drilling it, fracking it, and processing it as natural gas. There is profit motive here to tap in to these methane reservoirs as well as survival interest.
I am a believer in humanity's power to address these problems, however, we need to stop discussing them in antiquated terms. People are way too far behind the times on this - there is no amount of trees that we can plant... I'll put it like this, if human society disappeared from the face of the earth ten years ago we might have a shot at survival in the world as we know it but the world of tomorrow is going to be so harsh that it's unknown in my opinion if survival is an option but if it is I'd like to talk about it REALISTICALLY, in other words, how do we actually deal with a 50 gigaton methane explosion? I'm not even talking about prevention anymore dude, I want to talk damage control and impact survival.
>slow acting affects
What is the definition of slow, by 2030 the evening news will be full of refugee news and water wars that are linked to CC.
The political consequences will touch our lives far before starving or drowning.
This crisis is heating up already, it'll be full blown in a decade:
>BEFORE you talk about climate change and how we have to do something drastic.
I have not read someone suggest killing cattle or massive suicide, but we must be aware of the changes and try to work it out.
clathrate gun was disproved recently
you're nuts
>WW2 was fucking started because of similar hysteria in the idea of "living space"
Wasn't that HItler, Jews, Japan playing Conquer and getting some nice friends?
people in shitholes will always want to immigrate somewhere nice
it's nothing new. You need border controls. Climate change is a BS excuse so far that is pure propaganda.
>Most of Earth's gas hydrates occur at low saturations and in sediments at such great depths below the seafloor or onshore permafrost that they will barely be affected by warming over even 103 yr.
>Even when CH4 is liberated from gas hydrates, oxidative and physical processes may greatly reduce the amount that reaches the atmosphere as CH4.
Rather than speculating on how to turn back the clock, i'd like to get the primary vein of conversation on how to build cheap, mass produce-able BIO-TENTS which can insulate us from radiation and provide us shelter with air and temperatures compatible to our parameters, and then simply live life traveling between these bio-tent life zones.
We need strong local, community driven food production and water recycling... LIVING ON. PASSING OUR GENES.
There was a sort of retard science behind it. "Living space" is one term but there was a lot of retarded philosophy about people needing space to live and countries or societies behaving like plants that needed space or they die off.
Basically a big impetus for WW2 that is never talked about but was the driving force was this concept. Germans had well before hitler taken power already had this concept of needing to use ww2 to conquer more "space".
It was the same with the Japanese. The driving force behind the imperial japanese obsession with conquest was the same concept of needing space to expand.
Both Germany and Japan became obsessed with the concept well before hitler took power.
The big problem with climate change hysteria is that they don't realize how badly politicians can take it. Wars to stop countries from industrializing or intentional sabotage of say africa from industrialized is being done because of this shit.
disproving "GUN" just means disproving that we will die in 10 years, it still means that the warming will continue to accelerate
fck i knew it jamal
survival of the fittest
now breathe methane you cucks
Alright boys, here comes the data dump. Arctic Methane
**Arctic Methane Emergency: Methane released by the Gigaton!**
**Our time is running out - The Arctic sea ice is going!**
**Methane Hydrates - Extended Interview Extracts With Natalia Shakhova**
Well, not living in denial is a start. Making environmental regulations a priority would be nice, but Donny's going the exact oposite way.
Founding research would be perfect, but that's getting out of the table for the US. Promoting better consumer practices is a must, and for people to demand eco friendly-packing for goods.
Aiming for a 100% paper-free government (for every country). I work for Mexico's equivalent of the IRS and god how much paper they use and waste.
People think that we need to get radical in order to take care of the environment, but that's just not the case. Just be aware of your carbon footprint and demand banning bad practices (like fracking).
again if any climate change moron had some big picture knowledge they would realize it's a minor speed bump.
The abstract thing that is happening is still within the bounds of life existing on earth healthily. There really is no reason to be scared of this. Of all possible causes of human extinction, this one has about a 0.00000001% chance of being it.
Lol this aint Fallout or Bioshock (never played bioshock but seemed post apocaliptic).
why are you posting loons
especially ones that cry while doing science?
if someone cries during a scientific presentation you should expect some bias.
oh wow a bunch of fucking youtube links you sure proved me wrong
regulations killed nuclear and also stifle innovation
funding research is vague. Most government funded research is wasted. The way they allocate funding is usually to big names with very conservative pitches. Meaning they fund people with literally no chance of doing anything interesting. Almost all successful research is not through government (there is still some in gov but it's very inefficient).
I really don't predict, although I haven't sourced it, that paper products are a big contributer.
oooh the shitposter has spoken