Book list thread
Book list thread
That list is a joke right?
Don't even need to make up a meme. A /pol/-tier string theorist already wrote a book on them.
kek did someone from /pol/ edit the wiki page to say quick rundown?
Holy fuck I can't stop laughing
Read this. Now.
its already gone
someone must have changed it just before I went to the page
pic related forthcoming soon-ish
Riemann hypothesis 2nd draft coming this weekend. It is nice.
Bogdanoffs already solved riemann hypothesis back in 1998. Nobody wants people to know this.
no i bet you just lied
>How to become mentally ill
Anyone who seriously invests time into studying from a textbook is a dweeb. One should learn by doing, and use the text as reference material.
Textbooks usually have exercises, aka things which you "do". How do you do your doing, superior intelligence man?
how do you 'do' quantum mechanics
how do you 'do' philosophy
how do you 'do' meth
science isn't about knowing what we already think but determining exactly what it is that we might know in the future
neural networks are spooky
> Veeky Forums
> The Bible
take it back to
why do you recommend precalculus mathematics in a nutshell?
serious question, i need a book like that but there are many choices.
give me the quick rundown
I ordered this yesterday. What am I in for Veeky Forums?
>I don't know how wikis work
is this chart true? If I read the god tier books will I become a good programmer or just some guy who knows how to read a book about programming?
I've not read this exact book, but chaos is an incredibly interesting field of study. It appears in many different systems across a wide range of scientific areas.
found the popsci fan