Why are math professors universally horrible?

>Partially prove theorems, or don't prove them at all calling each theorem trivial
>Speed through more material in 1.5 hours than you can comprehend
>Don't define theorems/definitions on first use. Assume you already know them.
>Don't provide definitions/theorems needed to prove the theorems/definitions they are using
>Never fully write out proofs, or even definitions
>Whenever introducing a concept they think its trivial and don't understand how students don't already know the material
>Either don't assign a textbook, or literally copy/paste contents of textbook onto the board
>Better to just take textbook, skip lecture and work the problems yourself than show up for class
>Utterly autistic
>Does research no one cares about
>Other autistic math professors think highly of them, so they don't care about teaching evals

which school for brainlets do you go to?

One with Russian mathematicians.

but which school brainlet?

both schools in moscow that i took math classes in had professors of the highest caliber

maybe it's just you

It is fun because this wednesday a professor proved a long ass theorem and we were fucking lost.

The just today he came and proved like 10 theorems one after the other and said: These justify what we did last week.

The professors are world class. Their teaching is not. Not me, the TA understands how bad the lectures are and types up notes furiously that are essentially books.

have you considered reading before your lectures brainlet? you're not still in high school. obviously if they assume you already know the theorems and definitions they are expecting you to read a book. but apparently you're too dumb to even find a textbook relevant to the class on your own

the 3 hour lectures i sat through in moscow were clear as day and we were provided with multiple references for each class so i'm still not sure which brainlet school you go to

Non-math fag here

Why do professors/lectures even exist for math? Do you actually learn anything by watching someone else do problems?

No, the professor said every theorem is trivial and barely wrote anything on the board.

>Do you actually learn anything by watching someone else do problems?
obviously... you learn how to do the problems they do in front of you...

General Russian exposition style is the best of any nationality dude

You might have got a shitty one but profiling them as bad profs is extremely wrong

See I didn't say they were bad mathematicians, but mine is a bad lecturer when he says every theorem is trivial and doesn't prove it.

did you take math in moscow?


How were you able to calibrate so well?

it's the only math program in Moscow I know

every professor i had at both the HSE and the IUM was fantastic, either OP is a brainlet or they replaced the entire faculty

As someone who study in Russia, I can confirm this type of math professors is very widespread.

I'd say their lectures are kind of specific. At IUM, they get around 100 people at the start, but only 10-15 pass first year, and only 2-5 get diplomas after 4 years.

none of the classes I took at the IUM had non-math in moscow students in it but i HIGHLY doubt they have a 2-5% graduation rate

are you taking rosenblum's class?

also why are you shitposting on Veeky Forums go explore moscow you moron

alternatively go fly over to finland for a change of scenery if they've given you the multi-entry visa (i can't remember how late you get it)

Well I was talking about their regular program in Russian for Russian students.

They actually work as additional courses for math (or just interested in math) students.

I've been going to IUM for the first semester but then dropped out for my main university.

It's just very hard to do both your official university and IUM program in the same time.

I-i already explored most of Moscow during by school years.
This was by post too

Cool, you had good russian professors.

Mine literally said every theorem was trivial and didn't prove anything.

You are a brainlet if you cannot comprehend your experience does not generalize to everyone

>>Partially prove theorems, or don't prove them at all calling each theorem trivial
>>Speed through more material in 1.5 hours than you can comprehend
>>Don't define theorems/definitions on first use. Assume you already know them.
If they're from your prerequisite courses, you should know them.
>>Don't provide definitions/theorems needed to prove the theorems/definitions they are using
Turn your notes/book back to where they where defined, you lazy fuck.

>Mine literally said every theorem was trivial and didn't prove anything.
have you considered asking them to prove things that aren't clear or do you just sit there like the typical passive brainlet? do you not pay for your classes? i guess you don't care that you get nothing out of them

>You are a brainlet if you cannot comprehend your experience does not generalize to everyone
you're a brainlet if you cannot comprehend how silly your experience sounds

This is literally how he acts:

>Goes in front of blackboard
>Says some words... stops mid sentence
>Partially states a theorem
>Says it's trivial
>Moves to next "theorem"
>Says some words
>Talks to himself for 5-10 minutes then is quiet
>Says proof is trivial

Pointless class.

Also was it you who asked about math in moscow on /int/ in /rus/ about year ago?

like i said

>have you considered asking them to prove things that aren't clear or do you just sit there like the typical passive brainlet? do you not pay for your classes? i guess you don't care that you get nothing out of them

its pointless because you let it be pointless you brainlet

no i was there before that

>brainlet calls OP brainlet a brainlet
>still doesn't make you not a brainlet

There's no time to spell out every last detail in lecture. Do your best to fill in the blanks and then ask for help outside class.

Two primary reasons.
1. The professors job is to research not teach, so most professors in all subjects are generally subpar when it comes to teaching.
2. How do you teach math? It's literally just a system of logic, either you get it or you don't. There's not much a professor can do to get you to understand that 1 + 1 = 2, if you don't just get it. Those are the rules of the system and those rules lead to that outcome. That's just how it is, there's nothing to explain in any real sense.

I did math up to differential equations for my university degree. All of the professors were either dicks or unintelligible immigrants. Chemistry profs are much more personable.

Maybe the proof is actually trivial and you're just too stupid.

Professors don't do maths problems on the lectures, they give the theorems, proofs and explain them (or more often say they're left as an exercise)

Why do lectures exist at all? Do you actually learn by listening someone reading textbook for you?

Why don't universities hire people just for teaching? There are excellent researchers who can't teach shit and there are people too inteligent to research but who know enough to teach and are great at it? Why force some old dude who's doing some spooky ass research to teach calc I or college algebra to brainlets?

At least he's better than the silent autistes who allow him to get away with getting paid while not doing his job.

I mean just stand up and say something like "Oh can you walk us through that? I mean I'm only new to this, and not as proficient as you are, so I don't follow how to solve it, or how to identify whether or not something is trivial to solve in a timely manner".

>Why don't universities hire people just for teaching? There are excellent researchers who can't teach shit and there are people too inteligent to research but who know enough to teach and are great at it? Why force some old dude who's doing some spooky ass research to teach calc I or college algebra to brainlets?

It's to keep up the pretense(lie) that in addition to having brilliant academic staff the college also has brilliant students who require access to those staff to function.

>Why don't universities hire people just for teaching?
Some universities do. My university has one person in the math department and at least two in the economics department who don't do any research and just teach classes

One of them was the best prof I've ever had but the other two were completely average.

Good approach and an obvious one t. OP

Grad student in math here. A lot of math professors are pretty shit because they don't have to have great communication skills to be a great mathematician. It's a bit upsetting to those that are good instructors, but also students blow it way out of the water. Math will require a lot of student effort, you will have to struggle through proofs on your own and get stuck with problems to really appreciate anything about the theorems. It's not a go to lecture three times a week and be done sort of subject.

Stop blaming others and just try to learn the material on your own. Go to office hours, ask the TA or ask around on mathstackexchange. Eventually in life people stop handing things to you directly and you have to figure shit out on your own.

>get forced to TA
>schedule office hours at 6pm on Fridays
>take 3 days to respond to email
>get lowest TA rating in the department
>mfw they're making me do it again next year
I'm almost starting to feel bad for these kids. Almost.

I had a math professor who had a resting bitchface like no one else. But the her bitch voice (like the ones girls make when they're acting bitchy) and her bitchface actually made me listen to her lecture more intently. I dunno precisely why. Maybe because she looks like she's looking down on all her students like we're a bunch of idiots who won't understand her anyways and I want to prove her wrong.

yeah liebrals believe that good scientists are good pedagogues.

>2. How do you teach math? It's literally just a system of logic, either you get it or you don't.
This is what undergraduates believe.

Holy shit you are a moron.

have you never heard of the idea of 'taking responsibility for your education'? OP sounds like he just sits there drooling in class while not understanding anything for hours on end, too scared to even voice a complaint

gonna try and fuck her?

>Partially prove theorems, or don't prove them at all calling each theorem trivial
They're left for (You) as an exercise to help you learn the material.
>Speed through more material in 1.5 hours than you can comprehend
That's why (You) are supposed to study outside of class.
>Don't define theorems/definitions on first use. Assume you already know them.
If they are from courses that prereqs then you should already know them.
>Don't provide definitions/theorems needed to prove the theorems/definitions they are using
See my previous points, also read the fucking book.
>Never fully write out proofs, or even definitions
See previous points
>Whenever introducing a concept they think its trivial and don't understand how students don't already know the material
meh you're starting to sound like a whiny undergrad
>Either don't assign a textbook, or literally copy/paste contents of textbook onto the board
(You)r university has a library right? You also have the internet so there are free ebooks available
>Better to just take textbook, skip lecture and work the problems yourself than show up for class
here we go, now we're seeing that (You) are lazy
>Does research no one cares about
>Other autistic math professors think highly of them, so they don't care about teaching evals
(You) do know that those are contradictions right?

But... I I'm supposed to study it it all outside the class from books, why even bother to go to the lecture?

God you're dense. You're not going to learn anything by having someone talk at you for three hours a week and then not thinking about it again. It takes lectures, questions, and independent study. In fact, you should be coming to lecture already having questions.

Heavily this, the only decent response on this thread