>build wall that extends into bedrock
>coat the sides with teflon and razor wire
>place seismic sensors near the bottom to detect people digging
Build wall that extends into bedrock
Loses to a ladder.
This should be the shape. No hooks/ladders
>put ladder against wall
>slips down as soon as you put weight on it
>fall into razor wire
That's what the tefflon was for.
this too, an overhang will defeat the ladders. Unless they are going to dangle twenty feet up in the air while they mine through cement.
Better yet, close it
you could make a really big ladder and get over
you could build a rocketship too.
Could have just made a canal, you could get your money back that way with fare tolls for shipping Pacific-Atlantic route.
>cut big trench
>Mexico float away
Digging canales are kind of more indepth than you think, chump.
Nice pun
There will be some number of illegal-crossing attempts and undoubtedly they will be successful.
The answer is to shoot enough of them that it set's an example and acts as a deterrent
>Cut down Science funds
>Waste money building a useless wall
Got to please Rural America
Not addressed by the specifications.
I'll admit I chuckled.
The cost of the wall is variously estimated, but I see a reasonable one that says it would cost around $21 billion. The population of Mexico is around 122.3 million, rough;ly half of those are in poverty and thus the most likely to immigrate illegally.
So for the same money we could just give every poor person in Mexico $340 to stay home, which is a lot of money in a third world poverty festival like Mexico.
Then just enforce existing immigration laws.
walls are actually very effective. see israel, china, east/west germany, and of course mexico's southern border.
Kek then why is he cutting their social programs
Rural america btfo
>let's emulate a bunch of repressive regimes
They are so cucked that they will cheer as Trump gives them a golden shower
>The berlin wall was effective.
monorail on top of the wall
a metric fuckton of solar panels
This "green factor" would make it a lot more difficult for democrats to tear down Trump's wall the moment he leaves office.
The wall is endangered more by the democrats than by Mexicans/Central Americans
Isn't that the point, though?
Even poor rural America prioritizes jobs over "social programs" (read: government tit). The trend has been increasing welfare dependency as good paying jobs have gone overseas. Independence within a nation is a good thing, gross dependence leads to disaster.
>unclimbable wall
It was.
They value getting their neighbors' programs cut more than getting more for themselves. Also many American Christians view taking welfare and not being employed as sinful, view wealth as being indicative of God's favor, and basically view the state as idolatrous.
Alas user will feel the shame upon his name forever, for the Berlin wall twas effective.