What is time?

Well, what is it? Does it even exist?

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A concept created as an attempt to rationalize the perpetual motion of the universe

It's a point of reference more than anything else. Our society runs efficiently due to having this point of reference. Should anyone be able to perceive time in a non linear sense then they would literally have a cheat code to life. Having an experience where time seems to slow down, or an out of body where you don't perceive time at all makes you realise that time is created so enable us to have a shared reality.

are you retard? ThisI realized this myself when I questioned myself about time at the age of 12

time = (information*entropy)/gravity

Its 6:51

Time is a funny thing.
Time has always been there.
It could not have a beginning, nor can it end.
It does not rely on anything.
It has no mass. No energy. No master.
Time has no need for space. No need for fuel.
Time is, and therefor are You.

Time is just another dimension of the universe. You experience the other dimensions of our universe spatially - you can move in three dimensions. You experience the dimension of time temporally - as the arrow of time.

Imagine you're playing a video on your PC. Let's imagine that this video represents a universe. You can experience this universe in two spatial dimensions, and one temporal dimension. Unlike our universe, the entire temporal dimension of this video is available to you at once - you can move the indicator back and forth, and experience the video from any point in time, at any speed, in any order.

This is exactly how our universe works, except your time setting only has one function: Play at 1x speed. You can alter this function a little bit, and experience time a little bit differently - using drugs, going to sleep, etc., but you are anchored to this temporal dimension the same way the characters in a video are anchored to their temporal dimension. If you were a 4-dimensional being, you might be able to experience our universe the way you can experience the video - as just another dimension.

Officially, the study of events perceived through motion. Is it an actual factor that is a variable in our universe, or just a human thought experiment that happens to make some sense because we say it does? Beats the hell out of me.

clocks exist

But there does not has to be motion for time to pass.
And before the was Earth, time was a fact.
So, those official remarks are just wrong.

Time's the thing you measure with a clock

But what about the time dilation effect? Time is affected by gravity, and satellites above is need to compensate for their time dilation from us on Earth. Using this idea, it is possible to time travel, albeit only to the future And not back, by orbiting a black hole.

Nope. The is just one time. The time dilation effects to the observer who is not part of the situation in which the dilation accurs, is not even there. That observer being the rest of universe. Same hold for the satellite example. Time is a byproduct, just like a flame. It is just there. A flame is just the result of light passing through extreme differences of temperature. You can not tough a flame, nor time. And while you can manipulate temperature, airflow and fuel, time does not need anything to exist. Nothing at all.

In the practical sense but not a fundamental level, just like everything else

Reading my own post
>need nothing at all

There is a linguistic error in that. Still...

We can measure it so I assume it exists

That's an interesting theory, except the fact that it comes from 'science' that was spoonfed and hasn't be independently verified, regardless of what 'authoritative sources' have told us.
Consider that it may be, while 'mathematically beautiful', bullshit


Stephen Hawking has the best explanation for what time is. Read his book "A Brief History of Time". It was a best seller.


>relativity hasn't been verified
wew lad

The progression of time is the state of the universe in which the entropy is increased irreversibly.

When comparing two states to one another, the one that's the "past" state is the one that has the lesser disorder. In order to talk about the past and present within a context, you have to set a standard and that standard is time.

How is time and entropy of the universe related?

Time is the thing that keeps everything from happening at once

If you had no conventional way to measure time, like a clock, you'd use the movement of celestial bodies. The sun rises, in order to do so, earth rotates, the sun undergoes lots of fission reactions etc, all of them increases the entropy of the universe.

So the new state you observe (the sunrise) would be the increased entropic state of the universe, and then to further follow such phenomena you'd start using a unit of measurement. "The sun rises above the horizon a finger lenght, lets call this an hour", and by doing so you create the concept of time.

The truth is we don't really know what time is or why it can only move in one direction

there is no good explanation of the underlying mechanism that drives time

Every number less then zero is man made. Pointing out the Now is stop time, so the moment can be analyzed. A lot of Now moment create the illusion of going back but it is not. It's still in the present that you analyse it.
The only negative number there is, is debt, and is man made.
In nature their is only 1, multiple times 1 or none.
Going back in time is what shows us what is wrong with math. In theory you can go back if you use the right formula. But that's all it is. Linguistic art to represent unrealistic fantasies.

Entropy increases over time. Thats it man.

>concept created
Our methods of measurement were created by us, time was not. Time exists with or without us. If it didnt, there would not be a chronological order to anything in the universe. Meteors could not hit planets because the planet couldnt form first to give the meteor a target to hit. You dont get wet when you walk outside because it rained yesterday.

>perpetual motion of the universe
The universe is not in any state of perpetual motion. Energy is conserved, changed, and transmitted. It is never destroyed. I dont think you know what perpetual motion is.

You are either replying to your own post or are just as retarded for confirming that anons objectively false statement. Either way you are in no position to call anyone retarded.

This is about as close to knowing what time is as we can get.

>Entropy increases over time. Thats it man.
I read that entropy causes time.

So, it's either:

1) Entropy causes time and time arrow; or
2) Time is the cause of entropy.

Not sure how science untangles cause and effect. Anyone know any good references on cause & effect and how to think about them?

If energy never dies, pointing out an primal cause is impossible, since it has started way before. The paradox/fault in the claim.
Not all time is entropy related. The time I take to shit normally takes just as long as the episode I watch on my phone or a conversation an the internet takes.
Also the time it take to reach a climax during sex has not much to do with entropy, more on effort and comfort.

If change occurs in (3D) space, time happens.

Time doesn't really exist. If you want proof, just go back to some of those old catchphrases.

>time flies when you're having fun!

If you become completely immersed in something, you lose track of time. Time only exists if you let it exist. That's why boredom is the ultimate enemy of mankind. Because when we are bored, we experience time in its entirety. It's agonizing.

>If you become completely immersed in something, you lose track of time. Time only exists if you let it exist.
Time's not anthropomorphic.

Nigger everything is anthropomorphic.

So if it weren't for human mind, universe wouldn't exist?

The universe is in the mind

I dont think entropy causes time or that time causes entropy. I think the two are just mutally bound to eachother. If all entropy in the universe stopped (you stop aging, sun stops emmiting light, heat stops radiating outward, no energy is expended anywhere) it would be indistinguishable from time stopping. I dont think one causes another as much as they are ideas based on nearly identical concepts.

>The universe is in the mind
Whose mind tho?

This is a troll post but i will tell you why its wrong anyway. Time is there no matter what, reguardless of your perception. When you go to sleep, time doesnt cease to exist. When you dive into a lake you dont break your neck because it was frozen previously. There is an order of events to the universe and for there to be an order of events time must exist. Your PERCEPTION of time is what changes, atomic clocks dont care if you are having fun, the rate of time remains the same.

While watching the video on the toilet your phone is draining the battery turning its energy into light and heat, increasing entropy. Your body is giving off heat using chemical energy obtained from food, which also increases entropy. During sex, every time you move a muscle you are taking stored chemical energy, turning it into kinetic energy, before it is dissipated as heat. Guess what? More entropy. All time is entropy related and all entropy is time related. End of story. Quit trying to be cute, take that shit to /b/. On Veeky Forums we discuss facts until the thread becomes overrun with schizophrenics, then move on.

It's generally accepted that if time stops, motion must stop with it. But if motion stops, time may continue? Does time even matter if there is no entity that can observe it?

Time is a measurement. Much like meters, in the sense that it's "reality" doesn't really matter, it's just a measurement. It's a way to track the order of events that happened from most recent to least recent. Much like a meter stick can measure distances, clocks are measuring time. "Distances" don't really exist, it's just how we keep track of it. It's our way for understanding the world around us mathematically.

• Time could be like a loop running a function, where the input of the function is the current moment in time, the operations within the function is the laws of physics, and the output is the next moment in time. This is how physics are done in games, you take the variables from the current frame, insert them into the functions which you have defined in your code, and use them to calculate the next frame. This would mean that time would have to be divisible into a finite number of events. It would also mean that the rate at which energy transfers from one state to another would have to be done in finite chunks.


time is a chain of cause and effect that's infinite on either end, it's universal
how we measure time is where relativity comes into play

what about vacuum energy fluctuations though they can have an entropic effect on black holes or be used as a catalyst in chemical reactions

>But there does not has to be motion for time to pass
yes there does, it's called entropy


Entropy is set in motion, so it will continue, but time does not depend on it.
They may co-exist, but entropy needs time, not the other way around.

No, duration is. Time is independent.


Yes, because due time new entities can evolve to observe it and it's history. Like we do now on planet earth.

A discussion does not rely on entropy to end. It relies on emotion partly influenced by the weight of the discussion. Just accept the fact that your fancy term "entropy " is not the answer. Pretty hard for you, I'd guess. So, behind that mask of intellectual language there is just a small person who has the urge to be in control, just to make it through the moment. You are like a spoiled youngster, to educated to be social, yet to protected to interact with actual people.

The discussion itself creates more entropy. Where do you think the energy to run your internet machine came from?

But the length of the discussion does not depend on the machines energy per se.
You talk like a religious retard, you need the answer to be entropy, because deep down you don't understand. You just learned to use 'big' words.

Time is something incredibly difficult to grasp; first we can muse on it as a measurement of motion of events, but this comes nowhere near the notion of time in our day-to-day life. How can we speak of the future if it hasn't occurred? How can we even speak of the past, and is every notion of a single past event the same, or is a particular past event constantly being covered up and remodeled? What even is the present? How is it that the past and future both occur but also do not occur in the present? Or is it that each of these occurs 'simultaneously' within some kind of temporal sphere? Not to mention the notion(s) of history; not only as the scientific study, which can somehow reveal multiple understandings of the same period, but also one's 'subjective' history, which scientific history is embedded in, but also which is embedded itself in scientific history.

Discovery channel tier "science"

Through general relativity which is proven, space-time does exist. Time isn't just an illusion resulting from consciousness, but changes depending on velocity.

strong evidence in recent lab experiments that the future physically determines the past as much as the past physically determines the future. causality is in fact unlinked with the "arrow of time", but instead travels both directions along the dimension of time

time is a dimension and the universe is space-time

it all seems weirder when you talk about it than it really is because our language doesn't have the best fitting words to describe space-time

Hey I watched interstellar too!

racist magazine

Hey you're a faggot!

>causality is in fact unlinked with the "arrow of time", but instead travels both directions along the dimension of time
wtf? link to papers please?