>Super political
>Politics infuriates me so much that I get depressed
>Stay as far away from that shit as possible and study science
tfw politics is invading science now
>Super political
>Politics infuriates me so much that I get depressed
>Stay as far away from that shit as possible and study science
tfw politics is invading science now
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naaa it's just /pol/ invading Veeky Forums
I don't understand how people can hate politics or want to stay away from politics. Your own life is absolutely affected by it.
True but I find that paying too much attention to it makes me very mad for no good reason. It's easy to get worked up over stuff that doesn't affect your day to day life that much.
It does affect my life somewhat but there's also very little I can do about it.
>freshman year
Meet a bunch of full SJW professors
>sophomore year
Now every professor seems to be full math autismo, except for 1 guy who is definitely a /pol/ poster.
He hasn't said racist shit because most of the class is non-white but holy shit. The guy is full christcuck and talks about the weirdest conspiracy theories. My favorite one is about how god will soon, probably in my lifetime (his words), come down and burn the entire world and start from 0. He says the signs are already here.
He hasn't said what the signs are but I bet it is Obama being the anti christ or something.
Nobody argues that politics doesn't affect their lives, it just feels like a constant deluge of yelling and disinformation and ulterior motives. It's an enormous amount of work for basically no gain.
especially when considering that your opinion/involvement doesn't change anything, only serves as a conversational topic (a very shitty one at that).
I just do my reading around voting time and hope I made the right choices. Not the best plan but hey.
because politics as discussed by everyone is emotion-filled, pseudo-scientific, sensationalist, misinformation-ridden, agenda-driven, etc. I could go on and on. It's shitty and useless.
>Not the best plan but hey.
Your vote probably doesn't count for much anyway.
i'll take the math autismo over the SJW any day of the week
oh, great logic there. let me extend your logic to other areas, since it's so sound. i guess since only 15% to 25% of muslims are terrorists (CIA, InterPol, ISI, and other world intelligence agencies estimate as of 2014) we should just stop fighting isis, it's not like they will attack us.
Fact: 1% of the russian population was for the october revolution.
Fact: 5% of germans were members of the nazi party.
Fact: 15-25% of 1.2 billion people is 300,000,000 (300 million) that is the same size as the population of the US. You think that's not a problem?
Please, take a class in logic
Trump getting elected has no effected my quality of life one bit.
In fact, I have seen quite literally no change in anything except what is on news channels.
>Please, take a class in logic
Tell me how big a swing is needed in your area for your vote to start to matter.
>15% to 25% of muslims are terrorists
You need a class in math.
How do I distance myself from politics as far as possible? I already try to stop browsing /int/
That told me.
Nothing changes in a palpable way, ever.
The savior of the black race, Pres. Obama, who was supposed to fix all of black America's problems, in fact ignored them like every other president in American history.
why are you still pretending to be retarded
Only a retard would think that's a legitimate source on Veeky Forums.
Climate science has been politicized for decades now.
And lots of corps fund labs to throw shade on the scientific consensus on stuff like tabacco.
>Fact: 1% of the russian population was for the october revolution.
I'd say 95%, as poors were tired as fuck of being slaves