Absolute Madman did it again!


>the company, which is still in the earliest stages of existence and has no public presence whatsoever, is centered on creating devices that can be implanted in the human brain, with the eventual purpose of helping human beings merge with software and keep pace with advancements in artificial intelligence. These enhancements could improve memory or allow for more direct interfacing with computing devices.

How many GB of RAMs are you guys getting for your frontal cortex?

Other urls found in this thread:


I want my thought controlled and body integrated prosthesis.

I want the VA to replace the ankles and feet the army ruined.

Martial arts ruined mine.

Come on at this point he has to be Veeky Forums's /ourguy/


I aspire to be the British him, but actually complete my PhD(s).

That's what happens when a scientist infiltrates 1%.
Our old new world order ruined.

Eh... he's not doing anything that wouldn't be done without him. He's just running out in front of trends, a while before they actually make sense.

all of the rams

Electric cars vs oil industry inside US govt.
He's actually creating trends. The electric car concept existed for hundred years. Nothing happened.

Sure but he makes a good spokeswagon.

What do you even need to study to get into this.

Talking about human enhancements in general, not just Musks company.

This. Nobody took electric serious before Tesla.

Soon the wealthy chads who were born with silver spoon on their mouth can also buy bigger brain card with Super Giga Drill Breaker GEFORCE XXX COLOSSUS 2TB frontal lobe with 8GB RAM logic attachements and make nerds even more obsolete

Truly the worst timeline

Bio-Mems or some shit involving engineering and medical sciences.

The Teslas' motor were a great improvement on previous electric cars with accelerations getting near internal combustion engines. Also batteries

You just know.

You have still time to get rich and buy yourself an enhancement. All the previous generations died out but we have a real shot at becoming transhumans.

This fucking asshole is going to force me to get some of those chips and will probably end up getting hacked by some dude like in Deus ex.
I hate this shit.

literally crackpot tier

Show me your billion dollars user.

I can't wait to spend 1% of my net worth to implant Einstein level intelligence into my brain and obliterate all of you fucking nerds without even having to waste any of my life studying or trying.

I'll use all of my power to keep the implants out of the heads of beta nerds

I will only get neural links from my mind to computer if I am able to use my thoughts to create artwork so I no longer have to draw with charcoal, eraser, mech. pencil, and pencils.

If this happens I will forever quit drawing and just create shit with my mind.

Tell me Veeky Forums. Would it be possible to create an image from the mind to the computer?

living on as AI like ghost in the shell is crackpot tier but there are definitely beneficial things that could feasibly be discovered from these devices.

Elon Musk is an advocate of democratizing artificial intelligence and making sure it doesn't fall into the hands of a few elite. As he states here.


I would imagine he'd have similar considerations for this technology

Even a billionaire like Elon Musk has a investment in keeping society from collapsing. It's stupid to think it's on an absolute crash course and that he has to escape, because it's not. Having off earth self sustaining colonies would MITIGATE RISK, not some shooting off billionaires into space as they make stupid faces at a dying earth.

We total recall now.

Enjoy your fake memories.

If human society collapses, Elon Musk would stop being a billionaire overnight.

>not hacking your highschool crush into loving you


Mark my fucking words.

To finish this sentiment, among the biggest risks to human life today are nuclear defense systems/faulty launch/false detection, just a thought.

I think of it like this. As humanity relies more upon technology, that technology is prone to failure. We're at a dangerous time in human civilization where, say if you're stuck in a vast wilderness with only a cellphone to call for help, and that cellphone shuts off, you're pretty much fucked. Because you're not a hunter gatherer/forager, you're a guy with a cellphone.



Also, "show me ur billion dollars hurrrr"

Try the whole US GDP. If Elon Musk ever pisses off the US government, which is a collection of people from all walks of life, they will literally amend the constitution and seize all of his assets or something absolutely ridiculous.

Those politicians want in on the action, and they can't get any if people don't vote for them.

> they will literally amend the constitution and seize all of his assets or something absolutely ridiculous.
Todays governments hardly make any conscious decisions. It's mostly everyone for his own trying to get as much and as fast as possible.
But you don't need any govt conspiracy to kill Elon. His empire will probably disperse without him and we don't have backup copies of him yet.

This is why Elon Musk is Elon Musk, he understands the delicate balance of power that technology/science influences, and knows the dangers of disruptive technology and does everything he can to prevent that from ruining the planet. Unlike soulless corporations like Uber or Air-BnB which are technically illegal in some jurisdictions but still operating.

I'm starting to think he probably posts here.

Hi, Elon.

>His empire

our empire, or on a more realistic scale, our global community, hopefully soon to be multiplanitary community

>soon the rich bastards won't have to dig or plow but just use tractors to do their work making us hard workers even more obsolete

Maybe we will finaly act

When can I upload my brain to the internet already? This body ain't gonna last forever

>implying we aren't a giant mass of neural connections that communicate through digital signals and light from our computer screen

>Implying erasing years of garbage memories wouldn't be beneficial to mental health.

Fuck that picture makes me nauseous..

If I wanted to get in on this shit should I just abandon my Chemical Engineering degree for something else or is my knowledge somehow applicable? If I should abandon, what should I be learning instead, and if I shouldn't, how can I apply myself?

unskilled laborers are becoming obsolete. Even skilled workers are becoming obsolete.

boy i would like to have some adspace in my mind

fucking this, we need to start the resistance

grow massive tesicles and learn how to use your physique
that's pretty much it i think
i guess rock climbing wouldn't hurt

Success of another is success of yours?

>musk will never be your cool uncle

The brain isn't a digital system. It makes no sense to interface with a computer. Most likely he will end up damaging his volunteers' brains and go to prison for the rest of his life.

>only 8GB RAM
Are they even trying?

> it makes no sense to have computers to do fucken anything because the world isn't digital

Stop sucking cock retard

You failed at Electrical Engineering, didn't you?

The brain is a set of electrical wires called neurons. You have no idea about what the baudrate is and there's no way you can connect anything to it. Even if you manage to do that, there's no way you can debug it if you crash the brain's OS.

HOW THE FUCK is Elon this good a salesman. The guy is so good at larping sagan that no one ever talks his constant lying and colossal failures like hyperloop.

>he fell for the 64GB RAM meme

The frontral lobe doesn't even need that much, retard.

I don't mean to rain on your parade because I know you guys love this stuff, but as a neuroscientist I just have to come out and say that I think this development is grossly premature. Though we have made some advances in implanted BCI's, the applicability of these advances are hampered by:

1) The fact that current implants severely compromise the neural architecture that they are supposed to interact with. For example, we cannot implant electrodes chronically because the electrodes themselves cause widespread atrophy and axonal retraction around the implant area.
2) We currently lack even the basic knowledge of how how circuit dynamics arise from the macro- and micro-structural properties of those circuits. A quite prominent example of this is the crustacean stomatogastric nervous system (pic related). A small subnucleus of this system (the STG) consists of only 27 neurons of which we know the full synaptic wiring circuit. Yet, despite being studied for over 50 years, the dynamic functional range of this cuircuit is still a complete mystery to us. This is the result of the fact that the functionality of the circuit arises due to a complex and non-linear interaction between constituent components, which respond non-linearly to neuromodulatory influences themselves.Consequently, we still lack the ability to purposefully and accurately manipulate these small circuits.

How people can expect that we are at the point where durable and accurate neural interfaces are feasible is beyond me. But I admire your (and Elon Musk's) optimism.

He just talks a lot. His successes are few far in between.

He's a huge attention whore.. that's it.


This really is just brilliant. As a certified scientist I can attest that this will in no way backfire. God save the queen

Because of brainlet's sucking his cock, "I love science", "dude just imagine, we could live on mars aye lmao".
He's living on government subsidies, wish I thought of that desu.

The US government can't run out of money. There's no better customer.

They have wired robotic arms to monkey brains. The monkeys manages to think and use the arm to feed themselves.

Neuroscience student here, this post is accurate

All this move really does is give optics to the field

You would be a fucking moron to wire yourself to any electronic device that effects thought.

If anything Musk showed himself to be a NWO shill.


New World Order


Post a reputable source next time moron. They are fake news. Remember that PewDiePie hit piece?

New Musk Order

This is a legit concern, but it will most likely not affect our generation or even a few more i'd say.

I can carry nearly eighty gigs of data in my head.

musk is literally the scientific version of trump
full of hot air and no brains
simulation theory, pop sci shortsightedness, gets all his business ventures from wealth and popular identity
he's a walking meme, not actually smart. To obsess over his 'achievements' is to pander to mediocrity

sounds like a meme idea that will never work

Did this anime get really good on the last episode? I dropped it before finishing it.