How do you think people interpret math differently? Some people get it, some people don't. Pic not related
How do you think people interpret math differently? Some people get it, some people don't. Pic not related
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the people who don't get it aren't studying or trying hard enough
No, they just don't have the brainpower. Don't shame people who can't do math, it's not their fault.
This Not this
>HURR all humans are clones!
You dumb bastard.
I think I don't get math when its quantifying something with no apparent earthly qualities. Like what are the numbers suppose to represent. I get derivatives because they represent change over time. I dont get differential equations at the moment though
differential equations are about as earthly as you can get...
>i don't put in enough effort to understand math so that means others can't either!!
you dumb bastard
Define earthly
People are generally bad at math because they don't like math. Because if they don't like math then they won't put much time into studying it. And if you don't study something, you can't be good at it.
Umm relevant to life on earth. You know that planet we live on. Sometimes math just seems like cool number tricks. Im only studying differential equations to understand Huxley-hodgkins models for my transhuman desires
>I can't even manage basic grammar!
You really are a fool.
Differential equations are one of the most relevant fields to everyday life... the descriptions of all basic physical phenomena come from solving simple differential equations
I don't think it's a math specific issue. I think it has more to do with thinking too linearly. My experience is that those who are good at math are good at making logical leaps and approaching problems from multiple viewpoints. That lets them break out of the formulaic way that (US) students are taught to do math.
Example of said physical phenomena please
Pretty much everything not quantum, and a good bit of quantum stuff.
are you retarded brainlet? try using google
The ability to understand a subject is based on desire. Some want to learn math. Some don't want to learn math. Some are indifferent to learning math.
It's so boring that it causes me physical discomfort, and is a microcosm of the mindless hoop jumping that academia generally is. I associate math with the dumb, insufferable cunts who think "work ethic" is a virtue.
>Muh brainpower
We all have the same "brainpower" (if that means anything) you moron, is just that we use our thinking energy in a different way for different problems, someone good at math is because the way his neurons are connected (topology?) its more efficient to math, and so on
You know, maybe I just wanted to socialize and wanted your opinion. If your a loser IRL, your ugly personality could be the cause.
LOL that reminds me of when my friend said he was more spiritual than me because I associated the brain with the self. Philosophy majors amiright
I've seen incredibly dumb people who could solve difficult math problems.
Give me a single paper that proves some people have considerably more activity in the brain than others
If "brainpower" proves intelligence then mensa-tier people would have many times more speed in the brain than a brainlet, but I'm pretty sure if you put both in a MRI theres no important differences and therefore brains dont work like engines.
Maybe they weren't dumb after all. They just played it or had their skills concentrated at one point.
Do not be offended. My point was that my friend thought he was more spirtual than me which I thought was a ludicrous statement because Saying your more spirtual is like saying you have more brain power.. Whatever spiritual even means frankly the term doesn't really describe anything real.
Its bullshit. Math is the easiest thing to understand. Its intentionally designed to be easy to understand. If you can understand high abstract concepts like communication, interaction with the internet, music and reading, you can understand maths. The problem is, a lot of math is abstract and just doesn't offer any tangable reward or use for early learners. Most people can get through life without learning algebra, so there's no incentive to learn.
No you haven't.
In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them