Brainlets will defend this

>Brainlets will defend this

>tfw too intelligent to enjoy art


Disgraceful waste of possible acronyms

>implying there isn't a lack of talented artists/designers/architects in industry
>implying the general attitude towards college for fine arts majors isn't "nah man, just learn on your own, you don't need professional training"

the STEM acronym was originated as propaganda to get more workers into industry. nothing more.


>that broken unicode character inside the M

>tfw one of my favorite professors constantly grabs on to every stem + art rebranding

eatsm meats, teams

There needs to be a proper separate of liberal arts from the actual arts.
Because one is genuinely fucking worthless, and the other is a great contributor to society.
Architecture is highly underrated, as long as you aren't doing all that modernist crap.

most professional artists are doing shit on commission and rarely get to interject their own vision into their work. that modernist crap usually eminates from some dick bag with too much money who hires someone more talented than him to bring his idea to fruition.

if you think the video game industry is bad about "idea guys" you haven't seen shit.

I don't want STEM to be like the LGBT acronym.

I'm fine with it, because now maybe the idiots will shut up about getting more cunts and niggers into STEM, since they would be over-represented in STEAM.

>combining art with stem
>making art with an utilitarian mindset

absolutely disgusting

science will only be valid if it proves white people are evil

>Good news, Mrs. Johnson! We found a way to ART the cancer away!




plenty of overlap of art and engineering in fields like architecture and industrial design.

That being said, i go to a top art school and most attempts to mix the two are complete garbage.

modernist crap? Its far better then making buildings that look like greek or renaissance bullshit forever just because that's what everyone does.

>Vidya games
>Idea guys
No such positions.

>why not SCHTEAM?
>damn slippery-slope

what if we don't like the way things are "progressing" under their version of "progress"? oh right, then we are alt right nazis.

>modernist crap? Its far better then making buildings that look like greek or renaissance bullshit forever just because that's what everyone does.

that's just the consensus of some old fags who can't even calculate an angle using trig ratios. it is also a matter of opinion.

i actually prefer greek or renaissance architecture as it is a part of my heritage. i find most takes on modern architecture offensive, distasteful, and seem to lack a certain aesthetic.

i think the general curved glass building is okay, but the interior decoration and layout is what really sucks. when will the gay-nu-industrial meme die?

>modernist crap? Its far better then making buildings that look like greek or renaissance bullshit forever just because that's what everyone does.
eating feces? Its far better then eating veggies or meat forever just because that's what everyone does

Top fucking kek. Another reason why STEM > STEAM

STEM subjects are their own art

>the acronym keeps getting longer every episode
I want the fat black women to leave

>People don't get art, the thread


Why not


What does this mean?

>people don't get art

Muh subtle message, muh banal one sentence statement you have to read from the colours and the smell of my asshole

>doesn't know how to sage

What did he mean by this ?

>Good news, Mrs. Johnson! We found a way to MATH the cancer away!



>tumblr trying to fit in, the post

I agree, we should remove engineering.

>Bad news, Mrs Johnson! We fucked up all the calculations. You'll die tomorrow.

Do they mean Art as is fine arts or as in the Arts, e.g. social science and humanities? If it's the latter, it could help social science with its rigor problems. If it's the former, why the fuck would we want this?

my uni offers a Digital Philology degree which is basically Computer Science, but with the mathematics and electives parts replaced by humanities like "change in society in the information age"


y tho?

Just wanted to give some constructive suggestions :^)